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Bastion_Moirai_Pachua (531384)

Last Active: 2016-08-09 08:38:08
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This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer
Photobucket This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer Bastion watched her every movement paying close attention too her body language. He knew Annabella inside and out and she wasn`t acting herself but neither was he. `How in all this time have I not noticed how much she means too me` he thought. He shook the thought thinking it was simply for he had missed her so badly but in his soul he knew better. As he heard Annabella`s giggle too his awkwardness his began too sweat and the sound of it made a shiver run down his spine for in all the years he knew her she had never giggled and acted like such a woman too him. In his eyes he always saw her as one of the guys no more no less. This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer


He awoke like he had for over two millenia. Every muscle in 6`6" frame thirsting with rage for vengeance. His mind in a whirl wind of memories. In the 2400 years he had been forsaken in this realm of existence he had never not woke up in this same way. The sweat beading on his forehead like so many times before. He laid there and let out an exasperated breath remembering the time of his creation.

Long before he had ever been forsaken too this realm of life too walk amongst the living Bastion or as he was then known as Barraqa Searus which came from the long dead language of the sixteenth angelic meant bringer of fantasy and fate. He was too be of great importance or so his creators thought. What they never realized is just how important he actually was or would become. He as far as he knew was nothing more then a normal soul of both realms the good and evil heaven or hell whichever way people saw it. It was a rarity birth for their had only been six of them in existence, but Barraqa was different he was more curious and determined too find out what made him such a rarity. He seeked the truth in what it meant too be one of the oddities he would come too know simply as `The Six`.


BR> One day Barraqa was roaming between the worlds when he was thrust down into a realm between heaven and hell. The realm he would later find too be his damnation. A damnation he chose for himself but at the time never realized it. He looked around and saw things he could have never fathomed. Trees, grass, and buildings. He had heard of such things but they were rumors as far as he knew. The new realm intrigued him and his curiosity got the best of him and he began too walk. As he walked he came about a creature that some of the angels and demons had described too him too be human. The stories they told made them made humans out too be the most fearsome creatures too ever exist. So Barraqa stood back and waited for the boy that he would later learn him too be, too pass by. When the boy passed by Barraqa he stood still hidden in the trees until he was far enough away he felt safe. Barraqa began too follow him and as the boy got further he came upon a camp with much larger humans. Barraqa surmised that these must be his parents from the stories they had told back in heaven. The child`s name was Sebastion or Barraqa assumed as that was what the man had called him as he asked him where he had been.
BR> Barraqa was intrigued in the fullest sense of the word and approached the humans. They stood shocked at a man so large approaching with such a dismissive and passive way too him. Barraqa introduced himself and when asked where he was from he had simply told them that he had been separated from his family and had been wondering awhile. The man introduced himself as John and then introduced Sarah his wife, his daughter Annalise and his young son Sebastion. "We are the Moirai family" john said as he extended his hand. "The pleasure is all mine" Barraqa said with a smile and with apprehension shook the mans hand. Where he learned too act in such a way was beyond him but it was almost like natural reaction. They offered him food and a warm bed and he gratefully took it for his fear of humans was still quite high.

As time went on Barraqa`s apprehension of them began too dissipate and he began too show them knowledge that only heavenly creatures knew. How too make crops larger,ways too use leverage with the trees and buildings as well as their animals. He also taught them how too preserve food, a bit of knowledge that would change the way of man forever. Over time Barraqa came too see them as family and realized humans were nothing like he had been taught. The Moirai family had come too accept him and love him as family also.

All went well for a couple of years until a fire broke out one night. Barraqa woke too the smell of smoke and reaction told him too run for safety. When he was through the door it slammed shut. `Odd` he thought but didn`t realize what had truly happened until he went too grab the lever and open the door. It didn`t budge. he put his 6`6" 287 pound frame into it and it stood like he had hit a brick wall. Barraqa felt a cold chill go up his spine as the fear and worry increased in his mind. He hit it again and nothing. He continued too hit the door as the adrenaline raced through his veins when he suddenly thought he heard cackling as he hit the door with his shoulder. He stood still and listened and he heard it again. He moved around too the corner of the house too see what he knew too be there. It was the other five. He caught them out of the corner of his eye as they moved back into the spiritual realm. As if somehow he would hear them he screamed "this is my family. Why would you do this" but he knew somewhere deep inside why.

