Sapheira Twizted™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Sapheira Twizted™ (598266)"In my field of paper flowers..."

Last Active: 2013-08-10 02:41:08
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Race: Half vampire, half demon.

Age: 200 years.

Appearance: Saph has managed to learn an aspect of magic on her travels and is able to create a glamour around herself to hide her true form if need be. Sapheira, in her natural form of both demon and vampire is slender in body with two strong, rigged horns of bone erupting from the top of her hairline. Her skin tends to be tinted between a mixture of green and blue depending on her mood and temperature. Her eyes are black and her teeth deadly sharp. In full glamour, Sapheira looks like an ordinary vampire (or human to those who cannot distinguish between the two). Her horns are hidden by her magic and her skin becomes extremely pale. Her hair grows and becomes a vibrant colour of red with various shades of orange highlights in it. Sapheira’s eyes become green and the girl she had sacrificed to obtain this glamour through a tedious ritual is now what she shows when she walks among the dead and the living.

Attire: In her natural form, Sapheira is either sky clad or wearing a minimal amount of cloth to cover her curves. Saph, when in full glamour enjoys going out only wearing black as it contrasts her pale, cold skin that looks so delicate. Although, it has been whispered that occasionally she will run through the forests without an inch of cloth covering her body.

In my past life, in the Unclaimed Realm, I was captured in the midst of my training. I was learning the art of war, using various weapons and the physical power within my demon blood. I was only 18 but had I been chosen from birth for the elite. I was a hesitant fighter, who preferred to unarm the opponent opposed to killing them. This cost me.

I was off searching for some herbs to heal the wounds on my left shoulder when I stopped at a stream to refill my flask with fresh water. Without a hint of warning, something heavy fell on top of me. I had let my guard down, the one part of my training that was always considered key to survival. At the time, a thought has crossed my mind that it may have been a secret training exercise, but that thought quickly left as I heard mumbled voices whilst the thick, heavy material that had landed on me was being dragged across the rough ground; me encased within it. I grabbed the small blade that was concealed by my footwear and slashed at the material that held me captive. Within seconds I was free from that of which contained me. I knocked out the one trailing behind the group with the hilt of my dagger and then went for the one who had been dragging me as he had realised he was no longer dragging a demon across the floor. As I was about to throw a blow to his head, my hair was grabbed and I was thrown to the floor. After a few seconds my eyes focussed and I could see what looked like the leader of my captures standing over me. He leaned in and pulled me up by my hair, “Listen you disgusting creature” he spat into my face causing me to try to pull away but his grip was firm. “If you try anything funny again, I will personally saw those horns of yours off! Understand me?” At that my mouth stiffened and a tear escaped from my right eye. “Good”, he spat.

I was then pushed back onto the hard dirt whilst my hands and feet were being bound by chains. I looked to the sky; the sun had begun to set which means the nightly patrols would start soon. As I prayed for my clan to move with haste, I felt a blunt blow to my head.

I awoke to being dragged up the side of a low hill in what seemed like the dead of night. I cursed in my mind realising I had been knocked out; now I had an even smaller chance of escaping. Sooner enough I was pulled into a cave system. After what seemed like hours, two heavy stone doors were opened by two guards covered in amour. I was dragged into a large room made from rock but before I was able to take it all in, I was chained to a wall by my neck. I heard the crash of the guards’ boots hit the floor as they walked around me; inspecting me. “Go humans, we are in no need of you right now.” “What about our payment we were promised?” spoke the one who had threatened me; he had a sinister voice, one which I would not so easily forget. “You will receive it in time; once we know the value of what you have brought us.” It sounded as if the sinister one was about to utter another sentence but the other guard advanced towards him and the group that had captured me scattered back through the stone doors.

I was dragged from my neck collar to a larger room where various figures were accumulating around the edges; all eyes glued to me. I was left in the centre of the room, panicking now due to the fact that my hands and feet were still bound and I was surrounded by a roomful of eyes that seemed too curious about me. To one side, the gathered beings moved apart as a women stepped forth towards me. She walked around me, similar to that of what the guards had done; I was being inspected again. She stopped in front of me and looked straight into my eyes that were filled with fear. “I claim her.” She spoke clearly to the others who then in turn all looked at the ground. The women bent down and undid the chains around my feet so that I was able to walk as she led me through a long, winding corridor.

