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.:Bella Cullen:. is currently jailed. They've got 95500 days left & has had 22 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

.:Bella Cullen:. (519200)"~Live by rain, breathe by night"

Last Active: 2014-05-29 08:11:49
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Game Age4,830
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Game LocationMount Tilia
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StatusAlive (28779877 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779877 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record10,224/14,997/55
Win %41%
Last Killedlysander Night ...
Last Killed ByTine Darkheart
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven~Realm of Twilight~
Coven Title (Rank)Lioness (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 49k+



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†Øц Adeline Matthews

.:Bella Cullen:. has 22 friends View All Friends


Smiley face

Full Name: Isabella (Bella) Marie Swan Cullen
Date of Birth: September 13, 1987
Date of Transformation: September 11, 2006, at age 18
Source of Transformation: Edward Cullen
Place of Origin: Forks, Washington
Hair Color: Dark Brown, Reddish tint in sunlight
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown (human); Red/Burgundy (newborn); Butterscotch-Gold/Black (mature vampire)

Physical Des-cription: Bella`s dark brown hair is long, thick, and straight.
She has a wide forehead with a bit of a widow`s peak,
and a feminine narrow jawline. Her eyes are large,
her cheekbones prominent, her nose thin. Her lips
are full, but a bit out of proportion with her slim jawline.
Her eyebrows are darker than her hair, and straighter
than they are arched. She is slendar, but not muscular.
She is beautiful, with a quiet glow, but she did not realize
it herself, as others did.

As a human, Bella was very fair-skinned, with chocolate brown eyes. As a vampire, she is even paler, and her eyes are
bright red, which later change to butterscotch-gold/black as her human blood leaves her system. Bella`s features, as well
as the beauty that she already had, were heightened and perfected by her transformation.

Special Abilities:
Her mind is impenetrable; no one (human, nor vampire) can access her mind unless she allows it. She can shield herself, as well as others, from all types of psychic attacks, or push the shield away from herself altogether.

She is a graduate of Forks High School, and later goes on to attend the University of Alaska as a vampire.

Hobbies: Bella enjoys reading a great deal, especially the classics, and listening to music.

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Family/Coven Relationships:


Full Name: Edward Anthony Mason Cullen
Date of Birth: June 20, 1901
Date of Transformation: 1918, at age 17
Source of Transformation: Carlisle Cullen
Place of Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Hair Color: Bronze
Eye Color: Green (human); gold/black (vampire)
Height: 6`2"

Physical Des-cription: Edward is very beautiful. He is thin, but muscular. He has ruffled bronze hair. His eyebrows are thick, and darker than his hair. His eyes are large, framed with black lashes. His nose is very angular, and his jawline is perfectly straight. He has a pointed chin, and full lips. "He helped me up onto his back, and he took off running. It was so very quiet and dark as he ran through the forest, his breathing slow and even - dark enough that the trees flying past us were nearly invisible, and only the rush of damp air in my face truly gave away our speed." ~Bella, New Moon

"And then his fingers flowed swiftly across the ivory, and the room was filled with
a composition so complex, so beautiful, so unbearably sweet. It was impossible to
believe only one set of hands were playing." ~Bella, Twilight

"Edward in the sunlight was shocking. His skin literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass. His shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening, pale lavender lids were shut. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystals." ~Bella, Twilight

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." ~Edward, Twilight

"He pulled my face to his with a sudden fierceness, a low moan in his throat. The sound sent an electric current through my body. I heard the fabric tearing under our hands, and I was glad that my clothes, at least, were already destroyed. It was too late for his. It felt almost rude to ignore the pretty white bed, but we just weren`t going to make it that far."
~Bella, Breaking Dawn

For as long as we both shall live . . .

"Look after my heart, I`ve left it with you," ~Edward, Twilight

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Best Friend/Brother-Like:

Full Name: Jacob (Jake) Black
Date of Birth: October 14, 1990
Quileute Status: Werewolf Alpha
Werewolf Gene Source: Black and Ateara lines
Human Hair Color: Black
Wolf Coat Color: Rusty reddish-brown
Eye Color: Black-Dark Brown
Height: 5`10" at age 15; 6`7" after transformation

Physical Des-cription:
Jacob is beautiful. He has a warm open smile, very full lips, and white teeth that contrast from his russet colored skin. He has high cheekbones, taken from his Quileute heritage. He has very dark brown eyes, almost black, but is contradicted by his friendly, open personality. His eyebrows are thick, and the same color black as his hair. When Jacob first met Bella, he looked older than he was tall for his age, although he had a hint of childish roundness to his chin. He had a lanky build and wore his long, glossy black hair back in a sleek ponytail. As he got closer to transforming, he went through a series of growth spurts. By the time he phased for the first time, he had reached 6`7" in height and had achieved his current imposing muscular build. He cut his hair short after his transformation, but soon started letting it grow again.

