Nightshed is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Nightshed (540327)"Kings need not raise their voices to be heard."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 21:28
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VIP/VIP+ Days218 / 176
Game Age4,744
Karma+/Verve+9,183 / 1,785
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles170 (+19%) See All
Missions R/P/S617/421/33
Battle Record810,803/131,392/261
Win %87%
Last Killedprettyhatemach ...
Last Killed ByArmand de Anjo ...
Wins/Blood Today404/833,892
Avg. Blood2064
WP Spent570
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Death Knight (70)
Coven VirtueBlue Dragon (8)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 385mil+



List 9

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750k+ Wins

100k+ Power

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Married to Lydea Mey (292043) for 1540 days

3 Family Members

Vitality 55755    Charm 8303
RP Posts 9    Coven RP Posts 7
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VIP Member Lydea Mey
Shadow SevenFold
Arietes de Vogel
VIP Member Herra Sainte

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Nightshed's average rating out of 320 rates is 8.77/10


Lydea Mey (292043)

2023-05-29 01:35:59

Lydea Mey (292043)

2021-09-10 02:55:35

[I]...admiring her feral beast as he traversed the battlefield, thundering past with great speed and ferocity, his incisors tore into the brittle flesh of inferior vampires, sputtering a foul bloodlust across the dry terrain in a crimson hue. Drenched to the core, his cream colored silks clung handsomely to heaving breaths, outlining the magnificent specimen she proudly called King. With a toothy grin he would pause to lock eyes and in those hopeful, glossy pools I both lost and found myself anew. It is said that when one crosses the veil and happens upon a mate unlike any other, her chest resonates with a deafening hum. As if the very fibers of time and space begin to weave each of their souls into something everlasting!~[/i] pppqqqppp
Lydea Mey (292043)

2020-07-01 00:46:56

(bluerose)(bluerose) To our journey ahead, darling! To the new chapters we shall carve across the pages of life and the adventures that will strengthen our bond as one, I humbly and adoringly accept your proposal and look forward to each new day by your side. [i]*nuzzle*[/i]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2020-04-07 16:04:37

[i][c=#3579dc]"[b]Night is certainly more novel and less profane than day.[/b] I soon discovered that I was acquainted only with its complexion, and as for the moon, I had seen her only as it were through a crevice in a shutter, occasionally. Why not walk a little way in her light?"[/][/i]
[c=#838B8B]- Henry David Thoreau[/]
Izzybelle Marie Bunny (546138)

2024-08-23 04:21:43


2024-08-10 12:38:54

[center](blueanchor) [c=#fafafa]Married to Nightshed (540327) for 1500 days[/] (blueanchor)
[i][c=#00688B]'I know that living with me baby is sometimes hard..
but I'm looking forward to 1500 more days, with you.'[/][/i]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-08-05 01:15:14

[center][c=#3579dc]You tore out Nightshed's heart![/] [3] [c=#4E78A0][i]Mine[/i][/]
[i][c=#344152]~You have given Nightshed a rating of 10!~[/][/center][/i]
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2024-07-06 13:53:27

You're very welcome!
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-07-06 05:22:12

Happy Birthday [cheers]
Lydea Mey

2024-07-06 00:56:33

[center](coyfur) [b][c=#F87531]Happy Happy Birthday, my Sweet Scholar!![/][/b] (coyfur)

[c=#66CD00]I was trying to think of something witty to write that screamed "[/][c=#FF1CAE]Birthday shenanigans[/][c=#66CD00]".. but I'm old and you're another year older now too, so I could always go for the[/]
[c=#FFE600][i]** (Insert profound, but utterly meaningless birthday wisdom here) **[/i][/]
[c=#66CD00]sort of route. That feels like an awful lot of effort though. How about we just order some Olive Garden, I'll bake a double layer yellow mix cake with whipped vanilla frosting, open a box of Ages 8+ Fender Stratocaster Legos and go to build town for your celebration? [i]*nuzzle*[/i][/]

(corgi) (corgi) (corgi) (corgi) (corgi)

