¥IN†¥ANG™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

¥IN†¥ANG™ (57535)"Naked camels ahead come and get your hump on"

Last Active: 2011-05-25 18:37:33
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age6,003
Karma+/Verve+1,047 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationVatican City State(Holy See)
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record368,498/212,168/106
Win %64%
Last KilledDark~Avenger
Last Killed ByTobias Morde†h ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenDark Phoenix
Coven Title (Rank)RoB`s Legendary Enigma (95)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 9mil+



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Married to Elphaba Rêve (161503) for 5000 days

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Elphaba Rêve
VIP Member DarkAsh

¥IN†¥ANG™ has 3 friends View All Friends





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¥IN†¥ANG™'s average rating out of 337 rates is 6.78/10


Kinky Kat (224427)

2016-04-25 07:55:30

Forever missed <3
Black Obsidian (348982)

2015-02-18 15:47:29

First Id like to say is idgaf your gone. You started shit with my family and Im glad the Devil came and took you. Bitch first off you had NO LEGS (becasue you lost them in the army like a dumbass), NO HAIR, You were in a wheelchair your whole life and you looked like a fat redneck piece of shit. I prayed and prayed for you to die and I finally got my wish. Thank GOD you left this game, becasue you were horrible. I still cant believe I found out 3 years later you were gone. Lol nothing but ANOTHER..DEAD..ROTTING SOUL.
Blake (177659)

2012-12-09 08:23:09

I lol'd at the RIP messages. I never laughed so hard in my life xD
Xavier Caine (148640)

2011-12-29 10:00:45

Yin was my first coven leader. He taught me everything he could when I was a noob. He taught me to be active, to train before killing, and to kill without mercy when I did kill. The game has lost one of its best. Whether you liked him or not, you knew who Yin Yang was. For all of those who were not ever part of Yins coven, all of those who only got to know the wicked side of Yin, you should know that Yin was a great leader. He truly cared for those who were a part of his coven and did everything he could to make those members better. RIP Yin.
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2011-10-18 18:23:02

I will forever miss you kicking my ass. Rest in peace and as others have said, continue doing it in the afterlife! May we be blessed to know you again.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-09-16 09:30:05

Rest In Peace Yin.
Lady Death (5)

2011-09-16 03:48:13

R.I.P Hun. You were a fierce competitor and I have been honored to have known you.
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2011-09-15 21:07:13

I remember when you first came to the game. R.I.P hun xxx
Pyretta D`Oreb (70807)

2011-09-15 12:21:09

RIP, Yin Yang...go kick some ass in the afterlife!
Ms. Ham (149151)

2011-09-11 23:50:56


2011-07-19 05:28:25

You will be missed by all..
Kinky Kat (224427)

2011-06-15 02:07:44

you will be missed by both me and Gallow

2011-06-11 01:15:17

I'm sorry that we couldn't have been good friends, Yin. I hope that you are no longer in any pain where ever your soul has ended up. I do hope that you have found peace even if your life on Earth hasn't gone the way that you planed. It is hard to pass away when you feel that nothing good has happened in your life, but even though you were an ass hole to many good people...you have touched many others lives. Though with in your coven and many of your enemies, will miss you. You have shown that no matter what you can live your life and be who you want to be. I just hope that you are allowed peace in the Afterlife and are happy with the way that your life has turned out. With love always, Teruyoshi or Eliza
Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2011-03-14 15:06:04

A very good job by you and your team during war time.
AcidNeko (72482)

2011-03-12 07:22:53

glad to see you still remember to kill me from time to time
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)

2011-02-10 19:42:24

~Assimilates~ "You have been assimilated, your being integrated into the collective. Resistance is futile. Enter the hive mind.”
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-02-10 09:24:54

Love the new take on the tired proverb about how many muscles it takes 2 frown.... even tho I often say "smiles are free" ; they are decidedly expensive when somebody is Fang$#@ Annoying !!! lol Happy Hunting / except 4 ZEPHYR !!! VLADINA
Blood Shard (230245)

2011-01-20 01:24:33

Hay ,,, how are you ,,Ty , for the buy ,, ~hugs~
DeMiLiCiOuS! (301114)

2011-01-16 20:22:12

Hello, stopping by to admire your profile You have given ¥IN†¥ANG™ a rating of 10.
SouxieMentia Draculesti ™ (183686)

2011-01-08 16:03:00

I missed you. Glad you are back. (hug)

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