Ambrosia †Hel† Aestus is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Ambrosia †Hel† Aestus (591864)"Embers burning bright, the phoenix is reborn."

Last Active: 2021/04/24 07:12
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,460
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record1,904/13,098/59
Win %13%
Last KilledAres Diederich ...
Last Killed ByXixilma
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



List 0.5

Rank 25+

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500+ Power

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Married to Blue Hel Night Aestus (243378) for 2411 days
2 Family Members

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Ambrosia †Hel† Aestus's average rating out of 24 rates is 9.13/10


Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-04-24 08:48:32

Thank you so much for choosing this lovely profile! I’ve rated you a 10. [yay]

2013-08-31 20:03:02

nice name
Sebastian Moon Michaelis (601668)

2013-07-14 17:23:48

You're back?
balthazar more (539435)

2013-05-13 00:10:56

gave you a rating of 10
balthazar more (539435)

2013-03-21 14:19:31

thanks for the blood.
Julian Michaelis (332866)

2013-03-16 14:33:57

Thank you, and I am pleased to hear all went well, in truth the same goes for me, I had an issue with a co-worker, it was rather tiresome and the problem needed to be fixed as it kept repeating, but it has been managed and settled. So it seems we are both at ease once more. -smiles-
Julian Michaelis (332866)

2013-03-14 23:22:16

I can say I understand you quite clearly My dear, I only hope it goes over quickly and well for you.
Julian Michaelis (332866)

2013-03-09 17:22:05

I have been fairly well My dear, thank you. I hope all has been well for you?
Adam (617158)

2013-01-30 11:49:39

You have some nice tracks playing in your profile. I wish I could see their names! You have given Ambrosia†L.H.†DeathWish† a rating of 10.
Rayne (235728)

2013-01-20 21:42:53

yw hun
Rayne (235728)

2013-01-20 20:15:36

You have given Ambrosia†L.H.†DeathWish† a rating of 10.
Sebastian Moon Michaelis (601668)

2013-01-06 14:00:27

Good to hear. welcome back :)
Sebastian Moon Michaelis (601668)

2012-12-30 16:37:27

It's been a while, I hope you are doing well. Happy holidays -smiles-
Julian Michaelis (332866)

2012-12-17 05:18:34

I do apologize, i have been busy and I am sure we all have been. If you have anything in mind, please do not hesitate to send me a post. I would love to RP. ~Smiles~
Julian Michaelis (332866)

2012-12-17 03:01:07

I have been well, thank you My dear, I trust the same goes for you?
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-12-16 18:36:13

Hi again. your rank,name an color has been changed for you. and that thread is cleaned up after each person is taken care of, like u for example . i cleaned up after taken care of ur needs. if u need any thing just post or bl. :)
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-12-16 18:32:00

ok. cool. :)
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-12-16 18:26:21

you are welcome , i saw ur age ,if u do not need the equipment just donate it back to my home Buds. have fun.
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-12-16 18:22:33

Ambrosia†L.H.†DeathWish†,Welcome to Buds,,, You have been sent some starter equipment so Please do equip those before you battle,,, You can do this by going to the equipment section on your home page. If you have any questions, and if you should need any help,,, Please send me a blood letter {BL} or comment,,, Stop by the coven chat and make some new Friends and they will be happy to help you if you need,, You can view your mail by clicking Blood Letters at the top of the page,,, Please read the Buds Guide and Buds FAQ, found on the main coven page,,, Also you should read the forums often for information on equipment upgrades and general information,,, You are here to Have Fun,
Julian Michaelis (332866)

2012-11-10 03:28:34

I can understand, I was in the same predicament just today. I fear a cold coming on. I do hope I am wrong though, but I am pleased to hear you are well.

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