Dr. Morgan Brant is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dr. Morgan Brant (611939)"Drinking hard Whiskey with a soft Woman...."

Last Active: 2013-02-11 16:47:52
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Game Age4,316
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record4,091/12,096/94
Win %26%
Last KilledGenesis Da`Nar ...
Last Killed ByKodiak Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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The estate is located 3 miles outside Dead City at 129 Winchester Place. It is the year round formal residence of Doctor Morgan Brant. The grounds are well kept with full gardens and a large pond. The residence has several Guest rooms and a large main hall for entertaining. Stables for riding the many trails that surround the 400 Acre property. The Doctor maintains a office on the ground floor annex to see his patients. The residence is maintained by Two staff members, Ames Jacobs, the Major Domo and Anita Gold the Chef. Both live in the Servants Quarters.

Doctor Brant`s personal history remains quite clouded. A Army Surgeon in 1862, he was taken by a monster at a field Hospital shortly after the battle of Gettysburg. His life became a tormented slave of a local Madam in Dead City who drained him of his strength continuously to take care of her stable of Girls. Years passed until he was able to break free. He was befriended by several wealthy business owners who saw his potential in the medical field. He excelled in Blood Borne pathogens and treating children of many violence centered issues. He was given the estate in Lew of services rendered to the scientific community. Dr. Brant has a thriving medical practice and is taking new patients. feel free to stop by the office anytime. Morgan Brant is Happily married to Lena Mai D`Arras of Death City

Lena, today I take you to be my Wife. Together we will create a home, becoming a part of one another. I vow to help create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you. I vow to be honest, caring and truthful, to love you as you are and not as I want you to be, and to grow old by your side as your love and best friend. Forever...


Morgan Brant could be clever, charming and he was about to show he could be ruthless. He had returned to the City of Lights, Paris. His agenda was indeed dark as he had been plotting the demise of Madame Estes for some time.

The Madame, a beast to be sure had held him captive for many years. Her extravagant hostile sat in the newer section of the grand city of Humans. The beast had gathered a harem of irresistible Women to lure the socially elite to there doom within the walls of the carnage house. Madam Estes had been a scourge for hundreds of years. She had found Morgan in a weakened state shortly after he was turned. She took full advantage of his being infected by bad blood. She enslaved him. His duties to maintain the welfare of the Girls in her employ. He was powerless. As the years passed she had made many indiscretions and found a few new enemies. These enemies had stumbled upon Morgan and whisked him away to safety.. She was furious at the time but the incident faded quickly as she moved on to other pursuits. But Morgan would never forget the pain and suffering Estes had suffered on him. He was taken into the house of Dr. Blakeyard Medina of Dead City. His recovery was closely guarded and long. Morgan was an expert in developed Blood Borne Pathogens. A vital and future asset to his new community. As the years passed he grew stronger and began to practice his distinct style of Medicine. His research was intense. Morgan had been looking for a plasma type to control his fits of rage and had made success sooner than he had ever dreamed. The plasma was also in high demand for children. It calmed them and stabilized their behaviors much to the delight of their parents. Controlling the feeding habits of a younger Vampire was essential to the communities survival. He became highly respected and wealthy over the years. He had also developed a Plasma to increase his stamina and strength a thousand fold. It was this Plasma he would use to destroy Madam Estes. Over the last year Morgan had returned to Paris several times. In secret he watched and committed himself to locating the whereabouts of Madam Estes. He then began to destroy her infrastructure of Female vampires. He was brutal and driven. He would make her pay for all her misdeeds to mankind. She had grown weaker with age. And the careful plotting of Morgan, who had infected a human with a virus that would destroy her slowly over time. She fed on the Human bait, and was powerless to prevent him from taking her business apart piece by piece. And tonight the moment of revenge had arrived. She was alone and very ill. Morgan had taken precautions and was well prepared for any event. But she was helpless. She pleaded with him to stop her pain as he injected her with the murderous Plasma. Shrieking in absolute pain she continued to ask him who he was, and why was he destroying her. She didn’t remember Morgan. Nor any of the others she had abused over the years. Her agony lasted for days as he watched her every move. Then it was finally over. Morgan was free of her and the wicked memories that came with her.. He could live now in peace.



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Dr. Morgan Brant's average rating out of 12 rates is 9.92/10


Mikkala (311519)

2013-04-22 02:34:51

Miss you my friend <3 Hope you are doing well.
Misha Birch (208044)

2013-04-07 14:17:33

I believe it's time for you to come back now.
Mikkala (311519)

2013-02-15 00:21:52

Happy Valentines Day!!
Mikkala (311519)

2013-01-07 02:22:50

Hey sweetheart :) You have given Dr. Morgan Brant a rating of 10.
Mikkala (311519)

2013-01-02 03:43:24

Happy New Year, good Dr.
Mikkala (311519)

2012-12-26 00:09:18

Nefertiri (315429)

2012-12-19 05:42:39

Not so bad yourself darling..~Winks~
Mikkala (311519)

2012-12-14 21:52:22

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Lydea Mey (292043)

2012-11-29 16:05:19

I am intrigued and anxious to read more of your writing. Let us see what you are capable of. ^^ Oh and [You have given Dr. Morgan Brant a rating of 10.]
Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-28 03:43:50

Our paths took a good turn toward each other. I am honored to be your wife.
Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-28 03:38:52

Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-27 10:54:36

I'll be sure to barricade myself in. Though I am sure if you're determined, you'll find a way to get them to me. Maybe it'd be easier if I just walked through the garden often.
Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-27 10:50:00

And ... in trying to stand beside you, I ended up falling with you into love.
Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-27 10:40:19

I did. :) And .. it was ... a loving attack!
Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-27 10:28:57

I kill you, and in return I receive such a wonderful gift. They re beautiful and will look wonderful in the room next to the window, over looking those stables.
Clarissa (611981)

2012-11-27 10:20:00

Thank you dear Morg. Lots of work went into it while we RP'd tonight.
Misha Birch (208044)

2012-11-24 05:24:31

You have given Dr. Morgan Brant a rating of 10. Nice work so far. :)
Amai Grimmel (607494)

2012-11-17 03:00:21

Very well done profile indeed! You have given Dr. Morgan Brant a rating of 10.
Mikkala (311519)

2012-11-17 02:26:24

Your bio is coming along nicely!
Little teeth (574637)

2012-11-15 16:55:37

Well Hello Spry. For now on that is what i will call you

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