Barraqa listened too their tormented screams as he continued too slam his shoulder into the door with no avail. He knew they would never leave the home alive again. The place where he had so many beautiful memories would now be place of extreme pain and torment. The tears began too fall and it was shocking too him too feel in such a way but he knew that it was what true pain made you do. Barraqa`s thoughts went too them for the next three hours. He had given up hope of getting the door open and just sat and cried. He knew that they should have already have passed by now from the asphyxiation of them smoke but they were truly tormenting them. For what reason he had no idea but he swore he would find the truth. The screams kept coming John and Sarah had stopped long before either child and Annalise had stopped after the first hour and half or so but they tortured little Sebastion for the whole three hours but too Barraqa it felt like forever.

Barraqa stood and waited till he heard the last dissipated scream come from Sebastion`s mouth. He knew somehow then he would be able too walk in the door. As he pushed the lever down the door opened and too no surprise too Barraqa the whole house was completely the same as it had been when he had run out. The strong stench of horribly burnt flesh was thick in the air. Barraqa knew that what he would find next would be the true pain but what he did find was even beyond his comprehension. When he opened each door they all lay in their beds completely burnt down too the bone and none had even tried too move as if they were paralyzed or stuck too the bed. He then knew what had happened and why the five were there.

One of the abilities the six knew well was the ways of mind manipulation. They could simply make someone do anything they wished by thinking it. This was why they had been created for they could control a creatures free will something that neither God nor Lucifer could ever do but the six could. They were known simply as dream walkers or puppet masters for their wasn`t any soul or creature that they couldn`t control at their will.


Barraqa rage grew as he thought about what they had done too his new family. It all made sense as too why they had waited till they were sleeping and made him smell the smoke for they knew he would do as the humans taught him and forget that he was immune too the fire. As long as they were sleeping they could slip into their dreams and make them paralyzed and start the internal combustion process, a way that Barraqa saw as completely cruel in the worst way. Barraqa`s hatred grew as he buried his new family swearing vengeance on the old one.

Barraqa slipped from the realm of the living too the spirit world once more, something he never thought he would ever do again. The hunt began as his soul was in complete torment and he wanted revenge. It didn`t take long before he came upon three of his former family. The smirks and smiles on their faces as they saw him enraged Barraqa. His whole mindset had changed, he had loved and they had taken that from him now it was his turn too give them true torment. He looked at all three of them and with a single thought they all disappeared into the abyss between worlds. Worlds of their own minds.


Barraqa was still fuming for he thought they deserved much worse. they deserved too feel the torture and pain the ones he loved had felt but he knew that sealing them in their own minds, in the complete nothingness of themselves was the worst torment they could ever receive. As Barraqa hunted for the other two apparently word got around for when he approached both just stared and shook their heads and simply said they were sorry. Barraqa didn`t care about their sincere apologies all he cared about was vengeance. They tried too fight it but he was so engulfed in the emotion that they stood no chance. They both fell into the darkness of their own minds.



Barraqa stood transfixed on what he had done but he knew that he still needed answers. `Now for the last two` he thought. His loathing for them was beyond comprehension for he knew it was with their orders that it had happened. As he searched the thoughts and memories of what had happened swam in his head, they had killed those he loved so he had taken out their weapons as he saw himself and the other five. He came upon them both waiting as if knowing he was coming for them. The only thing he could say was "WHY." They both looked at him with stone cold silence as if he were nothing but he could also see the fear in their eyes.

Barraqa began too cry as the rage and painful memories built up inside him."why" he screamed with hate in his quivering voice. They both stood there looking at him with no emotion on their faces until God finally spoke up. "Barraqa we did it too save all of mankind for you no nothing of your own power. You have the ability too create perfection and yet so much hatred upon man that we had too get you back here" he said as if that would make it all better.

Barraqa stared at them both as if they had lost their minds. Lucifer went on as God pondered something, "you see child we created you with the power of both of us and with it comes many dangers and much responsibility. In a way you could say our experiment was a success and a failure all in one for we never envisioned you too have your own free will." As Lucifer finished speaking the words sank into Barraqa`s head. `He called me a child and an experiment does he not realize what I am` he thought and as if God read his mind he answered the question. "Yes we know exactly what you and the other five were that is why we sent them too do as they did. We knew you would seek vengeance and thus kill them and make the experiment null." Barraqa stood shocked that they had planned it all out and used innocent people, people he loved too bait him into doing their will.


