Jodas Dominor is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Jodas Dominor (60366)"The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd."

Last Active: 2024/09/17 05:35
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,987
Karma+/Verve+1,731 / 1,335
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles46 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S367/2/35
Battle Record472,500/153,361/1
Win %76%
Last KilledPagan Warchild
Last Killed ByRa!ine Amaran† ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent200
Coven Crimson Arcana
Coven Title (Rank)Shadow (30)
Coven VirtueSiren (5)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 4mil+



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Married to my penis (49448) for 5968 days
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RP Posts 29    Coven RP Posts 6
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RoB Can`t Read
Buds King of Covens
Proud Buds Member


A good girl knows her limits. A great girl knows she has none.

Words to describe me are as follows:

Nice(until pissed off)

Don`t agree? FUCK OFF!! *giggles*

Please add me to your enemy list and attack me as much as you can, I love the attention.

If I offend you....GOOD!! If you let an online game get to you, you deserve it. You did know this was just a game right?
And Santa is your is the Easter Bunny and the Toothfairy....My bad, I thought you knew.

Oops, did my sarcasm hurt your feelings?

Got a problem with me?
Solve it.
Think I`m trippin?
Tie my shoes.
Can`t stand me?
Sit down!
Can`t FACE me?
Turn the fuck around!

Being a Bitch means...
I stand up for myself and my beliefs
I stand up for those I love
I speak my mind, think my own thoughts
or do things my way
I won`t compromise whats in my heart
I live my life my way
I won`t allow anyone to step on me
I refuse to tolerate injustice
It means I have the courage and
Strength to allow myself to be me
So try to stomp on me, douse my inner flame,
Squash every ounce of beauty I hold within
You won`t succeed
And if that makes me a Bitch, so be it
I embrace the title and I`m proud to be a Bitch!

I Won`t Change

Parental Advisory, I say Fuck, Shit, Ass, Bitch a lot

You hate me? YAY

I am who I am, and sweetie...your approval isn`t needed; no matter how much you think it is.

I`m not mean, you are just a sissy

~~~For those of you who complain about me in chat~~~

If I annoy you, or I "insult" are a few simple solutions to your problem

1.) Don`t reply to anything I say, or say anything to me...
that will result in me responding and most likely, while not
intently, "insult" you.

2.) Don`t post stupid shit in chat. I will tease you for any
retarded posts that make you seem intelligently unequal to
everyone else.

3.) If you insult me, I will do the same back to matter
who you are......don`t whine about it, you started it.

4.) Get your head out of your ass and realize it is all in fun.

5.) Stop being sensitive, if somebody in an online chat seriously
bothers you THAT much, you have issues in real life that you should
be sorting out.

I don`t give a fuck if you`re offended.

~~~My Fav Chat Quotes!!~~~

Aftershock “Spot” (49296) : my penis can annihilate my ass any day

Mentaly_Unsound(Alucard) (39078) : Red`s on some vendetta to insult Jodas today and Jodas ofcorse is not one to sit idly by and just be in other words the usual.

DarkAsh (1) : i dont want ppl knowing im gay!

Mentaly_Unsound(Alucard) (39078) : Shush Jodas, I am a lady

Bel` Amour Dea Di Notte` (43898) : 5 Dolla I lub you long time

Tyme (62589) : so I`m a gay tramp with no class. Awesome, I`m going to do another shot.

DarkAsh (1) : i feel like ejaculating on all your faces im so excited

Valterra (49577) : Saturn, Jodas, and I enjoy our riot show. When in session.. It is best that you remain seated and try and keep from crying.

Aleyia of Darkshadow (64461) : jodas if I let you punch me in the face, can we have sex?

Aftershock “S­po­t” [STD] (49296) : uhh dont think the mods are here and cant be assed disturbing them on msn for a warning... Jodas, warning 10858 for swearing, F word is not allowed in chat.

