Calix Avery PAHS Hewitt is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Calix Avery PAHS Hewitt (499678)"Lorelei Grace Price (475381) has accepted your proposal, you are now married."

Last Active: 2012-07-18 06:05:14
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,907
Karma+/Verve+52 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationCanada
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779912 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779912 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record68,540/121,730/158
Win %37%
Last KilledLavender Raine ...
Last Killed ByEupraxia
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenBlood Bound Royals
Coven Title (Rank)Blood Lord / Lorelei`s Love (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 0+



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I can try and tell you right now, in words of how much I love you.

I could list off every cliche and mean it.

I would write a poem with many words, and make it an intricate piece of love. Photobucket

But in order for me to be able to really let you and everyone else know just how much I love you, I need a lifetime. In which I promise to get to know you better than I do now. In which time you will see my love grow more vast and deep than it is now.

I love you more than words can say, and actions can show. I love you more than my own life. There is nothing I wouldn`t do for you Butterfly.

There was a time, after we met that I realized my feelings for you, but it was not the time for us. Time passed and I began to think that fate had us steered in different directions, but it seems as though fate was showing us and teaching us lessons, before we could be together.

It is so rare that we crave something so bad, and fate has us destined otherwise. So I knew with you it was a matter of time, and here we are, in this moment; this is our time. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I will take this lifetime to show you just that.

Those are my vows to you. Not for IG, but they work for here too. But these are my vows to you RL. I hope you know that and forever cherish that. I love you. Forever and Always.

Lord Calixto Avery Psychotic Aestus Hellfire Sainte Hewitt
Photobucket Photobucket




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Calix Avery PAHS Hewitt's average rating out of 77 rates is 8.65/10


Lili Mae (441045)

2015-10-01 04:38:29

I miss you sooo very much, Calix you were so many different things to me family, friend but most of all you were my best friend and I was one of yours. There are so many people here that I know still think of you daily and It hurts but I know you are resting well. Rest in Peace Honey We all Miss you! [3]
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2015-09-18 04:27:37

Pain, even when it cut so deep and burns so viciously always becomes a distant memory in our souls; however, it is still a memory, still a scar, and in the quiet hour of the evening we remember. We remember the ones we loved, cried with, laughed with. On this 17th day of September I write this memoriam to you. [c=red]I did not know you personally, I did not know your smile. Yet as I reminisce I know so many miss your smile. You clearly touched the lives, of those you'd never meet. You were their quiet confidence, so loving and so sweet. I pray that you are smiling on us from up above and that those who loved you most tonight will feel my love.[/] RIP [3]
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2013-02-22 23:18:25

I love you
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2013-02-14 20:20:56

Happy Son Love Day, Babyboy
Raquel Rae. (589156)

2013-02-13 00:32:11

Oh, Cal.. you are missed. Now and then I think about you and Grant and how things would have been so much different if you were still here.. I suppose there are certain things you learn to live with over a period of time and this is no exception. I miss you buddie, and lord only knows how much your advice is needed right about now.
Alyona Vasiliev™ (475381)

2013-02-05 00:46:50

Calix Avery PAHS Hewitt has been given love 227 times; I added to Mids.. I really miss you, Love.. Especially right now..
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2013-02-04 23:06:06

Calix Avery PAHS Hewitt has been given love 100 times I love you, from the very first day upon having you in my arms, and I will continue, to love you, from this day on.
Retired (468693)

2013-01-11 03:04:54

I miss you more than words can even say about now.
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2012-12-24 23:07:40

Dear my handsome, first ever, son. My loving blue-man. Although you aren't around this christmas to be able to share it with me, I love you dearly and I will never stop loving you, because you're always apart of my heart. Love your Dad, that has never stopped loving you, no matter what. xoxox
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2012-12-19 06:47:46

I love you, my lil blue-man, forever and for always.
Alyona Vasiliev™ (475381)

2012-12-07 15:12:10

I miss you, my love..
BODHI (578118)

2012-11-09 10:12:58

Love you
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2012-11-04 22:21:52

Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son! Love you Son!
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2012-10-30 01:11:40

Calix, I'm mostly here to pray to you and perhaps its a little bit stupid but at the moment its all I have left. Keep watch over my baby brother and if he tries to join you, then please give him a kick up the ass back to us, he's so young, and I can't watch him slip away from me too. I know most come here to pay tribute to you as I have done so myself, but today I'm here to say a prayer to you and ask for your help. Maybe its a little stupid, maybe not but it's all I've got..
Selena Valtierri (275588)

2012-10-24 03:06:37

I know it has been over year since your passing, but I haven't been able to find the words to express to you, my old friend. You were like a father to me, when I was married to your son, James, and even after we divorced. You were still there to comfort me. When I left RoB for a few months and then came back, you welcomed me with a warm bear hug and the biggest smile ever. My only regret is that I did not know you as much as I wanted to. Now, I am married to one of your sons yet again. Please watch over Max and keep him safe. You are in a better place, Calix, among the angels. I miss you all the time, but it warms me knowing that you're keeping us all safe. I miss you dearly, and I always will.
BODHI (578118)

2012-10-21 12:49:40

Midnight Sainte (331928)

2012-10-20 11:32:36

Hey my dear son, I am back here again, because I miss you dearly, wishing that you where around with that special way of being able to make me constantly smile, you've always been apart of me in many ways, and you will continue to be, it's just passed three months since you've been gone, it doesn't feel right to not have you around by my side, although some may think that I've treated your memory horribly, I just can't control the way I feel when it comes to you, whenever you came into that room, you just lit up the sky, or if you walked through the city, it would glow.. of blue, and green.. it would be like you're own world, but it had me apart of it. I will continue to love you from this day, onward, you are apart of me everywhere, you influenced me in so many ways, not to give up around the months when I was sick, I just wish you where here so I could tell you how well I'm doing and see you just that once more.. I love you, always.. Dad.
Retired (468693)

2012-10-18 11:45:35

You have a team of protectors, watching you each ToH. I will not let people continue to kill you out of disrespect.
BODHI (578118)

2012-10-18 11:32:00

I love you and I am sorry.
Raquel Rae. (589156)

2012-10-12 02:14:23

You are greatly missed dear friend.

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