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The Doctor (513032)"Work. Im a Security Guard. lol"

Last Active: 2011-10-12 03:59:51
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Game Age4,854
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Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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StatusDead (28779924 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779924 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record15,037/44,716/643
Win %26%
Last KilledGunther Lightb ...
Last Killed BySirus the Stra ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
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Coven Title (Rank)The (Fake)Doctor (49)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 165k+



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Married to Lady Tsunade (522993) for 4826 days
2 Family Members

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I am 23 years old. I live in Columbus, Indiana in the U.S. For the most part its boring, sleepy and quiet in Columbus and the surrounding area. I have been described as a Fiendishly Clever Mastermind and I dont disagree with that. LOL :) Im currently attending Indiana University since it has the best Psychology Program and I am currently working toward my Masters in Psychology. After that I might make it a full doctorate but that requires Med School which is alot of time and money. In the meantime, I have a GF who I Love even though she bites me (I have the scars to prove it), or maybe I Love her because she bites me. LOL :D Shes also kind of clumsy at times which makes me love her even more. You know you truly love a person when their faults make you love them even more. LOL

Business minded and a natural leader, you are a canidate to be embraced by the Ventrue clan. You can be rather dominant with a high stamina however, you tend to have obsessive compulsive tendencies...especially when it comes to your food. You are the clan the others look to organize groups and factions. Generally princes are among this clan.

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The Doctor's average rating out of 3 rates is 6.67/10


Terror Hotkillerz (40891)

2013-12-13 23:26:56

Did you not see that the Name the Doctor and Rank The doctor had already been taken in buds?
Alleyah Pendragon (211431)

2012-12-20 13:24:17

DOCTOR!!!! <3 +10 Because Your The Doctor.
Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2012-07-06 21:52:37

Are you the 10th Doctor???
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2011-08-14 18:31:44

Then your GF has good taste in music.
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2011-08-14 16:39:56

Thank you very much. :)
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 19:40:32

Niiice ;)
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 19:32:44

haha! Your girlfriend play RoB too
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 19:25:49

You're pretty cool yourself, seem well knowledged and you're very nice :)
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 19:17:02

Aww thanks. But yeah, differences is what makes us who we are and ultimately no one can change that. Least you can talk to her about Doctor Who, my mum goes "Not Doctor Who again, do we really have too?" It's quite annoying.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 19:02:46

Haha wow, everyone calls me a Bon Jovi freak and Doctor Who Nerd. I don't really care. But then they say "English lover" just because I'm passionate about a subject. He does stuff that's needed to be done to save others from hurt and devastation, whilst feeling that himself.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 19:00:00

I suppose. I just wish he'd have someone to make him happy. Moffat's given away who kills the doctor.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 18:53:53

True, he could be doing that.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 18:52:53

Yeah, but he's suffered so much. I just can't believe he can find happiness in the tinsy things.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 18:43:59

Why does it always have to go bad for him?
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 17:28:31

That's true. I liked how she was different to all of them, he actually fell in love with her. Though, I think he fell in with Sarah Jane Smith (so sad that Elizabeth Sladen passed).
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 17:15:48

I know, they so loved each other. Tennant and Piper had chemistry, I just loved them both. I have Series two on box set. I can't watch Doomsday, ever. I've tried. I've tried hiring out End of Time as well, I can't. It's a block. I never want to see sad again I reckon the new Doc loves Amy.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 16:54:46

Haha yeah, it would be. Just too see how they're doing. I love them as a couple.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 16:17:04

It sucks. I've met two people who love Moffat and absolutely adore the new series and don't miss Tennant at all. David Tennant ended the serie with a bang for me. ;) I never wanted him to goooo We need to get the Human Doctor and Rose series, just to have him as the Doctor again! :/
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 15:54:30

First off, one thing they need to do; reverse regeneration, reverse the roles of writers back to full control with Davies. Reverse the TARDIS and make it more alien and write better storylines. Doctor Who ended with End of Time to me.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-08-13 15:23:54

I don't get half of them. Only one I ever enjoyed were The Eleventh Hour and Vampires of Venice.

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