Just then my air choked off. Jacob picked me up in a bear hug and swung me around in a circle.
"Wow, it`s so good to see you here!"
"Can`t breathe," I gasped
He laughed and put me down.
"Welcome back, Bella,"
And the way he said the words made it sound like Welcome Home.
~Jacob and Bella, Eclipse

"Here`s to responsibility," he toasted. "Twice a week."
"And recklessness every day in between." I emphasized.
He grinned and touched his can to mine.
~Jacob & Bella, New Moon

"Life sucks, and then you die. Yeah, I should be so lucky."
~Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn

"With a wild gasp, he brought his mouth back to mine, his fingers clutching frantically against the skin at my waist. The jolt of anger unbalanced my tenuous hold on self-control; his unexpected, ecstatic response overthrew it entirely. If there had been only triumph, I might have been able to resist him. But the sudden defenselessness of his sudden joy cracked my determination, disabled it. My brain disconnected from my body, and I was kissing him back.

"His fur was longer than the others, shaggy in comparison. He was almost as tall as Sam, and the second largest in the group.
The enormous russet-colored wolf seemed to feel my gaze, and he looked up me with familiar black eyes."
"It was strange. Even though he was in this bizarre form, this felt more like the way Jake and I used to be - the easy, effortless
friendship that was as natural as breathing in and out - than the last few times with Jacob when he was human. Odd that I should find that again here, when I`d thought this wolf thing was the cause of its loss."
~Bella, Eclipse

"This was wrong. And it wasn`t just because killing Bella was like killing me, like suicide."
~Jacob, Breaking Dawn
Jacob pulled me back a little bit and straightened up. He left one hand on the small of my back and grabbed my right hand with the other. He cradled our hands to his chest; I could feel his heartbeat under my palm, and I guessed that he hadn`t placed it there accidentally. We moved, out of tempo with the music, but to the rhythm of his heart.
"But I`ll see you this way in my head. Pink cheeks. Heartbeat. Two left feet. All of that."
I deliberately stepped on his foot as hard as I could.
He smiled. "That`s my girl,"
~Jacob and Bella

"You`d think I`d be used to telling you goodbye by now," He murmured.
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but I couldn`t force it down. Jacob looked at me and frowned. He wiped his fingers across my cheek, catching the tears there.
"You`re not the supposed to be the one crying, Bella,"
"Everyone cries at weddings," I said thickly.
"This is what you want, right?"
"Then smile,"
I tried. He laughed at my grimace.
~Jacob and Bella, Breaking Dawn

adopt your own virtual pet!

"I`ll be here, fighting. Till your heart stops beating."
~Jacob, Eclipse

"The clouds I can handle. But I can`t fight with an Eclipse."
~Jacob, Eclipse

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Full Name: Renesmee (Nessie) Carlie Cullen
Date of Birth: September 10, 2006
Date of Transformation: Born vampire/human hybrid
Place of Origin: Forks, Washington
Hair Color: Bronze
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Height: 3`5"
Special Abilities: Through physical touch, Renesmee can transmit images of her thoughts to others` minds, as if it is their own memories. In addition to this, she has the curious gift of uncounsiously rendering anyone with the power to block her previously mentioned ability invalid, only to herself. For example, Renesmee`s mother, Bella Cullen, has the ability to shield herself and others from any and all mental attacks or access to her mind. However, when Renesmee shares her thoughts through her ability, Bella receives the memories just as anyone else would, even when her shield is active.

Physical Des-cription:
Renesmee is very beautiful. Her face is described as quite literally angel-like. She has very fair skin, though not quite as a vampire`s. Her dimpled cheeks retain a soft rose-red shade which flame with color in contrast to her otherwise pale face. Her eyes are an almost perfect almond-shape. Her eye-color a warm, clear chocolate brown - the exact shade her mother`s once was. Renesmee`s hair was never cut (as her aunt and mother could never bare to) so her hair flows curly and long well past her waist, in bronze-red colored ringlets - the curly texture picked up from her grandfather on her mother`s side, and the color retained from her father.

As my eyes struggled to adjust, Edward whispered, "Renesmee,"
Renesmee? Not the pale perfect son of my imagination?
I felt a moment of shock.
And then a flood of warmth.

