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Stoiki2000 (538787)

Last Active: 2014-04-28 07:07:59
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,,Born to kill the savage beast, To study and grow stronger, No one knows whats yet to come.``

PRIDE: In almost every list Pride, or hubris, is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God).

LUCIFER: THE DEMON OF PRIDE Each of the deadly sins is paired with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. Lucifer is an angel who rebelled against God and now has dominion over hell. Before his insurrection, Satan was among the highest of all angels and the "brightest in the sky". His pride is considered a reason why he would not bow to God as all other angels did, but sought to rule heaven himself. In mainstream Christianity he is called "the ruler of the demons" "the ruler of the world" and "the god of this world". He also is the one who spoke through the serpent and seduced Eve into eating the apple.

LUST: or lechery (carnal "luxuria") is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Aristotle`s criterion was excessive love of others, which therefore rendered love and devotion to God as secondary. In Dante`s "Purgatorio", the penitent walks within flames to purge himself of lustful/sexual thoughts and feelings. In Dante`s "Inferno", unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane-like winds symbolic of their own lack of self control to their lustful passions in earthly life.

ASMODEUS: THE DEMON OF LUST Asmodeus is a king of demons and also is referred to as one of the seven princes of hell. Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people`s sexual desires. It is said that people who fall to Asmodeus` ways will be sentenced to an eternity in the second level of hell. Asmodeus is depicted with the breast of a man, a cock leg, serpent tail, three heads (one of a man spitting fire, one of a sheep, and one of a bull), riding a lion with dragon wings and neck, all of these animals being associated with either lascivity, lust or revenge.

GLUTTONY: Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony (Latin, gula) is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. Medieval church leaders took a more expansive view of also including an obsessive anticipation of meals and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods. There are as many six ways to commit gluttony, including:

Praepropere - eating too soon. Laute - eating too expensively. Nimis - eating too much. Ardenter - eating too eagerly. Studiose - eating too daintily. Forente - eating wildly.


Beelzebub, literally means "Lord of the Flies" which is a Semitic deity worshipped in the Philistine city of Ekron. In later Christian and Biblical sources he appears as a demon and is named of one of the seven princes of Hell. Beelzebub is commonly described as placed high in Hell`s hierarchy and is the chief lieutenant of Lucifer, the Emperor of Hell. He presides over the Order of the Fly. Beelzebub has among the three most prominent fallen angels, the other two being Lucifer and Leviathan. Beelzebub is the second-ranking of the many fallen angels, with Lucifer the First.

GREED: A selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions. Greed is also known as Avarice and corrisponds inversly with the virtue: Charity.

MAMMON: THE DEMON OF GREED Each of the deadly sins is paired with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. Mammon is the demon of Greed. During the Middle Ages, Mammon was commonly personified as the demon of avarice, richness and injustice.

SLOTH: Sloth is defined as spiritual or emotional apathy and being physically and emotionally inactive. Sloth can also indicate a wasting due to lack of use, concerning a person, place, thing, skill, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement, or support to continue to exist. Sloth corrisponds inversly with the virtue: Diligence

BELPHEGOR: THE DEMON OF SLOTH Each of the deadly sins is paired with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. Belphegor is the chief demon of the deadly sin known as Sloth in Christian tradition. Belphegor (Lord of the Opening) was pictured in two different fashions: as a beautiful young woman or as a monstrous, bearded demon with horns and sharply pointed nails; the former form, according to most sources, was his earthly disguise when invoked by mortals

WRATH: may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Anger, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate. Anger may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and vigilantism.

Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest (although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy, closely related to the sin of envy)

It corrisponds inversly with the virtue: Patience

AMON: THE DEMON OF WRATH Each of the deadly sins is paired with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. Amon (also spelled Aamon) is a Marquis of Hell. He is the seventh of the 72 Goetic demons who governs forty infernal legions. He appears as a wolf with a snake`s tail with the head of a dog-teethed raven.

ENVY: Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that occurs when a person lacks another`s (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it. It corrisponds inversly with the virtue: Kindness.

LAVIATHAN: DEMON OF ENVY Each of the deadly sins is paired with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell and its gatekeeper. The word has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature.



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†Izabetta Freakshow† (200221)

2013-05-26 19:07:32

Thanks a lot! =)
lastshadow (626975)

2013-05-10 19:02:03

Hello , Stoiki2000 .your equipment upgrades have been sent ur way. donate the onld equipment back to the coven. enjoy .

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