Amara Snow™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Amara Snow™ (602727)"Guess I'm gone again, been back about a month now and nothing changed.."

Last Active: 2019-11-15 17:02:55
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 photo Snow lilly_zpsixva8sji.jpg

Amara Snow.

Sire- N/A.

Mortal Age- 24.

Actual Age- 24..

Species- Smilodon. ( Saber-tooth tiger demoness. )

Bloodline- Ancient.

Sexuality- Straight.

Family- None that she remembers.


Height: 5`4``

Hair: Black.

Eyes: Silver.

Amara stands around five foot four with a beautiful hour glass figure, and a slender body with powerful muscles hidden under her thick yet soft fur. White and black with tiger markings. She normally dresses light with some heavy armor. She wears dragon armor made from dragon bones and scales, making it harder for blades or arrows to get through, but not impossible. Her shoulders are covered in some armor with small spikes which can case some damage if used in combat, red tent where blood had stained the armor. Breast plate with a layer of dragon leather made from the dragons hid under it. Her arms are pretty much naked from armor till her forearms which she uses like a shield. Her legs are just dressed in the same black leather, knee high boots made from the dragons bone and scales like the shoulders and breast plate. She carry`s a two-handed sword which was also made from the dragon and has powers to it, she also carry`s two daggers hidden in her boots and carry`s a bow.
Out of the armor her fur is soft to the touch and also abit on the thick side since she grew up in the mountains where it is winter all year round. She has beautiful silver eyes that has seen many battles and a few wars. Her fangs hang two inches from her upper lip giving her that saber-tooth look. She has short black hair that is cut into a mohaowk and only comes down to the base of her neck. Black claws that are as sharp as any blade out there, her tail is abit on the fluffy side.


She is able to steal her enemies life force, causing them to get weaker while she gets stronger, kinda like a vampire but with out biting, but she is stealing their blood.

Straight and speed like all of her kind, but not all of her kind as the same powers. She is able to manipulate fire and ice and the arctic air. She also has the ability to fly with beautiful white wings that are much like an angels, but they can change colors from white to black depending on the powers she is going to use. And like one of her ancestors, she can combined white and black magic though not as powerful since half of the powers where lost long ago.


She is more comfortable in colder weather since she grew up high in the mountains where spring and summer never seem to touch. But when she does come down she likes to wander around the forests, even has her own little den to camp out in when she plans on staying longer.

Feeding habits.

She isn`t the best cook in the world so she normally only eats something simple like fish, rabbits. For anything elts she buys from inns or taverns for more filling meals. Her fav would be sea food, them she normally eats raw. She also likes stakes, ribs and the like.


By nature she is as new to the world of man as a child is and so she is curious about them, so much so she will wander into the towns cloaked since man fear her kind since they are long believed to be extinct.


She is abit shy at first, can be flirty and is up for challenges. Mostly keeps to her self up in the mountains.


Combining both white and black magic drains her greatly, leaving her weak so she trys not to combined them, or even use them at all. She is a curious soul and one day it might put her way over her head and end her.




Nothing much is known of where she came from or how she became what she is today, having lost most of her memory of her past, all she remembered was her name and how to use a sword in combat. She had been the ace in many kingdoms sleeves for wars, and being paid greatly for her aid in winning. All any one knows is she had came from a kingdom that had been destroyed over night and she was the soul survivor, but changed forever.



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Amara Snow™ 's average rating out of 14 rates is 9.07/10


Rosalie (184345)

2014-12-11 01:56:47

You're welcome qq
Rosalie (184345)

2014-12-11 01:53:16

Welcome to RT. If you need anything just let me or any one of the coven staff know.. We'll be glad to help :)
Ligeia (648620)

2014-01-25 18:09:35

You're welcome ;)
Ligeia (648620)

2014-01-22 08:26:49

Nice profile. I really like it! You have given Kaori Yamuri™ a rating of 10.
Mizu Blackheart (561280)

2013-07-25 03:25:38

Thank you Kaori
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-07-25 03:22:26

Rates you 9. I like your pro
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2013-04-15 22:11:34

Thank u .. have fun..
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2013-04-08 21:45:09

Kaori Knightraven.™,Welcome to Buds,The place I call Home. My name is BabyG ,You have been sent some starter equipment so Please do equip those before you battle, You can do this by going to the equipment section on your home page. If you have any questions, and if you should need any help, Please send me a blood letter {BL} or comment, Stop by the coven chat and make some new Friends and they will be happy to help you if you need, You can view your mail by clicking Blood Letters at the top of the page, Please read the Buds Guide and Buds FAQ, found on the main coven page, Also you should read the forums often for information on equipment upgrades and general information. Remember, You are here to play,:)
Draven Blackmare.™ (595135)

2013-03-29 00:58:47

You have given Rosary Nightingale.™ a rating of 10.

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