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FallynAngyl (535799)"..."

Last Active: 2012-04-27 17:01:28
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Game Age4,765
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Battle Record5,993/18,867/56
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Last KilledDvn ChiX
Last Killed ByKodiak Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Which element do you have an affinity for?

You are a great thinker and great intellectual. Whenever there is a debate going on, you are always at the center of it, just waiting for a chance to get across your valid points. You are naturally good communicators and dreamers and because of that you will have no problem persuading others.
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Which Element of Wolf Are You?

Wolf of Earth
Wolf of Earth
You tend to be generous at times. While you are kind and helpful, you are still a force to be reckoned with. You do possess a right amount of beauty. Most often, almost so beautiful, that it`s scary. You are very adventurous, and you can run very fast. You prefer to remain quiet, and just observe the details. You would get along well with Water, Clouds, Time, and Moon/Sun. Your enemies are Time, Space, Fire, Ice, and Lightning. You are the Wolf of Earth.
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Which vampire knight character are you?

You are a vampire and have a hard time controlling yourself when you get hungry for blood especially if it`s Yuuki`s blood.
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Are you good in bed

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x170/andrew8282/_39445635_bed_203.jpg Your amazing in bed! You know how to please your partner and how to make them happy. Your not afraid of trying knew things and going with the flow.
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What is the element of your soul?

You are full of wisdom, and thought. You have amazing intuition on life, and people lo0k to you for advice. You are patient, peacful, caring and insightful. There is something motherly about you that people pick up on and often feel as if they need to impress you because of it. Your opinion is highly respected and it should be because it is one greatly needed in this world.
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Whats your sex style?

Romantic Sex Style
Romantic Sex Style
You like to take it slow, lots of kissing and touching. Just like in a Chick flick... takes the girls away! At best when you are in love with your sex partner, and if not...they will be!
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What kind of Dragon are you?

Black Dragon
Black Dragon
You are dark and slightly mysterious. You have a vengeful temper and are somewhat of a snob. You are pretty calm most of the time until someone pushes that button that sets you off, in which case you tend to get back at them in a sly and cunning manner.
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Which Element Dragon are You?

Frost Dragon
Frost Dragon
You are the Frost Dragon! Personality: You are the very independent one. You don`t trust many at first but you test them and once you aprove of them you have good time with your friends. You are very smart and NEVER make a stupid mistake. You ahve a very strong common sense. You don`t like to deal with drama at all. You don`t really get involved with your friends problems. UNLESS you have been friends with them for years. Most people say you are the quiet type and would never get onto a fight and say that you would be easy to pick on. Boy are they wrong, wrong, wrong!! You very well know how to fight, and you know how to fight good. You could have someone down on the ground in a matter of seconds. You don`t like having help when you fight, you think they would mess you up, and chances are they would! Powers: Ice Breathing, The ability to freeze things, Flying, Swiming, Claws, Frost Bite Breath, you can create snow storms. Habitat: You live in the Artic, or wherever it is cold. You don`t mind snowstorms at all. Prey: Seals, Polar Bears,Penguins as a treat, snow! Gems you Love to Hoard: Diamonds, ice crystals, cystals, opals. Dragon Allys: You don`t usally have any but if you had to pick, Water Dragon Dragons You Despise: Fire Dragon
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What do your eyes say about you?

Eyes of Passion
Eyes of Passion
Fiery, thats what you are. You have passion in your soul. You are the person that will defend those that you love with your very life, and to the death. You are not a person to piss off. If ever one you loved was in danger you would be the first to offer to take their place, and without a second�s hesitation.
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What`s your inner spirit?

You are faithful and cautious. You tend to run with a group of others and like to have others around you. You are brave and also gentle.
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What Dragon is your soul

Darkness Dragon
Darkness Dragon
You are an evil meniacle person.. you have a bad attitude and like to be alone.. When your with a group you like to be alone.. when someone hurts you, you hurt them back..
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What Demon Are You?

