Micheal Rahl Whispers is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Micheal Rahl Whispers (523379)"Belief in God or Satan is not necessary, for they believe in you."

Last Active: 2023/08/22 17:54
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,813
Karma+/Verve+62 / 40
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles29 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S256/0/28
Battle Record142,824/138,927/336
Win %51%
Last KilledAlpha Killa Sa ...
Last Killed ByErra Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent23
Coven Faith of the Fallen
Coven Title (Rank)Whisper (30)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 17mil+



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Married to §Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ (576870) for 4222 days
14 Family Members

Vitality 2415    Charm 113
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Micheal Rahl Whispers's average rating out of 92 rates is 7.92/10


Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 02:35:43

[lmao] [roll] That's too funny!!!
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 02:20:36

[roll] My dad always said that kids don't have a lick of sense about them until they reach 25 and even then it's questionable. :-)
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 02:03:44

:d [y] Indeed!!
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 01:51:26

That's definitely one of the perks to getting older. Grandkids! I've got 3. 2 boys, 1 girl. I turned 55 a couple months ago. The girl is the oldest.. 14 and she is at *that* age... all mouth and not much common sense but I love her to death. My grandsons are cool af though! The youngest wants to be "an Army man" just like his dad. The older one is playing Football in an intramural thing and he's also all about being like his dad. We have Nerf Wars in my living room every other weekend. :d
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 01:38:04

[roll] Sounds like we are both about the same age. Bark At The Moon came out when I was like a Sophmore or Junior in HS. LOVED that album. I had the biggest crush on Randy Rhoads! qq
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 01:25:14

You, Bloodflame, DarkMessiah and several others had some AWESOME Spotify playlists. It really sucked when they wouldn't work on here any longer. I remember Bloody and DM raising all kinds of Hell over that but nothing could be done on Ash's end.

I'm classic rock and classic country mostly. I was going to attend my final concert last year (cause I'm getting too damned old for all that) to see Ozzy in Kansas City but then COVID hit and I ended up just getting a refund. :( I don't think Ozzy is going to be doing any concerts in the future cause HE'S gettin' too old for them. :d
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 00:55:44

Kids. They just don't know. *smh*
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 00:46:07

[roll] PREACH! I was at Wal-Mart a few days ago and they have musak playing both outside on the parking lot as well as inside and I was like, "Damn, they need to turn that down cause it's sounding like a Who concert out here!" :d
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-12 00:33:20

Yeah I remember the days of XAT on profiles. I remember when we could put up playlists too and I had an AWESOME Wix that was the absolute shit! [6] I have always had music on my profiles. I might actually quit playing the game if they ever take that ability away. :d You're never too old for good music on your profile. qq
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-11 23:58:15

You should put that song up on your profile! [dance]
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-11 23:56:54

heh heh... [i]"You Took The Words Right Out of My Mouth"[/i]. Remember it well. One of my all-time favorites.

Sunshine is teh awesome when it comes to profile work. qq
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2021-09-11 23:37:51

You have given Micheal Rahl Whispers a rating of 10. Awesome profile. Love the "Wolf with the red roses" mention.

And for your "Moments To Remember" thread in Forums:
You have given Micheal Rahl Whispers +7 Karma.
Love it.
N€M€§I§ RAHL WHI§P€R§ (552502)

2021-09-05 16:55:46

Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-08-22 23:12:57

You have given your reaction to this thread. [y][y][y]A 1000 times thumbs up for the Freedom Questioned thread. [clap] Well said.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-08-22 18:52:26

Looks terrific! [yay]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-08-16 18:56:21

You have given Micheal Rahl Whispers a rating of 10. We should talk about your profile sometime. Perhaps I could help revitalize your look.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-08-16 18:54:51

A Bounty! [roll][3]This is good. [y]Keeps me humble! [hug]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-04-18 22:04:39

Thank you again for the charm! [yay]I have a standing charm donation to give mine to my hubby. I hope you are getting some in return. There’s a thread for charm?
Teada Moon Night (159671)

2021-04-08 18:53:39

Thanks for the charm.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-04-07 22:32:14

Charm! And a blood donation! [yay] Thank you!

Elia Martell (649659) sent a coffin.
Elia Martell (649659) sent Dior Skeleton cologne.
Nemesis Rahl Whispers (552502) sent Heart.
Elia Martell (649659) sent Neon Hulk lemonade cologne.

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