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Evelyn Garcia Ravenwood (504015)"I just want revenge for my lovers death. I'm not completely dark"

Last Active: 2013-06-12 20:31:12
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Game Age4,891
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record18,628/49,449/501
Win %28%
Last KilledChaos
Last Killed ByQuentin Chase ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer
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Name: Evelyn Garcia Ravenwood
Mortal Age: 18
Actual Age: 4791
Appearence: Brown hair, Golden eyes(once were green), Pale, Tall, Slim and slender, Wears unusual clothing, Sneakers.
Species: Caster(Witch)/Succubus Hybrid
Teleportation(Ripping): A Succubus can travel anywhere they want to go. They just have to think of it then they`re there.
Casting: A Caster has the ability to cast anything within their power.
Kelting: A Caster has the ability to kelt with those people they are close to. They have to share a special bond and the other person can not be mortal. Kelting is a way to communicate within each others minds.
Manipulating the whether: As a Caster Evelyn can manipulate the whether according to her mood.
Shapeshifting: A Succubus has the ability to shift into whatever form she wishes though prefers that of a human being.
Super Strength: Succubi are a lot stronger than Mortals.
Super Speed: Succubi are a lot faster than Mortals and also their male counter parts, Incubi`s.
Mother: Selene Ravenwood
Father: Gavner Ravenwood
Brother: John Ravenwood
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Biography: Evelyn is the first ever hybrid of her species to be created. She was more of a science experiment created by her mother and father to do their evil biddings. Her mother is a Dark Caster also known as an Evo. Evo`s can become Mortal for a period of time therefore being able to create Hybrid babies. Her father is a Blood Incubus. A dark demon that preys on Mortals for their blood.
Though Evelyn was created for such evil she fights her dark nature resisting the urge to feedon Mortal blood and only taking their dreams and memories instead. She only takes the ones that they do not want to remember. Usually her kind have to live life in the darkness of the night as they would burn but with her blood mixed with that of a Casters she is able to walk outside during the day if she wishes.
She has one younger brother who chose the life of darkness bbut with whomb she is still close to called John Ravenwood. He was created for the same purpose as she was not long after her parents found out that she was a disgrace to the family and banished her from it.
Soon aftershe fell in love with a Mortal named Carlos Everton. Though it was impossible for them to be together without her killing him if they ever took it too far they loved each other more than anything. They found a way to co-exist and be together until she had no choice but to make him an Incubus. He was cast to the shadows and she gave up the brightness of the day to stay with him because nothing else mattered. Like her he fought his dark nature with her help and fed only on dreams and memories.
A few years later her father killed him and she was so grieve stricken that she stopped fighting and became dark her eyes changing from green to bright gold. Now she is a blood thursty killer searching for revenge.
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Evelyn Garcia Ravenwood's average rating out of 28 rates is 9.00/10


Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2013-11-01 17:59:12

I miss you!!
Absolom DC MacCausland (578431)

2013-01-28 18:34:52

O.o oh k then
Absolom DC MacCausland (578431)

2013-01-28 15:40:26

You sa back?? o.o
V.L Earth+Sky & S+M (168326)

2013-01-26 04:10:40

Have a good life. I will enjoy drinking your blood
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2013-01-25 18:02:13

Brosi. No. No. No!
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2013-01-25 02:19:27

swifty hahahaa
Absolom DC MacCausland (578431)

2013-01-23 18:55:45

Aww bye niecey
Sadira Ravenwolf (505430)

2013-01-22 05:15:52

Ill miss you hope everything works out for you im very glad to have had the joy of hving you as my sister on here even tho we may not have talked as much you ll always be in.my heart
Roxanne (515841)

2013-01-17 05:45:25

Love you Auntie!!<3
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2013-01-16 17:02:37

. Always -snugglehuggles her daughter-
Aspen Jacob Ettore (388987)

2013-01-10 01:33:50

I know you'd do everything to prevent that. Keep after you're mother okay? Least I ask of.
Aspen Jacob Ettore (388987)

2013-01-09 20:38:32

I love you too,dear. If anyone ever tried,they'd get what's coming to them! Tenfold!
Aspen Jacob Ettore (388987)

2013-01-09 20:17:55

She says that the marriage has ran it's course. And that she wants to do other things. There really wasn't any communication between us partly due to issues out of our control so she divorced me. Didn't want to but did it anyway.

2013-01-08 21:01:25

I love you my angel <3 hoping you're well and safe, missing you, hope to see you soon. ~Joey~ <333333
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2013-01-08 18:38:29

I love you, always.
Aspen Jacob Ettore (388987)

2013-01-08 17:42:27

I'm assuming your mother has told you,she's leaving me right? Don't worry,I won't make you choose. Do as you wish,just know I'll always love you,my dear.
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2013-01-07 08:47:50

All right cool then
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2013-01-05 10:15:05

*Smirks* I will but promise me you wont bite Princess ;)
†Ðeamon Whispers† (163379)

2013-01-04 17:58:36

You have given Katniss Everdeen a rating of 10. I love the character Katnis she so beautiful
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2013-01-04 14:05:25

;) <3

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