Lady Death is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Lady Death (5)"Losing is what I am used too, why would I ever think differently."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 00:07
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days701 / 648
Game Age6,684
Karma+/Verve+-807 / 1,095
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles280 (+25%) See All
Missions R/P/S631/572/34
Battle Record775,838/175,331/600
Win %82%
Last Killedprettyhatemach ...
Last Killed ByPanth Frostbea ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent588
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)La Dame de la Morte (50)
Coven VirtueMature Red Dragon (14)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 88mil+



List 7

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750k+ Wins

100k+ Power

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Married to Tine Darkheart (725648) for 2169 days

23 Family Members

Vitality 860    Charm 38
RP Posts 1    Coven RP Posts 80
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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Lady Death's average rating out of 832 rates is 8.47/10


Erella Voronoy™ (157800)

2024-01-21 02:15:18

I say yet again... FUCKER!!! [lmfao]

You have given Beliani a rating of 10.
Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2023-10-08 01:27:01

To my momma, I am not perfect. In fact there may be days you want to strangle me but know this I will fuck people up for you. Yeah. They will cry and rant, “oh look at what your daughter has done”, but if I have to do it they have earned it. The moment you accepted me is the moment you became mine to and I shall love the momma.

Alpha Killa Sainte (736878)

2023-09-30 17:01:46

[I][c=pink] "Dropping off some love for RoBs most wonderful grandmother. [3] I love you Nana.. [hug][/][/I]
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2023-06-21 23:26:16

Oh mother dear, your sweetness is so rare,
Endless love like the sea, beyond compare.
Your gentle touch, a warm embrace,
A soothing balm, a peaceful space.

Your love is like a beacon bright,
Guiding me through the darkest night.
A mother's love, a precious gift,
A bond unbroken, a heart uplifted.

Oh mother dear, your love is pure,
A treasure that forever will endure.
May your love forever shine,
A light that guides this heart of mine.

love always Deamon Whispers
Lord Astiroth (28)

2012-01-10 23:42:40

:-D You are wicked, wicked good! <3
CeCe (245220)

2024-08-18 04:01:50

good to see you.
rated you a 10!
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2024-08-05 17:24:07

You have given Lady Death a rating of 10.
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-07-23 01:41:37

I am taking it aswell for high cholesterol... I changed my name to Atorvastatin so I remember to take it as I been forgetting lately... I guess odd in a good way lol?

Hehe...I always love you too big sister!!! pppqqqppp
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-07-10 03:58:58

Thank-you very much. I greatly appreciate that and am happy that you loves it, too. [nod] qq (hyper) (hyper) (hyper) [3]

You have given Lady Death a rating of 10.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2024-07-08 20:08:08

A ten for you.
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2024-06-24 18:18:16

You have given Lady Death a rating of 10.
Anara (720042)

2024-06-21 17:43:14

Thank you momma ❤️
Lord Armand of Wolfsblood (15951)

2024-06-13 03:19:26

No arguments there lol
Lord Armand of Wolfsblood (15951)

2024-06-13 03:18:25

2024-06-13 03:17
R Lady Death (5) Poured Coffee on you in battle.
Thanks for the Java I guess :D
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-06-05 15:42:31

You have given Lady Death a rating of 10.🤠🤠🤠
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these matching profiles!
Anara (720042)

2024-06-01 07:21:55

Thank you so much 💓
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-06-01 05:26:14


Leaves a feather.
vhlad (743771)

2024-05-19 23:54:53

You have given Lady Death a rating of 10.
love your page and ty for the training boost
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-05-08 05:19:21

Leaves a Wet Stone to keep her War Sword sharp :)
Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2024-04-24 23:32:06

I'm good, momma just wanted you to know I am thinking about you

Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent red roses.
Merry Christmas from Shaunan-E Powers (51876)
Happy Birthday from Lydea Mey (292043) - 1 Bag of Reese`s PB Cups!
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent Tropical Rush body mist.
Bride of Chocula (353331) sent Purple Orchids as exotic as YOU!.
†Đeĺmon-WhI§p€r§ † (163379) sent red roses.
I Love you from †Deamon-Kephra-Whispers† (163379) - The best Mother in ROB
SHAUNI (51876) sent Chocolate Bunny Easter Egg..
I Love you from Anara (720042)
Thinking of you from Anara (720042)

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