Victoria Dementria is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Victoria Dementria (558478)"Working on redoing my profile to better fit the person my character has become."

Last Active: 2013-08-09 20:36:26
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,659
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles4 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780126 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780126 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record5,272/25,948/282
Win %17%
Last KilledLaCroix LaRoug ...
Last Killed ByBux
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Victoria (45)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 28k+



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Rank 25+

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Victoria Dementria

Victoria Dementria, born many years ago into darkness is a rather complex being. She had no recollection of her human life. On her last day of humanity, she was attacked by a fledgling male vampire. He struck her on the back of the head, drank from her, then left her for dead thinking he had drained her dry. He had been mistaken. A very small amount of blood had remained in Victoria`s circulatory system. Hours later she awoke a vampire. What she believes to be due to her head injury, she has no recollection of her human life. All she knows are the ways of the vampire. This makes her more shy to engage in contact with other vampires/immortal beings, although she is not apposed to it.

Victoria is a vicious hunter..

Victoria is often very neutral as far as vampires go. She is neither good or evil. She simply does what pleases her. When having contact with others she is a real lady. She is always very polite and the best of hostesses. Her dress style reminiscent of the victorian era with a gothic twist to it. Victoria is a generally nice being, but is often irritated easily. When pushed over the edge she is a force not to be reckoned with.

When it comes to hunting Victoria is a vicious, animal like creature. Her prey of choice is a evil, human male. She believes it is due to her reminiscent distaste for the one who turned her. She often plays mind games with her victims, making them feel sorry for what they have done. Making them realize what its like to be the victim. She kills them slowly making them feel pain, often feeding off their flesh afterwards.

Victoria is a woman of many talents. Over the years she has become extremely talented in most forms of magic. She uses magic not only in battle, but also in her daily life. Over time she has acquired quite a large sum of cash from her fallen victims and tends to get the best of everything. She makes all of her own clothes having very specific tastes. She loves to paint. Although she is friendly, she doesn`t often become attached to other beings.


Pictures of Victoria:


Victoria`s House

The only being to live with Victoria is her beloved cat Morticia. She found Morticia when she was a kitten abandoned; no mother or siblings in site. Reminding Victoria of her own similar situation, she took the cat in. She raised her to adult hood and then made her immortal. A vampire cat she is, but she feeds off of rodents and other small animals rather than humans.


A few things about my real self.
My name is Geri.
i`m 19.
All the pictures I used for my avatar are real pictures of myself taken and edited by me. (the blood is fake its just paint and photo effects)
I live in Pennsylvania.

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Victoria Dementria 's average rating out of 11 rates is 9.91/10


Sirocco (441156)

2012-06-29 21:11:29

Welcome to Buds! I lent you some equipment, please equip them as soon as possible. Don't forget to check out the Buds guide and forums to help you along in the game. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the staff members for help. Happy hunting. ~Sirocco
Lacarabella (288598)

2012-06-18 00:17:24

Rather than your profile you would have been better working on your coven exp
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-06-10 06:27:08

Welcome back to AON ... let us know if you need anything
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2012-04-25 01:32:12

Charlie sweeps in and glances around the other vampire's place. He nods slightly approving of her place-and smirks slightly. He leaves a small note: You have given Victoria Dementria a rating of 10. He sets it upon a desk before he leaps out of the window into the cold dark night back to his place.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-04-12 10:24:30

Welcome to AoN, we are so happy you've joined us, we're sending you some weapons to help on the Battlefield !!! (be sure to activate them/ equip) ... look around and ask any questions you have !!! I love Morticia and the rest of your profile ... a 10 for you !!!!
Vampirexxx (401725)

2012-02-17 18:05:11

Absolutely wicked profile!!...Love it.....i thought the pics were real....done really well......You get a well deserved 10!!!!!!!!!!
Mad Maxie (510096)

2012-02-16 20:18:34

Oh wow. You are very artistic. Your profile is very cool.

2012-02-15 16:23:17

Bl me?:]

2012-02-15 16:08:48

Thanks ^_^
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2012-02-13 11:26:55

I was just going across and it looked awesome, with ur real pics. Ur welcome
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2012-02-13 11:24:12

Love the profile. ;)
Raven Dawn Chevalier (398554)

2012-02-13 05:51:50

Your very welcome :)
Raven Dawn Chevalier (398554)

2012-02-12 16:34:27

Hello, Welcome to Eternal Knight
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2012-01-30 03:19:03

An Elder looking female steped forth as a kind withering smile crossed plush black lips, as she rested her hand on the 10 button to rate the females profile she spoke in a kind soothing tone,"Good Eve Miss Vicoria I presume... Many a day I have watched you Rp and I adore your technique... My name is LadyJessica as I hope to speak to you in the near future.." she pressed firmly on the button before lifting the front of her victorian dress only to stalk back into the shadows.
Sirocco (441156)

2012-01-24 18:21:11

Welcome to Buds! I lent you some equipment, please equip them as soon as possible. Don't forget to check out the Buds guide and forums to help you along in the game. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the staff members for help. Happy hunting. ~Sirocco

2012-01-19 08:32:15

of course my character's are usually well thought out. as are all of them if you notice.
The Divine Omega (562195)

2012-01-19 08:31:45

well i just use everything i can and hell the game said i killed him in one shot so i just used it but im talking to the moderator and its not god modding because the game it self said it but what it was i posted it wrong in the room so i faced the punishment "banned"
The Divine Omega (562195)

2012-01-19 08:07:51

ok now the game is a game with stats and all. sooo if i can literally kill him with a single blow reguardless of what he says or does why give a weakling a chance when he never had one. hell its a battle log its him vs me and i can literaly kill him before he had a chance. thats why i used my battle log as my rp session
The Divine Omega (562195)

2012-01-19 07:59:06

hey i just got banned for useing my battle log as part of my rp content aint that some shit. hell he wanted to fight so i figured id use that as part of the fray
The Divine Omega (562195)

2012-01-19 07:48:42

props are given where due and props to you

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