Barraqa pondered all he had heard. He began too speak in a heavily commandingly deep tone "but why me, why couldn`t you do it yourselves." Lucifer simply spoke up and said "we don`t control death" and his voice trailed off if he had more too say but god chimed in, "See Barraqa you were created simply too destroy the creatures we created with the five as they were known and then you came later once we realized that we had done wrong." Barraqa stood shocked at what he had just been told. He was created simply too destroy their mess no other reason. Lucifer spoke then and said "yes we created you with more power then either of us have as one." Lucifer`s eyes drew down "but don`t think you have more then we have together for we were foolish but not that foolish but alone either of us would lose too you." `Now why would he tell me such a thing` Barraqa thought but let it sit and ponder it a moment letting them worry what he was too do next.

Barraqa`s body language changed as his muscles untensed and a smile came over his face for he knew now why they showed fear in their eyes. "So then why don`t I just wait till your each alone, Hmmmm" he said with a cocky tone. He was now in a game of cat and mouse and he went from the mouse too the cat.

"we know you could do this" Lucifer said with a quiver of fear in his voice "but we have come too offer you a deal per say." Barraqa`s eyes went down too a deadly gaze as he looked at him and Lucifer looked away breaking the gaze. God began too explain the deal where Lucifer had stopped. "we know here you will be alone Barraqa, an experiment gone wrong. No one will accept you now for you have done our job and saved all of mankind but in your doing you have forsaken yourself for the creatures you destroyed were the only ones who accepted you." Barraqa`s muscles tensed again for what he said was a lie. They weren`t the only ones who accepted him, the Moirai`s had also. "So here you are bound too an eternity of loneliness but our offer is a one way pass too the realm of the living where you will have the possibility of finding love again" God said sounding less like a man with power and more a man worried for his own well being. Barraqa didn`t ever think he would ever find anyone too love again as he had the Moirai family but he pondered their offer anyway until he finally spoke his only question, "now why would you offer me this other than too save yourselves from my vengeance." It was Lucifer who spoke then " We offer you this yes because we would be saving ourselves but it is more then that. You are us even if you don`t wanna accept it you are. You have a part of us just like every other soul and creature has." Barraqa`s gaze turned sinister and Lucifer stood mute and God continued " Where you have the ability too bring much pain you also have the ability too bring much pleasure and happiness too the realm of the mortal. So the choice is yours you may stay here and live alone forever and keep us worried or go too the realm of the living for eternity and possibly come too accept what you are and help the living like you help sebastion and his family."

Barraqa`s jaw clenched as he heard the boys name being said with the lords voice. The twinge of pain in his soul was almost unbearable but he kept his composure and accepted their deal.

When he finally said yes the entities before him began too look less fearful of him. Barraqa`s sinister gaze returned and the two entities tensed once more. His smile came back with a conceited tone " I don`t do this for you I do this for my own self for too feel love is a feeling neither of you will ever feel and i bast in that thought." His eyes began too rainbow with emotions as he pushed back his long black hair too stare into both of their eyes. God spoke in an even and sincere tone "we are sorry Barraqa for all that we have done in creating you." Lucifer nodded in agreement. Barraqa`s eyes turned too an icy blue. An emotion too show empathy for them. He began too speak too them as if they were the children and he was the higher power, " Do not apologize too me for if not for your experiments as you call them I would not exist and wouldn`t know what the greatest feeling in the world is. The feeling of love." He put an exclamation on the word love too drive the point into their minds. At that moment Barraqa didn`t realize how much those words would haunt him for so long and how the deal he had made would bring him such happiness.

Barraqa left the realm of spirituality too enter the realm of the living once more. He lived for many centuries in a state of numbness and cursed his decision too be sent down into this realm. He never forgot Sebastion or the Moirai family. So when the humans began too suspect something was wrong when he would tell them his name was simply Barraqa he thought of no better name than too call himself Bastion Moirai in respect too his fallen family and the little boy he called his brother.


Bastion had learned how too live among the humans as if he were no different. He soon learned how too use his power for good and evil. Some of the greatest discoveries, works of art, writings and tactical triumphs were all do too him. He never manipulated the person too do exactly as they did but he put the thought in their mind and nurtured it when needed. He trusted the human mind too be able too work out the problem but knew that sometimes they needed that spark and that was what he was for. From the rise and fall of the roman empire too Edgar Allen Poe`s `The Raven` and everything in between had his touch in it.