We entered a room unlike the two I had seen before. It seemed as if I was no longer inside a cave system but a room which belonged in a mansion. Tapestries hung from the walls, there was a dull chandelier hanging from the centre of the flat, rock ceiling and a glamorous bed at the far end of the room. I heard a loud clang of metal as I spun round to see the woman who had led me here locking the door by pushing shut the large bolts around the framework. “I am not going to harm you child” she spoke softly now; not in the strong voice that seemed to of commanded the others. As she turned round, I took in for the first time how beautiful she was. Her skin was the palest I had ever laid my eyes upon, drawing attention to her dark eyes and her long, thick black hair. She walked towards me and begun to unbind the chains around my wrists, finishing by removing the collar from around my neck. “I will give you a new life. One filled with so much more opportunity and enjoyment” she almost whispered to me. Her touch was soft, seductive. I felt my muscles relax as she kissed my neck. Instant pain engulfed me as I felt two sharp like prongs enter my neck. I was losing consciousness as I felt her grip around me tighten.

I awoke with a start, a wolf had been howling in the far distance; a hand was placed against my forehead. “You must rest”, she spoke to me and made me sip from a glass. The liquid was thick and soon enough made me start to gag. I drifted into darkness again…

I sat up slowly, realising my surroundings was different and that’s when I noticed. I felt no pain, nothing. I lifted my hand to touch my neck and there was no fellable mark left. A waft of an overpowering sweet smell hit my nose and I turned to see her sitting there, smiling. She looked different somehow. I could see every line, every pore on her face. Something was different. I felt different. “What have you done to me?” I cried. Her lips curled further to reveal two thin fangs. “I have made you a vampire and more. Whilst I drunk your blood I could taste the magic your blood contained, it is why you blacked out after drinking my blood…” “Your blood?!” I interrupted. “Yes, it reacted different. Your body seemed to accept it after a while. You are now a child of the night and I am your maker.”

My Natural Form....My Glamour Form.



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Sapheira Twizted™'s average rating out of 16 rates is 10.00/10


scærlet (621812)

2013-12-23 12:21:47

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2013! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,sweetheart! I miss you and I hope you're well!:)
Amethyst (624114)

2013-09-18 05:39:39

*Sneaks in and snuggles you while you sleep*
scærlet (621812)

2013-08-16 14:36:47

Sweetheart! I hope you're ok and life is good for you.. Momma loves and misses you! @~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~
Jehan Phuri Dae (493906)

2013-07-11 19:23:12

;) Thank you! Johnny Depp, Antonio, Enrique, how can one go wrong?
Amethyst (624114)

2013-07-11 07:46:10

*leaves huge bouquet of roses by your pillow*
scærlet (621812)

2013-07-08 23:17:56

lol Ok,good for you,hunnie..
scærlet (621812)

2013-07-08 23:15:50

lol..Yeah.. Ok,so you know how to war and such,right,hun? You know about safeties and such,right?
scærlet (621812)

2013-07-08 23:13:07

Yep! Ok,get some kills,hun and burn those fuckers,down!;)
•Gummy Bear• (336590)

2013-07-08 23:12:01

you're welcome... and don't forget to post your welcome words at the forum...
scærlet (621812)

2013-07-08 23:10:06

well,use shooter,as everyone is calling me..;) and we're on a war..:-) Join the chat!;)
Jocelyn Lizeth Priti (586647)

2013-07-07 23:46:40

Welcome to the coven Sapheira!
•Gummy Bear• (336590)

2013-07-07 21:53:40

hello... and welcome to the coven... if there's anything you need, like weapons and such, please let me know, or anyone else from staff... :)
Jehan Phuri Dae (493906)

2013-07-07 21:42:25

Hey there welcome to the coven :)
scærlet (621812)

2013-07-07 21:25:59

scærlet (621812)

2013-07-07 21:25:22

I'm glad,ou're good,sweetie.. And I'm good,thankies.. Ok,if you want to join,tell me so and I'll tell people to get you in!
Ryan Phuri Dae (534821)

2013-07-07 21:23:58

Welcome to the Sabbat, sorry about the wait, seems everyone took the day off, let me know if you need anything
scærlet (621812)

2013-07-05 23:22:13

Hello,babygirl! Hope you're well,sweets! Well,I'm looking for powerful,active vampires,like you,for my coven and as I've seen,you're not in a coven..So,if you're interested,join us,sweets.. My coven is The Sabbat and Angeli is in,too.. We'll be more than glad to have you with us,sweetheart..:) Have a nice day,hun!
Peter Hale (432904)

2013-07-05 04:38:37

You have given Sapheira Twizted™ a rating of 10.
Abby (605888)

2013-06-26 14:23:32

I'm doing good sweetie :) How is my beautiful sissy-in-law doing?
Abby (605888)

2013-06-25 19:11:18

Drive by love and hugs for my sister-in-law

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