Draven Blackmare.™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Draven Blackmare.™ (595135)"Coming and going, still sick.. Bah.."

Last Active: 2015-11-06 02:53:42
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Full Name- Draven Cross Blackmare.
Mortal Age- 18.
Actual Age- 152.
Sir- N/A
Species- Vampire.
Bloodline- Blackmare.
Family- Father and mother both murdered.
Sexuality- Straight.
Location- Death City.

Beloved wife Syn Blackflame.


Height- 5`8``.

Weight- 145- 155.

Skin color- Tan.

Hair- short jet black.

Eyes- Royal Blue.

DoB- 9/15 / 1862.

Unlike most vampires, Dravens skin has abit of color to it, tan that helps bring out them royal blue eyes and jet black hair that is long enough to reach the base of his neck in the back and just long enough to reach the tip of his nose, spiked down of course. Standing at 5 foot and eight inches his body is slender with fine toned muscle, the kind you get from street frighting alot, only weighting between 145 to 155. He likes to wear anything black, but his favored to wear is black combat boots and black cargo pants, much like what the military men and women wear, and a black button up t-shirt and a black leather long coat like what the cowboys use to wear in the old west. His choice of weapons are a Katana and a hand gun.


Haven-Naturally he could be found hanging around cemetery`s or creepy rundown church`s. He could also be found hanging around local hang outs that has music playing, or being at Asuras Manor or at his home the Blackmare Estate.

Feeding habits-Draven can either be seen drinking blood from a wine glass or taking blood pills, he would rather not hurt someone with his fangs just so he can survive.

Nature-Draven normally keeps to himself, like the lone wolf he tends to be, but he is lonely because of this

Demeanor-Draven is proper when it comes to manners while being around others, but his calm demeanor, he is loyal to friends and family but currently has no family.


Superhuman Strength- Draven is able to lift anything ten times his own weight or more and make it look easy. But no he can not lift up an entire building, and no he can`t move mountains.

Superhuman Speed- Draven can move at incredible speeds that normal human eyes can not keep up with and even lesser vampires can`t keep up with his speed with their eyes. But vampire`s stronger then him or at the same level as him can.

Enhanced Senses- Draven can smell his pray or enemy 100 yards away, but no farther then that. His eyes can see in the dark as well as human`s can see during the day. His ears can also hear an enemy or pray up to a 100 yards away, and the heart beat of a living being if he wishes.

Hypnotism- Draven is able to hypnotics his pray for a meal, or for other needs. But he hardly ever uses this power of his since to him it seems.. cowardly.

Pyrokinesis- Just as it sounds. Draven is able to control fire at will with his mind, making bend or form any shape he wants. Even pull fire out of thin air.

Telekinesis- Draven is able to move things with his mind. Example, he feels to lazy to open the door by hand so he uses his mind to open the door for him.

Telepathy- Draven is able to communicate with other living beings no matter where they are by speaking directly into their mind.

Healing blood- Dravens can heal other beings wounds with his blood, either by letting them drink some of it, or by putting some of it on their wounds. How ever it doesn`t stop the pain that they had been in nor does it give them back their strength.

Bats- Draven is able to control bats like if they where a part of his body. They can also be like his own personal army if ever need be.


Holy relics that have been blessed by a high priest can weaken and burn his skin if touched by them. Wouldn`t be enough to kill him but weaken him enough to be killed if he isn`t careful.

Vervain. This would not kill a Elijah but it will most likely weaken him to a state that would make him easier to deal with.


Draven family use to own a great deal of the Greenwoods, a hidden mine had been the cause of their riches till the bloody battle between werewolves and vampires came close to home. One night while resting in his bed at the age of 18, he woke to the screams and howls of his family being ripped apart in their bedroom. young as he was he was brave and shot up from bed, going for his fathers fire arm as he made his way to his parents bedroom, where he would find his mother and father already dead, their hearts eaten by a werewolf. Draven manage to wound the beast but the beast manage to wound him back as it made it`s way out to escape.

A near by witch had heard the screams coming from the Blackmare Estate where she would come across the boy who was holding himself up with his fathers rifle with a revenge look in his eyes, but with the wound he had he was dying. The witch felt bad for the boy since his life had only just started for it to end so dramatic like, told him that she could help him get his revenge for his family and before she could explain it, he told her to do it. It took a few years but the boy who was walking to deaths door had gotten his vengeance on the werewolf who had taken his family away from him, though it had cost the boy every thing that he had owned only leaving him with an empty estate.
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Draven Blackmare.™ 's average rating out of 12 rates is 9.92/10


Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-09-01 02:04:36

Hugs him back* Yeah everything's okay. Just been you know. Busy IRL
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-08-21 01:53:52

Kisses him back softly* It is fine. I had the same problem to be honest.
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-07-18 08:30:00

Miss you too
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-06-08 02:47:51

Aww Thankies. I just got back from a week in Cancun so I should be online more
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-05-27 02:13:04

Welcome back, darling
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-05-05 04:17:11

It's a little late but HAPPY 100 DAYS <333
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-03-13 22:06:34

Happy 50 days
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-03-13 02:16:00

*Sneaks up from behind and pounces on, covering him in kisses* I love you <3
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-01-23 05:49:13

She nodded and pecked his lips playfully "Good."
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-01-23 05:36:23

*nods* Good. I ended up adopting a son. I'm not sure if he talked to you yet or no. and I accepted you to the house
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-01-23 02:45:54

:k I missed you Darling [3] It's good to have you back.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2015-01-20 14:31:18

Greetings Sir Draven. I hope you are well. The coven RP is in the Study Room and moving to The Dungeon. There is one Guardian involved, but I am sure another would be appreciated. Possible dangers lurk in the dark recesses of Asuras catacombs.
Syn Blackflame Nursirae (327410)

2015-01-19 22:38:34

Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2015-01-16 07:57:13

Greetings oh slippery one. I hope you are better. I am sorry there was no Ball at Christmas, but it was too close upon us to do it up right. There is a coven RP starting if you get back in time. Take care.

2015-01-03 02:06:15

"Maybe next year, we can have one. It can be planned better and people will expect it." She smiled, thinking it would have been nice for everyone.

2014-12-25 22:15:57

"A Christmas ball? That sounds like it should be fun. How did she like it?" Her eyes lit up in excitement.

2014-12-16 03:02:51

She laughed and nodded "Fair enough. But I'm glad your safe and sound, everyone will be happy to know your back. And we got some new additions to the family as well."

2014-12-15 04:40:43

She gasped "Oh Draven, that's not good." She thought for a moment before thinking out loud "I think there's a spell that can detect other spells....but it'd be in a book somewhere in my library.."

2014-12-15 04:30:17

She chuckled before a look of curiosity and worry tinged her face "Where did you disappear too?"

2014-12-15 04:16:39

She hugged him tightly "I have been great. But you, where did you go? Have you been safe?" She let him go and looked at his face "Have you been eating enough? I was worried, we all were."

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