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Inactive-Delete-Acct. (55946)

Last Active: 2009-02-04 16:39:31
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Game Age6,025
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record3,356/40,109/685
Win %8%
Last KilledDruid
Last Killed ByMallorie Saint ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0




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Married to Ϥ_Fire & Ice_¤Ï (48992) for 6038 days

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VIP Member DarkAsh

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Inactive-Delete-Acct.'s average rating out of 17 rates is 4.76/10


Lord Damien Atticus (187335)

2011-06-16 05:43:36

2 years later and a comment
Jedi Master Kermit Hermit (195718)

2009-10-02 08:18:50

Inactive-Delete-Acct.(55946)'s Stats: Strength: 400.631 Speed: 678.145. Toughness: 375.069. Money: 4577. Bank: 0 HP: 790/790 MP: 205 AP: 0 QP: 5 Plasma: 1 Weapon Equipped: (+) Armour Equipped: (+)
Lucidious Rage (111731)

2009-08-20 17:39:36

Looking for an AMAZING coven? We are Primal Chaos! We offer a Drama free, FUN, active environment! We are adding coven activities, games, challenges, competitions, etc. daily to help try to keep RoB interesting and fun for you! We know what makes a good coven GREAT is the people within it. That's why we want YOU! Our coven offers a richly detailed background and theme for you to grow and develop your character into! We are based on the Ancient Greek mythology of Primal Chaos, which was what the Greeks believed to be the beginning of all existence. From Chaos the 5 Primal Gods were created to establish life as we know it. Those gods were: Tartarus (The God of Hell), Nyx (The Goddess of Night), Gaia (The Goddess of Earth), Eros (The God of Desire), and Erebus (The God of Darkness). We have given each of these gods a Temple in our coven and a focus of Warriors, Assassins, Healers/Greeters, & Scribes! If this is starting to sound interesting to you, why not come have a look at our coven recruitment page! Or visit our Chat! We look forward to seeing you!!! You can visit our chat at: or if you would prefer you could visit our coven page at:
Lucidious Rage (111731)

2009-07-12 00:53:22

Looking for an Amazing coven? We are Primal Chaos! We are a slightly newer coven but with Ancient roots! Our coven was originally established as the 6th coven ever made in the game of RoB. That makes ours one of the oldest covens in the game. While our roots are ancient, our coven is new so you have LOTS OF ROOM TO GROW! With more then 400 covens to choose from, why pick us? Because we offer a Drama free, FUN, active environment with a richly detailed background and theme for you to grow your RoB life into! Our Coven is based on the Ancient Greek mythology of Primal Chaos, which was what the Greeks believed to be the beginning of all existence. From Chaos the 5 Primal Gods were created to establish life as we know it. Those gods were: Tartarus (The God of Hell), Nyx (The Goddess of Night), Gaia (The Goddess of Earth), Eros (The God of Desire), and Erebus (The God of Darkness). We have given each of these gods a Temple in our coven and a focus of Warriors, Assassins, Healers/Greeters, & Scribes! If this is starting to sound interesting to you, why not come have a look at our coven recruitment page! Or visit our Chat! We look forward to seeing you!!! You can visit our chat at: or if you would prefer you could visit our coven page at:
Karavi (115070)

2009-04-28 23:12:16

Hello. My name is Joseph. I am the father of the Crows of Sorrow. We are new family and have dreams of becoming strong and known. We are peaceful, yet determined. I would like to know if you would honor us with you becoming a member of our family. We could use your help to advance in this dark realm. I hope you consider. Thank you. Family Motto: "May our passion shine down on those shadowed by fear and doubt."
High Priestess (Ragon) (105119)

2009-04-05 06:06:23

Hi my name is CountRagon and I am the recruiter for Ancient Order. I would like to extend an invitation for you to check out our coven. We’re just starting out and we think you would make a great addition and with your help we will become one of the greatest covens out there. If you have any questions just BL me. *leaves a plate of cookies*
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2009-03-23 16:24:27

Hello My name Is Airabeth I would like to extend you an invitation to come check out our home Obsidian. We are An open coven with a lot of great people. We pride ourselves on our open door policy to come and go as you please, no strings attached. would love to see you in our ranks. Happy Hunting, *Blessing*
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2009-01-14 19:01:26

Good Evening *bow* My name is Bunnicula and I am a member of The House Of The Fallen Raven. I ran across your profile, and saw that you are without a definite home, and would like to extend my hand to you with both friendship, and an invitation to join us within our little family, for we would love to have you and would cherish your presence. If you have any questions or thoughts regarding anything at all - may it be help, the coven, or just to chat and befriend further - please do not hesitate to do so, and be assured I will reply within 24 hours Thank you for time, and always, your graceous presence *bows deeply* Sincerely, Bunnicula
Prisz~ (82462)

2008-12-08 17:12:41

Mrs. F&I <3

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