Legion is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Legion (568468)"Curiosity Killed The Cat"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 21:25
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,603
Karma+/Verve+379 / 105
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles46 (+4%) See All
Missions R/P/S388/2/53
Battle Record187,532/107,167/497
Win %64%
Last KilledQuentin Chase ...
Last Killed ByKarma Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent70
Coven Title (Rank)Lady (30)
Coven VirtueSecretary (6)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 3mil+



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Legion's average rating out of 385 rates is 8.58/10


Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2022-04-18 23:29:58

Well, well, well…who would have ever thought that this is where we’d be? For a long time I mourned the loss of people who spent years manipulating me, lying to me, and using me for their own vanity…when I should have been thanking them for being the vehicle through which I met you. You love my family. You are good and kind to the people who love me. You are thoughtful, and selfless, and creative, and passionate. You walked into this house and loved me with reckless abandon and valued our future together AND yourself enough to start doing the work…and I’m just so excited for this life we are about to build. One with healthy boundaries, mutual empathy, accountability, and breaking generational curses.

Your value is inherent, my love, and you should be so proud of yourself for getting to a point where you’re starting to see that. 💕
Luis V. Sainte™ (728551)

2020-07-20 15:06:53

Thank you for 400 magical days my darling. My love for you grows stronger every single day, and I'm still amazed that I was lucky enough to deserve you. You are my heart and soul, my queen. The great love of my life. Always and forever and longer than ever 🖤
Nirxei (746499)

2024-04-11 01:04:19

You have given Legion a rating of 10.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-06-30 04:15:56

Happy Birthday [cheers]
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2023-06-19 13:10:32

"I chose you before we ever decided to do this."

That has stuck with me. Playing in my mind on repeat over and over and over again. I am not a person who is used to being chosen - whether it's in partnerships, familial relationships, or platonic friendships. When put against other options, there are usually better ones. I don't understand what it is that you see in me, or why you believe that there is nothing about me that WOULDN'T make you choose me...but I am prepared to spend a lifetime and then some making sure that that doesn't change. That there's never a moment where you [i]wouldn't[/i] choose me. I only come around this place once in a while to draw inspiration when I am in desperate need of it, or look back on old writings...but I know that reminders of times past stings the soul, especially one as sensitive and kind as yours...so I hope this is a welcome notification on your side bar, and helps dull the ache a little. I love you, and I hope you have a fantastic day today. [3]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-06-04 19:06:37

[c=#818589]A brand new month means a brand new profile rating, so...

[i][b]You have given Legion a rating of 10.[/b][/i]

Enjoy, and happy month of June! (purplemoon2) qq[/]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-05-01 18:37:22

[c=#818589]Awww, you're too sweet! qq[/]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-05-01 03:55:21

[c=#818589]A brand new month means a brand new profile rating, so...

[i][b]You have given Legion a rating of 10.[/b][/i]

Enjoy! (purplemoon2) qq[/]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2023-04-07 07:25:53

[i]You have given Legion a rating of 10.[/i]
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2023-01-11 05:01:19

haters gonna hate. or something. - taylor swift
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2022-09-16 17:39:39

hi u have a nice butt
NightsBlood Pointe du Lac (728887)

2022-08-03 01:04:08

10 to you :)
Dreamweaver (248485)

2022-06-30 04:43:26

Happy Birthday [cheers]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2022-05-08 04:57:39

You have given Legion a rating of 10.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2022-04-25 20:03:53

Nice Virtue Ranking [dance]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-04-19 02:41:58

I love that status. [yay]

Because, of course! [3] You have given Legion a rating of 10. [hug] Be Well Melinoe.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2022-04-18 20:20:02

Welcome to our coven family qq
If you need any help be sure to ask [hugme]
Bathsheba Ferox (739508)

2021-12-02 14:35:24

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2021! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!
Luis V. Sainte™ (728551)

2021-11-05 11:34:59

Just a little reminder how utterly truly fucking fantastic you are. Wonderful, intelligent, stunning beyond belief. How in the world I deserved you my Eveningstar, I will never know. But what I do know for certain is that I am entirely, unequivocally and incandescently in love with you.

Always and unto forever, mi amor. 🖤
Taija (739378)

2021-11-04 19:31:11

It really is hauntingly and chillingly beautiful!

Merry Christmas from Makenna Rose Orrina (192423) - ...and a happy new year 2022!
Elia Martell (649659) sent vampire hand sanitizer.
I Love you from Coraline Grimm™ (728551)
Coraline Grimm™ (728551) sent Happy Two Years, I Love You <3.
Coraline Grimm™ (728551) sent Two. <3.
Coraline Grimm™ (728551) sent black roses.
Coraline Grimm™ (728551) sent a moon stone.
Elia Martell (649659) sent Charlie`s Angels movie set.
I Love you from Coraline E. Grimm™ (728551)
Happy Birthday from Coral Grimm™ (728551) - Happy Birthday Angel. I love you the whole wide world over &#128420;

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