The evil is what bothered him most for when he manipulated someones mind and they used something too hurt someone he would do what was needed too make them pay for their deeds. He knew it was those two who were testing him with such evil and he learned too remove it as soon as he realized it had went too far.

So the years passed on and Bastion saw many who he loved cur cum too the reality of this realm and pass away and with each one his soul dissipated a bit more. `They knew this would happen` he thought and he loathed them even more and swore he would never forgive them or any of theirs for what they did. It seemed like it had been ages that he had been alone until he saw her.

She was shockingly beautiful and bastion fell for her as soon as he saw her. She made him feel like all his damnation was worth it even if he didn`t have the guts too approach her.

Over the years bastion never let her out of his sight. She was always within a few miles at most of him and he liked it that way. He had once tapped her shoulder and that he had finally lost his cowardice around her but as he said "excuse me" and before she could turn around and notice him he disappeared into the shadows. That had been the closest he had ever come too her and he always remembered her scent and the look of her perfect skin so close too him.

It was after that that he ran into a young man he came too call will but most people knew his as William Shakespeare. He came too realize that he was a very distinguished writer but had a bit of a scattered mind at times. He befriended the young man and put the idea into his mind of a story that Bastion had dreamt of ever since he had seen the young woman. The book would come too be one of the greatest books ever written. The name of that book was `Romeo and Juliet` and this was exactly how he saw her. she was his juliet and their different worlds were like the Montagues and Capulets. Bastion always loved that book and hoped she had read it before. He always kept a copy on him for it was the only thing he ever held dear for so many long lonely nights without her.


Throughout the centuries he followed her yearning too have her within his arms. When he saw her with other men his heart sank for he knew they were not good enough for her. No one was in his eyes not even him but he knew that he would do anything too make her the happiest woman alive.


After awhile though he came too realize that she never died and he wondered what her story could be for this was something he could never figure out. he knew that normal humans always passed but not her. He had met a few like this but never asked what their story was for he never wanted too explain his own.

Barraqa had ran into a group of them once and they tried too befriend him but when they found out what he was they decided that he needed destroyed. The battle didn`t last long for with a few simple thoughts Barraqa had them all dissipated too nothing, extinguishing their torment in this realm.



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Bastion_Moirai_Pachua's average rating out of 6 rates is 10.00/10


Cae Stryker (257958)

2015-12-04 21:18:57

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2015! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Iza R.Targaryen Pachua (646546)

2015-02-14 22:51:56

Happy Valentine to the most charming hub around!
Cae Stryker (257958)

2015-02-14 12:45:53

[3][hug] it's been too long since we last spoke.
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2015-02-13 14:07:25

Yes everything is great for me :) thanks :)
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2015-02-12 14:17:00

Welcome to Castile de Sanguine.
Darkness Rising (681329)

2014-10-25 22:43:45

where you hiding bro??
Raina Marie Adaleiz (605849)

2014-10-01 16:21:15

Welcome to the coven. If you need anything feel free to let me know. We are currently under construction so any input is helpful. :)
Darkness Rising (681329)

2014-09-24 19:58:36

SOOOOO how you been my brother form another mother?? Get back at me bro
Cae Stryker (257958)

2014-04-30 06:26:45

-pokes him hard in the ribs- hey you. Long time no speak -k-
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2014-04-12 09:00:05

*blushes* oh your words :)
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2014-04-12 08:54:08

not much *giggles*
Cae Stryker (257958)

2014-03-19 00:00:03

Shawn LaRouge (661432)

2014-03-16 06:43:25

Congrats on the marriage.
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2014-03-15 11:04:36

Oh yeah it is. :D
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2014-03-15 10:49:03

She smiled giving him two thumbs up."Better then mine"she said laughing.
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2014-03-15 10:30:31

Just randomly clicking on people's profile and rating their profile.
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2014-03-15 09:57:50

Your welcome
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2014-03-15 09:36:40

Love the profile :)
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2014-03-08 07:27:19

Well my sweet, I wanted to show you sum luv. [3] [kiss] [3][3] [kiss] [3][3] [kiss] [3][3] [kiss] [3] talk to you soon
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2014-03-05 08:37:22

YW :)

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