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He. (548480)"..."

Last Active: 2016-02-15 03:48:02
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Game Age4,706
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record16,738/20,272/343
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Last Killed ByRyker Hokulani ...
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annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2021-08-11 13:10:46

Hey kiddo, it's been a while. I promise I didn't forget you, it's just harder and harder to wanna comment. I miss you every day. I wish you'd come around again, but at this point wishful thinking is equivalent to dreaming. I hope you have forgotten us, forgotten this game, and all it's troubles, and I hope that you are out making the world a better place. I love you and I miss you.
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2019-06-15 18:26:23

I miss you. I love you. I know you're doing wonderful and amazing things out there. Keep it up, baby boy.
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2019-04-30 00:17:35

I miss you.
Im sorry.
Legion (568468)

2018-02-09 05:07:32

Being late for this is the new thing? But hey! Not three months late at least :D Nothing's changed really, I miss you like mad and it's really terrifying talking about charries with momma(we were going to throw some DV's up but...Dion would flip shit without his boo let's be honest) without you around. But I'm still positive you're living an amazing life out there in the real world, you always had it together if any of us did. I love you, happy belated birthday[3]
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2018-02-09 05:04:27

My precious baby boy. I miss you so much. I wish you would check in with us - we miss you so much. I think about you every time Kit and I talk about our characters. Every time we talk about De'Vourli - my heart aches a little because you're not there to talk about the mess we created when you left. I am so proud of you for getting away from this place - and moving on with your life. I love you and I hope the best for you in everything you do. Stay happy, and stay safe. Happy birthday baby boy.
Legion (568468)

2017-05-04 08:04:14

I wasn't around for your birthday this year, actually managed to give myself a break for a little while, but it seemed only fair to keep up this strange tradition of commenting. Happy birthday penguin, I know you're out there being awesome and I hope you know we'll always be here if you decide to come back.[3]
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2017-03-14 08:21:58

I'm shitty. I forgot to comment this year. Happy birthday baby boy. I miss you so much. I fucked up real bad, and me and Kit aren't friends anymore. I miss her so much. I know you wont log on to read this, but I still hope some day you'll come home. I miss you kiddo. I love you and I hope your well.
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2016-02-05 21:09:52

Happy birthday babyboy. I miss you all the time. [3] I hope you are doing well, and I just wish you'd let me and Kit know that you're alright. Stay safe, and stay happy. I love you.
Legion (568468)

2016-02-05 02:29:59

That time of year again. I miss you like crazy, especially times like now when there's so much I want to talk about and could really use some quality time with my Penguin... I love you Cici, Happy Birthday[3]
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2015-02-07 04:18:05

Babyboy! Happy late birthday! I hope life is treating you well, and that you know I miss you tons and really really wanna see your face around here again. I love you dearly, and always will!
Legion (568468)

2015-02-06 04:45:32

Hey look it's your birthday again. I'm trying to follow your lead and leave this place behind but when I saw what day it was I had to come write something. On the off chance you do get to see this Happy Birthday my lovely Penguin, miss you and love you always
Legion (568468)

2014-09-30 03:09:14

I miss your face-k- You butchered Other (548480)
Legion (568468)

2014-06-13 14:40:10

You beheaded Other (548480) Kit was here and took a souvenir[angel]
Oliver Queen™ (603230)

2014-04-23 22:30:39

Miss you babyboy <3
Oliver Queen™ (603230)

2014-03-12 00:49:24

[3] Babyboyyyyy
Legion (568468)

2014-02-06 05:23:31

Your love has been sent to Kar™ (548480). A little late but happy birthday, I hope it was awesome
Oliver Queen™ (603230)

2014-01-03 14:36:36

You have given Kar™ a rating of 10. Like the page!

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