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Thomas J. Lovarian (599264)"❤️ Married to Ophelia Sainte Lovarian (51937) for 100 days ❤️"

Last Active: 2024/01/17 20:27
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,409
Karma+/Verve+-94 / 50
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles25 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S196/0/47
Battle Record59,583/80,081/453
Win %43%
Last KilledJalastaire
Last Killed ByMimik
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent25

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Thomas J. Lovarian's average rating out of 836 rates is 9.12/10


Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2024-09-15 11:45:09

We had such a good thing going. I think I miss that most of alll.
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2023-12-26 04:37:49

[i]I see you [3][/i]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-07-31 05:24:08

Always lovely to see you log in! [3] You have given Thomas J. Lovarian a rating of 10.
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-05-01 04:00:54

[c=#818589]A brand new month means a brand new profile rating, so...

[i][b]You have given Thomas J. Lovarian a rating of 10.[/b][/i]

Enjoy! (purplemoon2) qq[/]
Beverly Darkshadow (428909)

2023-03-12 21:03:47

Mikhail (152771)

2022-12-05 06:48:11

Happy Holidays! [3]
Mikhail (152771)

2022-10-16 10:09:24

Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2022-08-30 22:54:01

I wonder how long is too long to grieve.
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2022-08-26 00:15:36

[i]You have given Thomas J. Lovarian a rating of 10.[/i]

Monthly lovings [3]
Mikhail (152771)

2022-05-10 21:06:49

[3] Lovely.
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2022-05-08 02:18:00

[i]You have given Thomas J. Lovarian a rating of 10.[/i]

Monthly lovings [3][3]
Mikhail (152771)

2022-04-11 07:04:02

Mikhail (152771)

2022-01-07 13:39:24

Beverly Darkshadow (428909)

2021-12-01 15:24:36

Boo. [3]
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2021-11-12 02:08:43

[c=gray]Fingers trembled as they touched along the pages of the map-bound journal gifted to her nearly a year ago. It was one of the only things that had been on her person when they fell into Tessera, for the Lorekeeper was never far from that which kept the soul of her work. Briefly did Ophelia's eyes drift from the journal to the window she sat at, gazing down upon the streets of Eklektos. Other worlds. Thomas had sailed the seas, traveled all over. She smiled. How he would have loved this new adventure, new lands to explore, oceans to navigate. With a sigh, she unlatched the window and pushed it open to allow the sounds of the city beneath her to filter in, and set to writing something small, and yet so significant, upon the pages of her journal.[/]

[c=purple][i]There is something unsettling about being in a new world, far away from anything that could remind me of you. Far from anything you've touched. There are no moments in my day where I am faced with the spaces we used to share, and early on in my time here I thought perhaps it was a blessing...but now, I fear losing the memory of you. I fear forgetting the sound of the depth of your voice in the morning, or the scent of mint every time we kissed, or the touch of calloused hands playing with my curls. Nonsense, yes? For how could I forget you? Still...the anxiety gnaws at my bones and joints and threatens to swallow me whole either way. You would love it here, this world of oddities and innovation. You would be so proud of Cassandra, too, despite her...erm...current situation.[/i][/]

[c=purple][i]I hope, from your place in Valhalla, that you see me and are proud of me, too. I am trying to keep going. Just like I promised. I am trying...[/i][/]
Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2021-10-11 21:00:19

It’s strange not seeing you around. pppqqqppp
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2021-10-07 00:12:26

[i]You have given Thomas J. Lovarian a rating of 10.[/i]

Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2021-09-27 20:45:20

I’m a glutton for punishment…but I wish you’d come back.
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2021-08-01 05:15:06

[c=#2493b4]A new month means a new rating, so...

[i][b]You have given Thomas J. Lovarian a rating of 10.[/b][/i][/] qq (love)
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2021-06-02 09:36:47

It is empty, and cold, and lonely, and hard, without you here.

Ophelia Sainte Lovarian (51937) sent a dandelion coffee mug.

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