Evelake Suraé™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Evelake Suraé™ (506699)"~ Re-Constructing profile ~"

Last Active: 2015-01-19 03:28:19
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record9,387/16,701/16
Win %36%
Last KilledVictoria Vida
Last Killed ByXixilma
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Birth Name Evelake Peresoista Suraé

Known Title Serpens

Age 18

Origin Spain

Date of Birth May 15, 1518

Date of Transformation October 8, 1536

Species Vampire

Sire Amorlea Vli

Abilities Shifts to his inner snake: Asp Viper. Extra sensitive to feeling his surrounding within a mile radius. Heightened senses.

Weakness Several witchcraft. (WIP)

Marital Status Single.

History: (WIP)

“He is to be done for,” the female demanded. Her voice so elegant yet powerful sent pleasurable energies down to the group of male’s spines. “He is perfect. Just the one we need to become the future Serpens.” Her words were so sweetly convincing to her peers. Everyone nodded their heads in unison as the young-looking female took her place at the stands. Turning around, she faced the head of the group. the elders, and gave them a pleasing smile. “This male, soon 18, with sweet hazel eyes and bloodcurling smile, his skin as fair as anyone can see, he is bound to be the one to devour himself into the holy dark side of things.”

The elders themselves seemed to be convinced enough. Eye to eye, staring and glaring at one another, they all mentally contacted one another for the final word. This court trial was at its hottest so far, the urge to search for this man was phenomenal. Intriguing. Amazing. The energy within the room heated up just a few more degrees more as the elders placed themselves back onto their positions in the courtroom. A simple small smirk came across the young female’s face. She quickly covered herself by sliding her tongue out to moisten her bloodied lips as if she were to prepare her mouth to any unexpected situation.

“We have made our final decision,” spoke the oldest of the three. “This man, is out to be taken, beaten, mistreat, kidnapped, robbed, and whatever other negative actions we have to do in order to have him to be in our territory. He seems to be in a perfect score that lies in our expectations. As he is royal in his mortal life, he shall also be royal once he turns immortal.” A maniac laughter of evilness rose throughout the crowded room. The young female that introduced this trial stayed hidden, her smirk growing slightly bigger this time. Everything is just going oh so well. “My dear and loving daughter,” spoke the second oldest of the elders,“Darling sweet darling. Amorlea, this court session has ended with such good service. This fellow man is yours to capture, my love. Your plead has been accepted.”

The smirk of the bloodied lips turned into a mischievous grin, her porcelain teeth and fangs were exposed in the shadows of the hood that Amorlea was wearing. Raising her petite hands, she swept the hood back to its resting position, revealing her pale complexion and gorgeous features once again to the public. She nodded in agreement to her father. “Dear father. Your words are so kind and wishful. I thank you elders for accepting my request. Everything will finally be swell and lovely once again. I have nothing much more to speak of but to leave this room and to study this mission.” Standing up, she curtsied a bit to a side to show of her generosity. With nothing else to carry with her, she spun around and walked straight to the doors that will lead her out. She had finally done it. A spasm of clever roamed around in her blood as Amorlea pushed the exit door. With a smile that was used to turn on the crazy men out there, Amorlea chuckled in such greediness. “Let the fun begin,” she stated in a nonchalant tone as the heavy doors behind her now inched in together to seal in the deal.



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Evelake Suraé™'s average rating out of 38 rates is 9.16/10


Luce Stellar Moon™ (728965)

2020-04-12 20:45:41

Happy Easter!! Miss you! pppqqqppp Love, Luce!
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2013-07-17 02:29:23

Kays<3 The link to is on my proffy, under marriage and stuff, And answer da rp women! And! Invite chur friendlies <3
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2013-07-17 02:24:56

Simply a private chat where you can invite friends and family. Cara just made it so its not properly set up but! Its fun
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2013-07-16 15:47:28

Would you like to join the Galactic Narwhales house?

2013-07-14 07:08:38

Are u gonna reply to my letter??
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2013-07-14 04:17:58

Welcome to the coven!
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2013-07-11 19:56:29

1-800-answer my bl since I'm back D:<
Kyle London Richardson (483591)

2013-01-08 06:20:02

Sexy Kitty
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2012-12-16 20:21:29

Yay! Love ya<3
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2012-12-16 20:06:39

Not right now! But I miss you Dx
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2012-12-16 19:57:11

I wanna see your ass in chat more D<
Lukas™ (517123)

2012-12-16 02:51:53

Sisseh! <3
Absolom DC MacCausland (578431)

2012-04-26 01:21:55

Has given The Queen a rating of 10
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2012-04-05 02:22:00

xD It be better if Photobucket wasnt screwing wth me...I gotta tell ya something*Runs to bls!
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2012-04-03 19:15:22

Guess what boo!? O.O Ions on meh proffy now xD

2012-02-19 18:17:37

You have given CinderEvie †x ™ a rating of 10. <3
Jazlynn (535328)

2012-02-11 02:25:06

Hmm you are a guy now....that could be fun
Jazlynn (535328)

2012-02-11 02:18:26

yay i get two valentines [woo]
Jazlynn (535328)

2012-02-11 02:14:55

yay!!!!just shhhh no telling the hubby
Jazlynn (535328)

2012-02-11 02:12:54

Can I be your valentine

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