Vladimir~Glyph is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Vladimir~Glyph (551448)"taking it one drink at a time!!!"

Last Active: 2018-11-02 19:43:40
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Game Age4,693
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record5,043/21,227/147
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Last Killed ByCramchokeus
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Coven Title (Rank)Glyph (50)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 41k+



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You are The Hierophant

Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching.

All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel.

The Hierophant`s purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant`s only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.

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Vladimir Glyph
Mortal Age/Actual Age:
Sire: Isabella Glyph.
Species: Vampire
Bloodline: Glyph
FAMILY: i was givin away at a young and delicate age so i don`t know any of my family and the only ones i can consider family now are my closest friends.
ABILITIES: Fly, Transformation, control of the ellements. Can put anyone into a trance with just my words, effortlessly even.
HAVEN: Where ever I can get away from the rest of the world.
FEEDING: i tend to find stragglers walking down back alleys late at night and that`s were i make my move. everyone`s gotta eat right. well it`s not my fault im near the top of the food chain.
LOOKS: slender well sculpted body. looks like a chisel cut the grooves of his chest. 6 feet 3inche. tall with shaggy shoulder length hair almost the color of fresh snow with a few dark streaks. Gloden brown irises. very strong facial features such as mid height cheeck bones, slightly jutted chin, thick face. light scar through my left eyebrow slicing down to the back of my face. well formed arms, thick but not sickly so, solid muscle. very strong legs well sculpted partly from when he was a human running through the streets trying to find his next meal. when you look into his eyes you can see his whole life story and know that he had a hard one.
NATURE: Kind and loving, but ready to fight in a second if the moment needs it.
DEMEANOR: Protective and calm
FLAWS: you tell me
HISTORY: Vladimir Glyph was once a human who lived in a small southern town called summerville it was more like the suburbs of south carolina in the united states. he lived a hard life in a home filled with abuse and drugs. his mother was beat almost every night of her pathetic excuse of a life and she used every pill she could find to try and dull the pain. At a young age Vladimir started working to support his mother and four other siblings not understanding the whole situation whas his mothers fault to begin with. he was protective from the start fighting grown men for his life when he`d be walking the streets jusst to make it home with the scraps he had for his family. Interesting enough his human name was Nicholas Leon Norris which according to the christian bibil ment saviour of the people. Nick spent all of his human life like this doing the same routine over and over again from the time he was nine years old all the way to his faitfull 17th birthday. it was on that evening his mother kicked him out of the house for beating her new boyfriend half to death because he knocked her tooth out over a lowsy ten dollars he wanted to spend on beer. So now on his own he still worked and made money and it was a lot easier to only support himself so within 7 months doing all the illegal and perfectly legal jobs he`s always done he saved up enough money bought himself a place in a little redneck town called walterboro in south carolina where he now stays only as a vampire. the way he became a vampire is a simple one at that. he met this incredible women shortly after his 18th birthday and lost his virginity to her. the next morning he awoke and was incredibly exhausted. he could barely sit up right in the bed so he fell back asleep and when he awoke that night the women was standing over him staring down at him with these massive red eyes. she seduced him yet again and afterward she completely filled him in on his now enriching heritage. he left his sire and vanished for a couple of months trying to cope with everything that has happened. and while he was gone he came to terms with what he was and learned to accept the fact. killing thousands of humans in months he began to feel he was a monster so he went back home to seek her guidance and she was gone. so he created a way for him to apply moderation to his diet and now lives under his chosen vampiric name quite happily, yet damned forever.

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Vladimir~Glyph's average rating out of 11 rates is 8.27/10


Donovan Callan Settrigh (141899)

2013-01-03 21:38:03

Welcome to the coven. Feel free to ask me any questions as well if you'd like. We're at war, so if you can't kill anyone. Please make sure your dead at TOH. Thank you.
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-04 17:44:40

Lol... It's okay dude.. No problem.. ;)
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-04 17:42:19

Oh.. Anyways nice talking to you..
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-04 17:40:30

Hey thanks for that..
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-04 17:40:02

What do you mean exactly?.??
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-04 17:35:59

Your welcome... Good work is always appreciated..
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-04 17:33:22

Lol.. But it's still good anyway..
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2012-08-02 19:02:33

Hey Nice profile..*10
Killer Kitten (330466)

2012-07-11 06:16:43

What one did you take the words from?? Cuz those are my own words, I edited all the pix on my profile. And I did rate u, 10
Killer Kitten (330466)

2012-07-10 18:19:03

why thank you :)
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-06 17:58:39

lol. my real name is heather. do you want to bl some?
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-06 17:55:57

u r sexy
Mrs Charming (369059)

2012-04-25 05:39:50

welcome to Buds :)
†Beatriz della Croce† (534620)

2012-04-23 00:19:44

†Beatriz della Croce† (534620)

2012-04-22 03:15:36

i'm sure you will be fine
†Beatriz della Croce† (534620)

2012-04-21 03:26:41

hey hun. long time no talk how have you been?
†Angela N,Gossow† (500718)

2012-03-06 18:17:40

dad i dont have you in my friends list
Kali (554343)

2012-03-05 20:30:23

My internet is down but as soon as back for good i'll gladly sit on your face once more x
Kali (554343)

2012-03-01 15:47:50

Love you and miss you dearly x
Kali (554343)

2012-02-06 22:37:34

Just a message from your wife to say i love you x

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