Emperor Jeff, the Pride (44166) : Actually I lost my virginity with my stehp mothers daughter, sounds twisted I know, but it was awesome.

Valterra‡Integra‡Morrigan (49577) : Haha.. I`ll get right on that Dick

Valterra Dominor (49577) If Jodas touches you you`ll probably know it. It`ll be with a sledgehammer. Or a strap-on of abnormal proportions.

Valterra Dominor (49577) And I like pussy, what`s your point?

Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961) "Jodas- the anti-block feature since 2009. She`ll make them block you!"

Dizzi Sainte (215182) I`mma kick her. Can I kick her?

I fucking hate you

~~~My fans!!~~~

Lord Fang of Darkshadow (46821) : Jodas shut the fuck up you fucking whore!!!!

Jaguar (61284) : Your just a fucking whore, Jodas

DarkAsh has added you to their enemy list.

Tamillyca (62730) : go to hell, jodas

AngelofSarrow (64162) : jodas i will hurt you

raziel the soul reaver (63221) : hey jodas i think im in love with you. u sarcastic little brat. lmfao

Lady_Red (51052): trust me mat i have a stalker with jodas

Lady Red (51052) : shut up jodas that is discrimination of character

Mrs.bloody (61132) : who isnt jodas`s fan :D everyone loves her

Punky of MoRpHiNe (53832) : Jodas is not odd She`s awesome!! There`s a difference.

Lord Fang of BlazingMist (46821) : Cuz Jodas is a bitch

Lord Fang of BlazingMist (46821) : EVERYONE gets mad at Jodas at some point

rhy69 (52079) : jodas is sexy in a bitchy way lol

Aftershock ‘Spot’ (49296) : I would jail you jodas, but you would jsut spam up my pretty jail forum

InsaneBoy (60645) : jodas is evil

Bel Amour (43898) : Jodas go play in traffic.

superfudge13 (119008) : Shut the hell up jodas you asslicker

Sophie (132929) : your a meany face jodas

~CJ~ (182) : You should all bow to Jodas, she rules

CrimsonLust AKA Mrs X (45459) : and jodas is a douchebag

TwistedPeanuts of Elysium (180085) : im sorry, but i respect jodas tremendously now that ive seen her profile

Arsenic (11487) : I respect Jodas because she`s a rock star

Arsenic (11487) : Ohhh, ok. Well in that case I`m head over heels in lust w/Jodas

fallengrrl (233218) : alu tell them to back the hell of it was like a freakin attack as soon as the jodas bitch came

Mentaly_Unsound(Alucard) (39078) : Jodas`s PMS is like level 90 NPC...just no stopping it.

†Crazy†J† (41189) : jodas you stfu no one is talking to you or even likes you so you die now

Mr Saturn (50971) : I love Jodas.

Petronix (246821) : Jodas, THE superior Bitch

That Crazy Asshole ICE™ (126350) : Jodas would make a good mod. She doesn`t put up with any bullshit...

[Twizz™]-Rainbow- (59875) : Oh no.. Jesse, I wouldn`t try to get yourself out of something Jodas says.. she will just turn it back at you ten times harder.

Petronix Asmodela (246821) : Doesn`t Jodas make chat worth reading. I so enjoy reading chat when someone intelligent makes an idiot look even more pathetic

Darion Lancaster (203259) : That`s because she has a brain and the sharp mouth to go with it. Not a hard thing to rip apart the masses who lack a brain every so often.

[Twizz™]-Rainbow- (59875) : Lesson #1: don`t go looking for attention from Jodas unless you like crying.

[Twizz™]-Rainbow- (59875) : Jodas could win the Best Bitch award if there was one.

Never xx (438) : JODAS! Now there`s a bitch. xD

Darion Lancaster (203259) : Telling Jodas to stop is like blowing a fan at a tornado. Not gonna work.

†N i n e S p a c e s™† (126350) : Jodas is just blunt and harsh. She tells it how it is, regardless of the fact people don`t want to hear it...

The Special Dinosaur! (59630) : Jodas.. you`re freakin awesome

raz corvin [the sadist] (63221) : i do too matter jodas you stupid goddamn bitch!

