King Hades Aestus is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

King Hades Aestus (495545)"the final goodbye"

Last Active: 2015-01-10 23:41:02
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,921
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles12 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779954 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779954 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record25,954/73,511/327
Win %27%
Last KilledSeph
Last Killed ByTuesday Shìffy ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Queen Persephone Aestus
Harmony Argantael

King Hades Aestus has 35 friends View All Friends


 photo ChuckNorrisT.gif  photo BeallaHeader2_zpse03ee29a.png  photo NulliSecundusRed.png



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King Hades Aestus's average rating out of 97 rates is 7.59/10


Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2014-02-21 09:44:54

LOVE... the Chuck Norris thingy!! :) Great profile!!
Ala D.Cavara™Blackthorn (627505)

2013-07-16 00:22:26

You have given King Hades Aestus a rating of 10.
Vibeke Freak HateMachine™ (645088)

2013-07-04 16:08:02

You have given King Hades Aestus a rating of 10
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2013-06-06 21:10:02

You have given King Hades Aestus a rating of 10. [Back]
[Crim] (579447)

2013-05-23 11:14:54

*wanders in with peanut butter cookies and a glass of the <I>good</I> stuff*
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-17 01:41:52

Well we have barely left the bedroom so... *wags brows* Love you too babes.
Ezri Gealtach™ (499272)

2013-05-16 21:22:54

King is so much better Father :)
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-15 18:17:50

*Yawns and stretches lazily in their bed. Turning on her side to face him, fingers playfully trailing down his abdomen.* I am never rested when you're around you know.
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-13 04:08:06

Or they plot to kill me behind my back in tithe case they are a fine breed indeed. *Sly grin* Love the flowers but not nearly as much as you baby.
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-11 21:32:21

Love ya baby. xxx
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-09 07:46:30

*A sly grin slowly formed at the corners of her crimson lips, her skin tingling from his gentle touch. Her right hand draping casually around his neck whilst tilting her own to gain him better access.* Hey baby.
[Crim] (579447)

2013-05-07 20:30:34

*Takes a bite outta Chuck Norris*
Lydea Mey (292043)

2013-05-07 14:15:20

I'm a bit thick at times, so I don't pay attention to things, but I see you married Perse. Congrats to you both! ^^ Doubtful you will respond, but I do hope you are well. Good luck out there in the world.
Kathrina E. M. Obolensky (370680)

2013-05-03 23:04:32

I think I should give you this back. *looks inocently* You tore out Lord Hades Aestus (495545)'s heart. Tho I must confess I wasn't sure Devil has a heart.
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-03 00:59:28

First week of many baby. Love you. Muah xxxx
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-02 19:34:44

*A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt the strength of his hands close in on her frame, making her yield to the rock solid force that was his body. His eyes blazing with that fiery passion she knew all too well. Heavy lidded violet orbs peered up at him through half parted lips. She was intoxicated and solely his.*
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-02 09:43:31

*She meat the heat in his gaze with a smoldering look of her own, licking her lips and pressing her frame against his.* I am glad my words can give you some solace, my love. I shall cherish it always.
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-02 08:12:53

*Her hand closed over his before turning to face him. She swallowed once, searching for the perfect words to say. She just stood staring at him in awe, shaking her head slightly. When she finally did speak her voice was flat and soft.* I won't leave you again...ever. Our love is renewed, rejuvenated.
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-02 07:40:26

*Hand extended to trace the delicate petals of the flower, gently. The features on her face softened with adoration and awe.* You kept it all this time? Why not give it to me sooner babe?
Queen Persephone Aestus (213921)

2013-05-02 07:29:39

*Eye perks up as she peered down at the flower, smiling softly.* Of course I do.

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