†Øц Adeline Matthews is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

†Øц Adeline Matthews (505080)"To live after death is to truly live."

Last Active: 2020-01-02 01:54:28
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Game Age4,887
Karma+/Verve+9 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusAlive (28779914 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779914 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record6,602/12,224/67
Win %36%
Last KilledSuperman Prima ...
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Born into a life of uncertainty, Adeline suffered a rough childhood. Burdened by the abusive hand of a continuously drunk father, she craved the affection of her mother. But with five other brothers and sisters, all of younger ages than herself, Adeline had little time to be given. In stead, the young girl withdrew into herself, spending hours on end curled in a battered ball on her warn bed. Only when her father barged in and beat her without mercy, did Adeline retreat from her abode into the darkest depths of their unknown town.

Shadowed alleys and dark street corners were her comfort; places where she could just be alone. Those areas were where Adeline could emerge from her shell and watch the world. That is, what submerged, disgusting part of the world her town offered to be seen. Graced to have been born in a time of no gangs, she had no need to worry about potential dangers lurking in the shadows along with her.

On a sad day when Adeline`s father had dealt her a punishing blow to the right eye, she retreated once again from her home to be alone. Her time of quiet was short lived though; as hidden eyes watched her tears fall. Unable to see a young girl in such a state, the eyes emerged from the shadows to form a male`s body. With outstretched hands, he approached Adeline carefully and took a seat beside her, cringing at the sight of her swollen eye.

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"It`ll be okay. I`m here now," he cooed. Adeline did not understand why his words had such an effect on her, but her sobs ceased moments after. Not even knowing the man whom offered her a caring hand, she rested her right cheek upon his shoulder and never spoke a word. The two sat in silence for the remainder of the night, his left arm wrapped comfortingly around her shaking shoulders. His look proved his age of 20 years, four years Adeline`s senior. Never did he move from his position.

That night began a special bond. Every evening Adeline would emerge from her home and sneak into town, where she would meet the strange man that seemed to care about her. In times of stress, he would offer her his comforting embrace as a real father would and in times of relaxation, he would merely sit and talk quietly with Adeline, not once mentioning his name. Their secret meetings went on for weeks before he finally opened up and admitted his title of Percival, an even more unique name than Adeline itself.

“So, where do we go from here?” Adeline asked in a hushed tone as she glanced at the older being beside her. Percival remained quiet for a few tense moments, as if going over the unexpected question in his mind. As Adeline watched him think, she couldn’t help but feel that there was more than just a regular man behind those caramel eyes. With a deep breath, he looked down and responded with, “We keep doing as we’ve been. Although in secret, we shall continue to see one another.” Knowing that Percival hadn’t had enough of her already was a real wakeup call. She had been mistreated and dragged down all of her sixteen years of life. With him, it was as if she could start anew.

With those words spoken, Adeline and Percival kept their words true. For the next two years they met every night. As Adeline grew and matured over the years, it was as if Percival stayed the same. She never questioned his looks though, afraid it would offend him and he’d be lost. As she grew, so did her way of picturing him. Percival went from being the perfect fatherly figure to the man she wanted to spend her life with. His kind words and caring hands had her tied to him from day one.

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On the night of her eighteenth birthday, Adeline and Percival shared their first kiss. His embrace felt right and they fit one another perfectly. It was as if time stopped. After that night, Adeline’s attitude changed drastically. With the age of eighteen came her freedom and with that freedom, she left her abusive father behind. Her mother had fallen to cancer two years prior and her siblings all despised her anyway. She had no actual family left, just people bound to her by blood.

Adeline ran off with Percival to a far away town, one full of light and warmth. It was there that they truly entered their relationship as lovers. They took the next couple of years slow, really getting to know one another and develop a close bond. Keeping true to his routes, Percival requested marriage before anything drastic between them occurred. Adeline accepted without a moment’s hesitation and the couple was wed in a quiet church with no family present, just how they preferred. That night they became one, but Adeline woke up the next morning with more than she’d bargained.

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On the right side of her neck were two bleeding wounds staining the satin pillowcase that held her head. Out of instinct she screamed for help, only to have her lips covered by Percival’s hands. “It’s alright. I’ll explain everything,” he soothed, his eyes soft and kind. She couldn’t help but calm under his touch. Her instant calmness was the first thing he attempted to explain. With what he was, came the ability to compel those that watched his eyes. He could command them to do whatever he pleased, even commit suicide if he so desired. Then came the worst shock of Adeline’s life- worse than any brutal beating her father had dealt her. Percival admitted to being a creature of night, a vampire.

He sported a ring that kept him from burning alive in the sun, which turned out to be the same thing as Adeline’s wedding ring. He’d been turned at the age of twenty, hundreds of years before Adeline had even been born, traveling in the shadows alone until the night he laid eyes on her. He’d had an instant connection, an instinctive need to protect. And the night they met, he’d compelled her to not be afraid and to trust him.