Devonia Blood Knight (8129) : Jodas Wins...again

Arsenic (11487) : Pfft... Jodas, there aren`t words in any language harsh enough for you. I`m gonna have to start making them up just for you, love.

Darion Lancaster (203259) : Jodas... I`m not sure how to say bye to you. I`ll miss your vulgarity :(

Devonia Blood Knight (8129) : Jodas, you Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt.

Bam Fidela (90) : Yea! Im Jodas`s bitch!

†N i n e S p a c e s™† (126350) : Exactly Spot... Don`t be a moron, type like you passed the first grade, and don`t be a pussy... Jodas won`t bother you that way, unless you give her a good reason...

†Karina `Bunny` Noa† (82837) : I`m not a worm. But I still bow down to Jodas

Bel Amour (43898) : you are the one person jodas who can say something completely fucked up and every one love you for it


Darion Lancaster (203259) : I see the wit of Jodas is raining wrath down upon the chat room once again.

Saint Aleyia (64461) : Jodas doesn`t "play nice"

-47 (244194) : Keeping in theme with the Webster`s definitions, Jodas` visage could be found next to "effectively insulting people with deadly accuracy"

ŧtro-Çreep (§ĹÇ)† (248694) : No one is witty enough, every retort I sent jodas, comes back to me as an insult, so I gave up early on.

† Karina `Bunny` Noa † (82837) : I never tried I knew from the beginning Jodas was an unstoppable force I should bow to

Kinky Alaron (262985) : Jodas > Everything

Maroon (280324) : because of the things you come up with Jodas. you are witty as hell

Princess Kira Angel (161237) : i like it when people get offended by jodas and then complain about it like they think she cares

Hotkillerz (40891) : Butttt ur still the queen bitch jodas, no one can dethrone u from that (434489) : FUCK YOU JODAS

Captain Spaulding (206020) : I have never once seen Jodas but now i know...she doesnt fuck around

Karina Michaelis (82837) : No one kisses Jodas`s ass, they grovel at her feet.

Karina Michaelis (82837) : Stop being awesome Jodas, I can`t hate you this way.

•••Katerina Petrova™••• (341667) : JODAS SHUT IT!

Walrus Mooffin™ (321517) : No way are you innocent Jodas.

Arsenic (11487) : Jodas! I keep seeing that Judas name come up about where yours would be and thinking it`s you. It gets me a little excited in places it probably shouldn`t.

Bam (90) : LOL. I still am Jodas`s bitch.

Lady Kira Angel (161237) : Jodas makes everything better

Geist (321517) : Jodas, shove off back to adult chat where you belong.

ZERO (274529) : Jodas Bitchiness at its finest.

NemesisAlien™ (103795) : i dont see Jodas as a troll, numero uno bitch yeah, but troll? never

Candycane Fiddlesticks (71985) : Jodas? STD`s? Must be a rumor from jealousy. We all know STD`s tremble at the sight of a woman like her. Shakin` in their amoeba boots.

† Meow Mix †_ (221897) : Jodas harasses people in chat and then puts the abuse on her profile like trophies.

†Karina `Bunny` Noa† (82837) : I`d be queer just for you Jodas... >.> I love you.

sexy mama (642795) : jodas go die in a hole before i find you and hurt you

Harley Facepaint (658832) : I don`t know whether to like Jodas or hate her.

King_Frost (345551) : Comparing Jodas and the devil isn`t really right, cause odds are she`d be able to pwn his ass too lmao

tommy (145686) ...dont fuck with jodas. shes a tank

Samil Night™ (107587) You lot are rather new, and don`t understand the fun of watching Jodas rip people new assholes.

Archaic Kanwita (710442) XD I am starting to like Jodas there

2017-08-03 17:58:40 You have been given a chat warning by Bex Corleone for: Continuously disrupting chat.

