Mr. Malkavian Mime is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Mr. Malkavian Mime (579075)"I'm dead and no longer logging in."

Last Active: 2016-03-24 21:06:47
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,545
Karma+/Verve+-104 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles8 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S162/0/0
StatusDead (28779916 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779916 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record85,486/154,182/1,164
Win %36%
Last KilledRaven Sainte
Last Killed ByCharlamane
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent8
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Mr. Malk (95)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 3mil+



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The Lamb
VIP Member Bux

Mr. Malkavian Mime has 8 friends View All Friends


About Me:
imageϻιstёr ϻαlκαvιαη ϻιϻё Is what to call me, that`s not my real name obviously. This is for both your protection and mine, mainly mine. It`s been quiet a while since I updated my "about me" paragraph and frankly I`m having a hard time defining myself in just a few sentences. There are many things I do not wish to share with you as well; If you don`t like this, then I suggest you don`t talk to me. Notice the use of the semi colon, why don`t people know how to use one of those? People, myself included are tragically flawed beings and as such I will not make you be a friend to me nor make you my friend unwillingly. I am a very opinionated person who will speak his mind, regardless of the feelings he may hurt. Lying I find is a very useless thing to do except in circumstances where to not lie would cause you personally great harm. I prefer not to talk to under-aged people unless I am somehow involved with them via whatever coven happens to want me around.

Here is some odd things: I used to write poetry; quite often the whiny emo, pseudo Gothic self pity kind. I`m rather a stickler for grammar/spelling and sometimes comment people just to say "Ahem, You spelled this woord incorrectly." I consider religion to be mostly worthless. I sometimes study some things from Taoism, and other philosophies but don`t really consider it to be my religion. I support the factual theories of evolution. I have somewhat of a temper when it comes to ignorance, the religious, certain sub-sects of society. Sometimes I don`t bother to write back to people in the hope they won`t bother me ever again. Which brings me to another thing that`s part of my life, disappointment. family members, myself and much of my friends up to this point in my life have had that affect on me. It`s not always their fault because I have high standards of judgement when it comes to certain areas. My job at the moment is very stressful with odd working hours. When I am not there I play at social networking and online games. I watch many, many movies as well because even if bad I can laugh at the stupidity of the fact that someone spent money on them. I despise all sets of classes in society and think they should be abolished, which is otherwise known as socialism. I rarely pay much attention to TV, or celebs or any of that mainstream stuff. Not that I bother with much of the alternative either. I don`t have many friends online or off, my personality takes getting used to and even then its sometimes intolerable; You`ve been warned.

Be Warned: If you randomly try to RP me without bothering to say just a plain hello or suggesting an RP situation, then expect that my reply may not come or if it does it will be mean. That`s what RP covens, houses and threads are for. If you have an intention in that regard it would be best if you ask the person say if they would like to join the conversations? Thanks for understanding.


Shirley Manson

Bob Dylan

Chuck Palahniuk

Edgar Allen Poe

David Bowie

Kurt Cobain R.I.P.

Marilyn Manson



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Mr. Malkavian Mime's average rating out of 46 rates is 8.74/10


Ink Kross (662133)

2016-03-09 20:58:13

Thanks :p
Ink Kross (662133)

2016-03-09 20:54:10

You have given Mr. Malkavian Mime a rating of 10. Nice profile qq
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2016-02-22 18:27:46

True.. One way to find out .. qq Try to hit me after battling others. [hehe]
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2016-02-22 18:07:37

I am sure, you'll still be able to kill me though. Coven added bonuses and all. :P
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2016-02-08 18:21:30

On the bright side your kill is helping my dagger mission. :-)
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2016-02-08 18:15:03

That is why they are called life changing pancakes. Lol
The Silence (544989)

2016-01-01 21:53:02

Had to power up a bit;) :)
Jamie Price (508506)

2015-07-01 20:58:26

Hey :) I forgot to heal my Life before I went to battle like a NOOB!! Apologies x
Zylo of The Crow (195347)

2015-06-28 09:10:11

Sometimes the "Vamps below my power" button can really screw ya over. Cheers though, mate.
Agent J.Aestus (562765)

2014-12-23 10:55:36

You remove me from your enemy list, am I too strong?[smug]
Agent J.Aestus (562765)

2014-10-08 06:18:07

Aww that's a shame. Lots of good players are going inactive. :(
Agent J.Aestus (562765)

2014-10-07 05:58:25

I still love your profile. :) qq
Ligeia (648620)

2014-07-13 17:11:17

You have given Mr. Malkavian Mime a rating of 10. :)
Ra!ine Amaran†hus (256896)

2014-05-30 11:44:17

Cool profile :) Rated a 10.
Ink Kross (662133)

2014-04-20 18:03:48

Rated 10. Nice profile
Demetris Gantry (395198)

2014-04-04 21:05:27

You have given Mr. Malkavian Mime a rating of 10. A lot different to what I have seen.
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2014-02-04 02:10:34

Haha! Well it's good to see a different name up there. So Congrats on being the Ninja that time.
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2014-02-04 00:14:16

Nice job 2014-02-04 00:02:16 Mr. Malkavian Mime (579075)s battle leveled up the coven.
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2014-01-25 01:05:48

Possibly. Though my mind is pretty bleh. But I do remember names. Yours I remember seeing. As well as the Got Malk? Haha
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2014-01-25 00:58:49

Your quite welcome. Yes, Sabriel, she is an amazing friend. Glad she has another friend like you. Well, I appreciate the help. I do remember seeing your name when I was in Buds. Never met you. Bux, yeah, he probably will be. But tell him I am borrowing you. I am sure he won't mind at all.

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