§Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

§Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ (576870)

Last Active: 2014-02-21 03:27:20
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,559
Karma+/Verve+11 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779889 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779889 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record66,859/108,128/115
Win %39%
Last KilledVampirella Ver ...
Last Killed ByCara Fidela Sh ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent8
CovenFormae in Mortis
Coven Title (Rank)The Sicarius of The Mortis (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 797k+



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Rank 100+

50k+ Wins

2.5k+ Power

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Married to Micheal Rahl Whispers (523379) for 4222 days
3 Family Members

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Micheal Rahl Whispers

§Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ has 5 friends View All Friends


 photo 2a3f7fdc-69e4-4fcf-b325-8873220a0d52_zpsaca2d97a.jpg  photo 86727fe9-3fdf-441c-ac3e-41038a91502d_zps236a7fa0.jpg  photo banner_zpsc6a2432a.jpg

 photo 5c30ce88-fad8-40f7-863f-747d0059bf76_zps762e0f15.jpg  photo Gotica2_800_zps33eb905c.jpg  photo 33c3b4cf-206a-423c-8945-0e0b4580a5d2_zps1cdd9130.jpg  photo Tortured_Soul_by_ColdCrimson_zpsa64baf62.jpg  photo Female-Vampire-Bloody-Mouth_zps76be4f1c.jpg  photo scarystories-ghoststoryblog_zps7ba1d8e1.jpg  photo 199de641-4990-440d-a173-e21fb9d3b738_zps371704a1.jpg



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











§Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§'s average rating out of 46 rates is 7.74/10


Micheal Rahl Whispers (523379)

2013-09-02 22:17:25

hiya sweety! aside from wanting to pull the heads of family members we are doing good not great but
N€M€§I§ RAHL WHI§P€R§ (552502)

2013-08-29 04:15:30

Hugs Well - yes, but always tired it seems. I could sleep all day easily. I hope to feel better soon and be more useful :)
TS† Lua (611535)

2013-08-27 20:41:40

You have given §Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ a rating of 10.
†Most Unholy† Alchemist (316707)

2013-08-27 15:26:58

Non VIP players can only give a maximum of 3 karma... Not 5
Felicity Skye M. Callinan (640418)

2013-06-06 07:25:35

Well, come along anytime for a bite, as long asyou allow a lick or two ;)
Felicity Skye M. Callinan (640418)

2013-06-05 18:46:41

Am I tasty, Love?
Koven†DCXLV†Ettore (359302)

2013-05-29 22:09:34

Not too bad hun, yourself? <3
†Øц Rebel LaRouge Wrath (396782)

2013-05-29 17:31:53

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birth day grandma Hailey! Happy birthday to you!
Micheal Rahl Whispers (523379)

2013-05-08 04:15:51

Braeden... First off I don't like you..So your wondering why I'm writing you...You see its simple You pissed Nemisis rahl Whispers off from the start had you simply asked her was she using Mp she'd given you a straight answer instead you came off rude ,Nem is not anyone who tolerates rudeness! As time went along I told her to not talk to you as it was not advantageous to anyone, you trained or rubied, or plasma upped I don't know, and I truly Do NOT give a fuck but bravo you started killing her half the time.. Bravo! now I'll make it clear,,, she does not use MP! she never has never will she considers it waste to use it..you do.. Whoopee! again I DON'T CARE! I took today to consider you words a"cunty slag" and further a "cunt" I considered the fact you might be from a culture where this could be considered as acceptable...but your education suggest your smarter than to refer to your mother or Misha in that light... Either it is smart of fear I'm not sure but again I DON'T CARE! So I had a talked with Nem today and spoke as her father she is barred and blocked from you,Furthermore as Her real life husband I have made sure of the fact that your blocked , Make no mistake Braeden not because she needs me to fight her battles her vocabulary is more than enough to eviscerate anyone; up to including me. So that leaves you and Me, My knee jerk reaction is discount you totally out of hand and block you as a minor annoyance...but Am I doing you a disservice? I'm not too sure now seeing as how your prone to deleting comments and prolly have me blocked as well I'm posting this in serveral places, Like my profile, nem's profile, and misha's as well why? becasue For myself...I am held accoun table for my words and deeds. Good Day Braeden
Braeden Acosta™ (107587)

2013-05-07 20:38:54

2013-05-07 17:05:03 - §Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ (576870) has added you to their enemy list [Add them to your enemy list] <-- You've got big dreams, Child.. Lmfao
RayvenRed Báthory™ (65555)

2013-05-06 01:07:16

But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
zerohatemachine (274529)

2013-05-02 05:30:15

Status looks familiar.
V (254441)

2013-04-27 08:48:25

Thanks for the blog comment!
Sirocco (441156)

2013-04-11 06:17:22

Thank you.
†Øц Rebel LaRouge Wrath (396782)

2013-04-11 00:52:50

Hi grandma!
DarkAsh (1)

2013-04-09 22:32:47

Dreamweaver (248485)

2013-04-03 18:44:45

Have a click on me ;)
†Øц Rebel LaRouge Wrath (396782)

2013-03-14 13:20:38

HI ! Im Heaven I see you married my grandpa. Congrats!!

2013-03-12 18:51:05

You have given §Hailey Destiny Quinn ™§ a rating of 9.
Koren FS Rahl Ookami (237022)

2012-12-25 14:32:46

Merry Christmas Hailey!

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