Pagan Warchild (695305) Just ignore that trolling bitch.

2019-03-18 03:27:07 Saedrissa Agavacea (85523) You cut the genitals off my penis (49448)

2019-03-28 21:25:45 [ R ] Saedrissa Agavacea (85523) F U C K E D you in battle.

Brother sharkbait of nemo (50160) @everyone dont be offended by jodas, shes a cunt but i love her. You`ll just have to deal with it

Mythri Bellator Dominor (388186) Jodas I hope I never see the day where you behave.

Valterra Dominor (49577) You`re a dick. And it`s a darling trait sometimes.

Khalin (74653) Jodas is like ... our very own Statue of Liberty. Lighting the way. Bring us your tired .. your ... whatever whatever.

Lona Petra Doshman (316837) Little baby bitch troll waffle cone mcflurry hating six piece chicken mcnobody

‡Lord Fang Darkfire‡ (695625) I literally can`t read you. Why does that weird me out?

Lemony D. Sainte LaVey (164883) Jodas is the best at messing with people

Amaranthine Loves Me



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Jodas Dominor's average rating out of 652 rates is 6.89/10


Soul Stone (53627)

2024-04-07 13:38:51

Old friend, hope you're keeping well
Mikhail (152771)

2024-02-23 09:53:36

Prue Sainte (721498)

2024-02-18 03:52:46

Jodas. Miss you. Much love.
Bloody Tears (731610)

2023-12-01 05:55:24

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2023! As usual, there is but one rule to this game.... You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!
Brother Sharkbait of Nemo (50160)

2023-09-02 03:01:34

Hey fuckface, miss you
Mikhail (152771)

2023-07-16 20:55:12

Thank you! Nice to see you're still around!
Mikhail (152771)

2023-07-15 00:27:04

[I]they see me Rollin' they hatin'[/I] thought I'd drop in to say hi to you, I've been gone for a good minute!
AmayaVespera (727666)

2023-06-13 12:34:34

I miss you Jodas!
Bux (8544)

2023-05-21 05:17:38

CeCe (245220)

2023-01-18 06:18:44

i have been a recipient of your brutal honesty. you are at least consistent :)
CeCe (245220)

2023-01-14 17:44:14

thank you for your spot on comments in mirs blog. i would post but it will result in name calling which i have no desire to initiate.
Brisingr~Blaze~Hellsing~ (700319)

2023-01-02 06:57:08

No indeed
Brisingr~Blaze~Hellsing~ (700319)

2023-01-02 06:56:02

You have given Jodas Dominor a rating of 10.
Siriceus (742891)

2022-07-21 03:22:35

Love the profile btw...

Love the attitude...
Mikhail (152771)

2022-05-10 06:50:08

Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2021-12-15 07:26:25

Val beats you? :O Oh my. :(
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2021-12-15 07:11:18

You have given Jodas Dominor a rating of 10. qq
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2021-12-02 22:39:44

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2021! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!(hyper)
Bloody Tears (731610)

2021-12-02 15:18:19

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2021! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2021-11-10 20:20:55

I'm worried they will find him guilt just due to the pressure from the mob and media.

Virtue Descended (738445) sent Candy necklace.
Achlys R Báthory LaVey (736878) sent black roses.
Imortalica Julique (299127) sent Hail ! Hail Satan! :-).
Elia Martell (649659) sent Ari Candy perfume.
Saffyria Blood (513412) sent Inconsistent Annoyances.
Soliel Noir (299127) sent Nerves of Steel.
Kouki (697866) sent A Cute Little Flying Fox Bat.
Valkyrie Dragonaire (732655) sent Possessed Teddy.
Father Time, Mother Earth (299127) sent Saturn shaped diamond earrings.
Father Time, Mother Earth (299127) sent Champagne ...OJ..poppers.

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