You Are The Dragon Of The Seas, You Rapage And Destroy Ships!!
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AngelofDeath~Balthazar and Bux have entered battle. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) Bux has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You gouged Bux for 211 damage. (4179 Life Left) 2. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 3. You hit Bux for 163 damage. (4016 Life Left) 4. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 5. You bit Bux for 191 damage. (3825 Life Left) 6. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 7. You punched Bux for 185 damage. (3640 Life Left) 8. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 9. You smacked Bux for 171 damage. (3469 Life Left) 10. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 11. You gouged Bux for 183 damage. (3286 Life Left) 12. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 13. [CRITICAL HIT] You punched Bux for 256 damage. (3030 Life Left) 14. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 15. You stabbed Bux for 199 damage. (2831 Life Left) 16. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 17. You stabbed Bux for 165 damage. (2666 Life Left) 18. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 19. You bit Bux for 182 damage. (2484 Life Left) 20. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 21. You bit Bux for 172 damage. (2312 Life Left) 22. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 23. You smacked Bux for 167 damage. (2145 Life Left) 24. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 25. You hit Bux for 190 damage. (1955 Life Left) 26. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 27. You bit Bux for 133 damage. (1822 Life Left) 28. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 29. You gouged Bux for 148 damage. (1674 Life Left) 30. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 31. You bit Bux for 140 damage. (1534 Life Left) 32. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 33. You smacked Bux for 183 damage. (1351 Life Left) 34. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 35. You hit Bux for 149 damage. (1202 Life Left) 36. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 37. You smacked Bux for 207 damage. (995 Life Left) 38. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 39. You gouged Bux for 171 damage. (824 Life Left) 40. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 41. You bit Bux for 167 damage. (657 Life Left) 42. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 43. You punched Bux for 161 damage. (496 Life Left) 44. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 45. You hit Bux for 183 damage. (313 Life Left) 46. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 47. You bit Bux for 174 damage. (139 Life Left) 48. Bux`s attack missed you. (725 Life Left) 49. You bit Bux for 176 damage. (-37 Life Left) You gashed out Bux (8544)`s jugular +936 Blood +69 Money +312 Coven exp +3 Weapon exp +3 Armour exp

FallynAngyl and Bux have entered battle. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) Bux has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You smacked Bux for 292 damage. (4098 Life Left) 2. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 3. You stabbed Bux for 224 damage. (3874 Life Left) 4. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 5. You gouged Bux for 217 damage. (3657 Life Left) 6. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 7. You gouged Bux for 286 damage. (3371 Life Left) 8. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 9. You bit Bux for 194 damage. (3177 Life Left) 10. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 11. You punched Bux for 302 damage. (2875 Life Left) 12. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 13. You stabbed Bux for 192 damage. (2683 Life Left) 14. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 15. You gouged Bux for 220 damage. (2463 Life Left) 16. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 17. You punched Bux for 210 damage. (2253 Life Left) 18. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 19. You hit Bux for 203 damage. (2050 Life Left) 20. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 21. You bit Bux for 237 damage. (1813 Life Left) 22. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 23. You smacked Bux for 227 damage. (1586 Life Left) 24. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 25. You smacked Bux for 210 damage. (1376 Life Left) 26. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 27. You hit Bux for 240 damage. (1136 Life Left) 28. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 29. You bit Bux for 195 damage. (941 Life Left) 30. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 31. You gouged Bux for 257 damage. (684 Life Left) 32. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 33. You punched Bux for 294 damage. (390 Life Left) 34. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 35. You punched Bux for 234 damage. (156 Life Left) 36. Bux`s attack missed you. (1235 Life Left) 37. You stabbed Bux for 226 damage. (-70 Life Left) You decimated Bux (8544) +936 Blood +102 Money +312 Coven exp +3 Weapon exp +3 Armour exp



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











FallynAngyl's average rating out of 9 rates is 4.00/10


Luna Lachrimae (88589)

2011-11-15 01:40:06

Luna Lachrimae (88589)

2011-11-14 14:01:22

Happy 2 weekS2
Luna Lachrimae (88589)

2011-11-08 00:52:09

Mwah!!! <3 you hubby!
•†Soulful•Sin•Mauvaise†• (298209)

2011-10-14 12:25:40

1. You stabbed FallynAngyl for 10377 damage. (-9052 Life Left) You beheaded FallynAngyl (535799)
Jesse Unknown (93371)

2011-10-14 03:50:36

You tore out FallynAngyl (535799)'s heart || > not that you have one.
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2011-10-06 21:02:50

"You have tore out AngelofDeath (535799)'s spine." are you ready to apologize yet? ~FR~
Vincent Delacroix Night (467550)

2011-10-05 15:18:02

You are being punished for Foedus Reliqnuo > Death Squad Kill > FR Yuki send her regards also You have given AngelofDeath a rating of 1. she awaits your apologies
Vincent Delacroix Night (467550)

2011-10-04 18:36:21

You made a mistake you harassed one of us > Death Squad Kill FR> be prepared to be punished

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