[c=#05B8CC]I hope you have a wonderful day full of the very best surprises and don't forget to make a wish when you blow out your candles! [3] Si itov wux, sia Daar!~ [/]

[c=#555555][i]PSA: Candles caused 4% of reported home fires, 3% of home fire deaths, 6% of home fire injuries, and 4% of the direct property damage in home fires. U.S. fire departments responded to an annual estimated average 5,910 home structure fires started by candles.[/i][/] [/center]

2024-07-01 01:22:38

[center][c=#fafafa]Four years feels like a comfortable beginning. The sort of pace that allows you to tiptoe into cool waters, allowing your body to adjust to the change in temperature. And as you submerge yourself carefully, you realize it's not cold at all. In fact, it's quite refreshing. Before you know it, you've taken a deep breath and dove below the surface to truly explore.

That's the thing about the ocean.. you never really know how far its depths reach. Such wonders to explore and discover, without fear. That's what its been like getting to know you these past 4 years, my sweet Scholar. Fourteen hundred and sixty days into this journey and I'm still as giddy as I was on day one! Let us never run out of oxygen, no matter how far we go!~[/]

(anchor)(bluerose) [c=#3579dc]Married to Nightshed (540327) for 1460 days[/] (bluerose)(anchor)

[c=#fafafa]You have given Nightshed a rating of Happy 0100 Anniversary, Darling!![/][/center]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-06-04 19:16:26

[center][c=#fafafa](corgi)(corgi)(corgi) International Frank Day!! (corgi)(corgi)(corgi)[/]
[c=#888888][i]*squeals erratically*[/i][/][/center]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-05-02 00:49:28

[center](blueanchor) [i]Married to Nightshed (540327) for 1400 days[/i] (blueanchor)[/center]

[c=#3579DC]You know.. your Native American name should be "Running with Bulls". [i]*grins*[/i] Honestly, I can't imagine why on earth you put up with me, especially considering how neurotic I am at times and well, a trainwreck of a human being, but I am grateful. [i]*nods*[/i] Fourteen hundred days and still you bring a smile to my thoughts more often than I'll admit.

*nuzzle* Thank you for being exactly you and for having limitless patience with this ole' gal! Onward and all that nonsense, darling!!~[/]

[center][i]You have given Nightshed a rating of 10![/i][/center]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-04-04 19:34:04

Just making sure you know that it’s a plasma [url=] boon!. [/url]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-04-04 05:48:02

Congratulations on finishing Metal Man! Can’t wait to see your fancy new ROBOT! [yay]

2024-03-19 18:59:11

(ff) [c=#fafafa]I can't wait to see your furry face tomorrow!! [i]#crumbl[/i][/]
Lydea Mey

2024-03-16 22:46:14

Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-02-16 11:41:20

[i]13 [ 284 Hearts ] Nightshed (540327) and Lydea Mey (292043)[/i]

(coyfur) Baby!! We placed Lucky 13!! [i]*pounce*[/i] Thank you for being the best heart-ripper a lady could ask for!!~
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-02-14 00:38:02

[i][c=purple]Achievements[/] [c=#fafafa]Lydea's Blueberry Pancake (540327) has just completed achievements list 9[/][/i]

Congrats on completing List 9!!! [3][3][3] [i]*kiss*[/i]
Tearing out hearts and Ach Lists this Valentine's Day!~
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-02-01 16:21:40

[c=#CC0066]2024-02-01 13:36 - Nightshed wants you to be their partner for the REIGNING COUPLES event?![/] [c=#fafafa]>>-[/][3][3][c=#fafafa]->[/] [c=#FF99CC]Yes!~[/]

Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent House Baratheon coffee mug.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent $34 an hour for IT support..
Happy Anniversary from Lydea Mey (292043) - 1460 stars wished upon!~
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent black rolls Royce car.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent a moon stone.
Get well soon from Lydea Mey (292043) - Wifey Love! < 3
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent a young golden retriever male puppy.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent aqua blue lamborghini.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent a jar of cold, fresh pineapple chunks!.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent 2024 New Reasons to Love You!!.

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