Immortaldude is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Immortaldude (596908)"Immortaldude is busy killing noobs!"

Last Active: 2013-04-26 01:20:32
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,426
Karma+/Verve+-95 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record20,014/47,867/226
Win %30%
Last KilledGin Ichimaru
Last Killed ByEmeric Terring ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Vampy Raine Jeeves
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Antoinette Aressa Cruor™
Eskara Solitario Deyanira
Alice Taylors
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Immortaldude's average rating out of 12 rates is 1.75/10


Rakash (629771)

2013-06-13 22:38:43

Gave you a 10 just for the avatar
Stefan Salvatore (622701)

2013-05-10 21:20:47

Hello Friend. Its a pleasure to ask you to please join my coven, and help me in building it!

2012-11-23 01:24:42

Hi my name is Bella Cullen please help me I have information about your coven being attacked and your friends and family
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-11-15 01:33:45

Thanks for noticing and you're welcome for the QOTD ... glad you enjoy them
Herald of the Fallen (205797)

2012-11-13 02:32:43

I haven't eaten in some time so I am killing everything I can down to a certain rank.
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-11-09 00:18:58

I do lots of quests .lol
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-11-09 00:17:12

aw. well i do thank you . :)
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2012-09-26 05:02:53

Bahaha! I figured as much! See how things get misconstrued online?! I'm telling you it's crazy ;) Have a good night immortaldude ;)
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2012-09-26 04:58:56

Oh, and just in case you were attempting to be a smudge sarcastic then trust me, the only place you'll end up by having a mouth on you is on your own "noob" killing list. P.S. Everyone has room for improvement..even you. Cheers mate ;)
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2012-09-26 04:55:59

Cool beans my friend ;) You definitely want the XP and I am in no way trying to make you fit a certain mold on ROB. It's a friggin game for goodness sake, but that is the beauty of it, playing how you want. It's always easy to get heated and say things you regret in weak moments. ROB is a drama vortex, I'm sure you're aware, just keep yourself above the shit my friend. I'm definitely not the wisest player but I've partaken in my share of drama and it just ends up stressing you out IG and crazily enough IRL. Welcome to the game btw..guess you're 62 days old though..>ROFL ;)
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2012-09-26 04:43:32

"Even a fool when he holdeth his tongue is counted wise." In the ROB world you are the wisest when you learn to, in a word, STFU. Remember to keep forked tongues behind lips of iron; trust me, it will save you heartache and embarrassment. Lastly, this is a killing game so add who you will to your lists but never disregard training in the gym. Happy hunting and keep your comments semi-positive to avoid looking stupid...again. :)
Mr. J (578554)

2012-09-07 22:01:02

Not bad, not bad.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-09-05 07:10:34

Always here for you !!! and thanks for extending your friendship to me as well :-)
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-09-05 05:07:35

Ok ... you're very welcome and I'm always available to help you with any info you may need .... Be Well :-)
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-09-05 04:43:10

A newb is a new player we are all willing to help learn because they want to play RoB well .... A noob is a new player who runs around causing ridiculous problems and stupid drama without ever asking question in the first place .... therefore they get no help and screw up the game etc ... and eventually with become "helpless" ..... When in doubt ... "Be Nice" and ask questions
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2012-09-05 04:26:21

Whatever your prob is ... get over yourself ... norzina my sister and Kisuke my Son .... norzina told you like it is Dude !!! The straight up truth ... do learn the difference between "newbs" and "noobs" for your own sake .....
norazina, the metal girl (255855)

2012-09-04 07:18:54

Oh, my sincere apologies for my awful grammar. Please forgive me, after all English is my third language [facepalm]
norazina, the metal girl (255855)

2012-09-04 07:13:24

Darling, there is a difference between a newbie (new player) and a noob. Assuming you have played similar games before, you should certainly understand the way it works. I do'n t even look at the names on my battle history when I log in, I just click on the annoying "you've been attacked" and clear the list. That's why I have not got real enemies. Players add me to to their enemy list because of my rank and because they CAN kill me, not over some silly grudges they cannot deliver on. PS Duh! It was a manner of speech, surely if you were 5, you'd be a genius "facepalm"
norazina, the metal girl (255855)

2012-09-04 07:04:29

Ah, there are so many of you, I forgot it was you who sent me the rude letter. But I still don't speak "idiot", I#m sorry, not that I am going to lose any sleep about it "facepalm". You do realize it's only a game? I understand that you are still a newbie, but come oh, what are you, 5?
norazina, the metal girl (255855)

2012-09-04 06:43:13

Ewe, french people :)

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