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Jason Marlow (540695)

Last Active: 2018-08-30 07:11:27
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,742
Karma+/Verve+-2 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S14/0/1
Battle Record19,106/116,152/130
Win %15%
Last KilledDiluvian
Last Killed ByDizzi ****kin` ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenThe Cabin of Jason Marlow
Coven Title (Rank)Lone Wolf (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 62k+



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Roseii Wylde™ Gremory
.:Bella Cullen:.
Lauren De`mure Core
Evelake Suraé™
Misha Birch
Brock Keates
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Jason Marlow's average rating out of 15 rates is 4.13/10


Rose Keates (427705)

2018-09-01 04:51:24

Woah long time no see! How goes it?
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2013-05-19 17:07:10

You have given Jason Marlow a rating of 10. [Back]
Annabeth (478673)

2013-02-01 04:38:04

I miss you my love. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you
Rose Keates (427705)

2012-12-30 16:58:48

Anytime bro
Rose Keates (427705)

2012-12-16 17:18:52

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Destini L. WolfsBlood (466695)

2012-07-10 03:33:57

daddy please come to the clearing!!!!
Rose Keates (427705)

2012-07-08 03:24:58

wow already!? Haha Im good, Just been relaxing
Rose Keates (427705)

2012-07-08 03:20:41

Hey Bro, Hows it going?
Wolf Count™ (57548)

2012-07-04 21:11:30

Appreciated. :)
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 06:51:42

*nod* I'll do that... *arches a brow* Put your turns to werewolves? I think I missed something, hrm.. *goes to look at the achievements*
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 06:41:07

Ooooo okay yeah I need to start working on those then, so that I start getting all of the stuff people keep telling me about!
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 06:34:04

That's what I've found out so far. Right now I have better armor and weapons than most my level but that won't last forever. -_- So I'm just working on it and hopefully when I'm a high level everything will be GOOD.
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 06:21:48

*Nods* I'm attacked a bit everyday, usually by higher levels getting revenge from attacking their lower members I'm trying to level up slowly so that I'm ready for when people start attacking more. My attack is a lot better than my defense.
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 06:14:45

That's understandable luv. *Arches a brow* Wow babe that's a lot of money for kills! lol maybe eventually I'll start making that much.
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 06:07:16

lol I don't' have a list like that, I probably should though. then again I'm not strong enough to kill a lot of people right now.
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 05:55:13

*Bounces brows and grins* I'll remember that! lol Thanks again luv, I didn't know about that stuff. Almost time to kill again!
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 05:46:40

I didn't think about that... hmmm I'll have to do that, especially since it will save me some turns and allow me to actually get the quests done at the same time.. lol thanks luv!
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 05:27:53

*Nods* I think that I already did the quest killing a certain number of peeps, but I'm not sure I'll have to look into it. I need to start doing those quests, I just keep forgetting. Been using my turns in the gym to build my stats up.
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 05:20:30

I haven't gotten to many of the quests yet but I have been going to the gym and working on my actual stats, trying not to level up to quick so that the stats are priority. I like the rp but I like not dying easily too lol.
Roseii Wylde™ Gremory (590246)

2012-07-03 05:13:07

Oh that's awesome! I forgot about that, I've already gone up one level and should go up another one during the war I'm guessing. You're helping too? Great! There's only 4 of them that I can kill.

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