"In our hearts, we`l always be together,"
~Bella, Breaking Dawn

"I`m not going to die. I will keep my heart beating. I`m strong enough for that."
~Bella, Breaking Dawn

"I could see that now - how the universe swirled around this one point. I`d never seen he symmetry of the universe before, but now it was plain. The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the baby girl in the blond vampire`s arms that held me here now.
~Jacob, Breaking Dawn

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Full Name: Mary Alice Brandon Cullen
Date of Birth: November 19, 1904
Date of Transformation: 1920, at age 19
Source of Transformation: Unnamed vampire working in a mental institution
Place of Origin: Biloxi, Mississippi
Hair Color: Reddish-Black
Eye Color: Dark brown (human); gold/black (vampire)
Height: 4`10"

Physical Des-cription:
Alice is very tiny, slight, and graceful. Her hair is very short and spiky, yet still quite feminine to frame her pixie-like face and form. Her black eyebrows are very skillfully thinned above her large eyes. All details of her face is small, to fit her slight shape, yet still very crafted and beautiful.

Special Abilities:
She can see into the future, although what she sees is based on decisions being made; thus, she must wait for a decision to be firmly rooted in the mind, or acted upon, before she can see the end result. Her talent is limited to humans and vampires, because she has physically experienced being both; therefor she cannot she cannot have visions of the future of things she has not been, such as a werewolf or hybrid vampire.

"How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?"
~Alice, New Moon

"Jasper was the first one I saw - he didn`t seem to see me at all. His eyes were only for Alice. She went quickly to his side; they didn`t embrace like other couples meeting there. They only stared into each other`s faces, yet, somehow, the moment was so private that I still felt the need to look away."
~Bella, New Moon

"It sounded like Edward was having you for lunch in there, and we came to see if you would share."
~Alice, Twilight


"Standing in the middle of the field, she held the ball in both hands at her waist, and then, like the strike of a cobra, her right hand flicked out and the ball smacked into Jasper`s hand."
~Bella, Twilight
Photobucket Alice&Jasper Pictures, Images and Photos

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Full Name: Emmett McCarty Cullen
Date of Birth: February 26, 1915
Date of Transformation: 1935, at age 20
Source of Transformation: Carlisle Cullen
Place of Origin: Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black
Eye Color: Blue (human); gold/black (vampire)
Height: 6`5"



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











.:Bella Cullen:.'s average rating out of 19 rates is 8.32/10


Shiro Hayashi (631275)

2013-08-03 15:15:14

Hey Bella just wanted to stop bye and say hi *He waves and walks away*
Lydea Mey (292043)

2013-04-24 15:05:55

You have given .:Bella Cullen:. a rating of 10. Sparkly!

2012-09-18 16:55:20

your profile pictures are sooooooooooooooo cute i love them
†Angela N,Gossow† (500718)

2012-05-20 00:50:11

how are you? *smiles*
†Angela N,Gossow† (500718)

2012-05-19 05:14:59

*jumps on auntie bellas back* i love you auntie
Michael (522259)

2012-05-14 03:31:35

You have given .:Bella Cullen:. a rating of 10.
†Øц Adeline Matthews (505080)

2012-04-24 00:49:51


2012-04-08 05:55:12

*He loosens his hold and smiles* I'm great. Just doing the usual. Nothing special.

2012-04-08 00:43:38

*Jacob smoothly walks up behind Bella. He wraps his arms around her in a bone crushing hug.* Hey Bells, long time no see. *He whispered, his voice like satin*

2012-04-07 03:49:35

Happy One Week Anniversary Love! <3

2012-03-31 05:01:01

*He smirks and runs his hands down her back kissing her forhead*

2012-03-31 01:36:21

*He moves his lips roughly with hers his hands sliding down to her waist*

2012-03-31 01:30:36

I LOVE YOU!!!! *he smiles pressing a soft kiss to her lips*

2012-03-29 00:03:59

Your welcome *smiles and pulls her close*

2012-03-28 23:53:04

Thanks for the gift, love. <3

2012-03-27 13:32:52

*he smiles and whispers* So Beautiful!

2012-03-27 00:08:09

Have you sent a blood letter back? I didnt get one? *he smiles*

2012-03-27 00:06:12

*he smiles* Same here, Thankyou *he looks at her*

2012-03-26 04:50:31

*smiles* Nice profile pics ;)
†Øц Adeline Matthews (505080)

2012-03-21 23:31:00

Love you too and I miss you! :)

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