Adeline listened with disbelief as she laid against the bed, her hands over the wound on her neck. “So you turned me into a vampire as well? Why?” she cried, struggling to get away from Percival. He held her arms tightly though, careful not to harm her in her frightened and vulnerable state. “I did it because I love you and I want to spend eternity with you! Adeline, you have enhanced strength, speed, stamina, sight, smell, hearing…. everything. You’re the world’s greatest predator. Your very look draws your prey in. You don’t have to worry about starvation any longer. With your new lineage comes a new way to feed. You only need blood and any kind will suffice. There is no such thing as sickness for our kind, no such thing as dying. That bite,” he stated, placing a calm hand over the healing wound on Adeline`s neck, "has blessed you with eternal life." Percival`s lips opened and closed at great speed as he spoke like lightening, too fast for regular human ears to understand.

It was true, Adeline couldn’t see the downside to being what she’d become, but her instincts still screamed for her to run. She pushed them deep inside and locked her fears away behind subconscious walls that she would continue to build for the rest of eternity. Careful electric blues scanned over her lover as she slowly placed her elbows against the plush comforter and rose into a sitting position. She positioned one of her delicate hands over Percival`s, tenderly removing his large, blood soaked digits from her neck as their fingers intertwined. His warm caramel hues softened as his wife relaxed.

“Adeline, I’ll teach you. Come,” he pressed as her mesmerizing blue eyes began to darken and become crimson. Her throat felt as though angry flames were setting the area ablaze. She followed without complaint, eager to quench the unbearable thirst, and drained various humans of their life source that night. She became a natural predator, moving through the shadows quiet as night, drawing in her prey with her body and voice, and compelling them to stay quiet as she drank them dry.

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That became Adeline’s life. Percival trained her for years to use her senses to their fullest capacity. She became even better than him at his own techniques, soon able to overpower him in battle. Her petite stature made her quicker and more agile, able to dodge attacks that other vampires would fall to. All of their training came to a test ninety-two years after her transformation when a coven of vampires attacked them in their own home, claiming the land as their own. Naturally, the couple fought, but only one made it out alive. Adeline ripped all of the coven to shreds, burning the remains and her home with it. She grieved for Percival for centuries, taking out her anger by training and battling other vampires.

Adeline became famous throughout the vampire race, most fearing her for her fierce behavior and strange ways. Her grieving slowly died away, but she kept at her ways. Vampires challenged her just to try, but none escaped with their lives. Now, in the present century, Adeline has decreased her ways and settled inside of Dead City.

The first person Adeline came to trust in Dead City was Sadira Whitewolf, a kind woman with the werewolf gene that treated the withheld vampire as a daughter. Though the two species were natural enemies, Adeline slowly warmed up to the woman and became part of the Whitewolf family. Eventually, Adeline allowed herself to be bitten by Sadira and her husband, Brian, who she had come to know as a father. The Whitewolf bloodline combined with her own, transforming her into a powerful hybrid. The new blood seemed unnatural at first, but Adeline was able to embrace the wolf inside of her without too much difficulty. She enjoys transforming into her second form whenever possible and accepts the powerful beast that hides within.

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   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











†Øц Adeline Matthews's average rating out of 57 rates is 9.37/10


Roxanne (515841)

2022-07-09 17:51:06

Hi pppqqqppp I hope you are well :)
Graham Blacksoul (65182)

2017-05-18 03:16:56

nice profile and you bio's are interesting rated a 10
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2016-08-17 17:53:02

My little darling [3]
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2014-08-24 22:45:14

I'm doing well, I thought you had gotten busy with RL. And I will. [hugme] <33
Alexander NoRtHmAn Sainte (603596)

2014-08-22 03:32:10

Poor Percival :( [3] You have given Adeline Marie Matthews a rating of 10.
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2014-08-21 00:14:23

Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-08-03 00:32:23

Ohhh that would really suck :(
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-30 06:27:55

Why? What happened?
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-29 18:32:57

:D It was a lot of work. But just glad its done.
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-29 04:03:17

Not a whole lot. Graduating after ten years of trying to finish my high school :D Other than been doing a lot of reading and what not.
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-29 03:59:48

Nice! Sounds fun.
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-29 03:46:27

So what did you do on your holiday?
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2014-07-29 03:19:57

You have given Adeline Marie Matthews a rating of 10. Very nice profile:)
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-29 03:11:08

*Chuckles* You're about as angelic as I am dear. I will be glad to see you around a bit more too. I've missed you.
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-29 03:05:05

I've been alright sweetheart. *catches and snuggles her daughter close* How are you? Lots of energy qq
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2014-07-28 21:46:24

Welcome to the coven <333
Thomas J. Lovarian (599264)

2014-07-28 06:23:49

Welcome to IE. Look forward to seeing you around! Also, -stamps a 10 to her profile- qq
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-28 06:03:27

I'm alright. Have a cough that I have had for a few weeks but alright otherwise. How was vacation?
Lady Christina Pantra (141101)

2014-07-28 01:54:53

You have given Adeline Marie Matthews a rating of 10. ;)
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2014-07-27 21:35:26

I hope your vacation went awesomely. [3] Glad to see you still kicking around :)

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