Demetreusą D`Spartan˛ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Demetreusą D`Spartan˛ is currently jailed. They've got 7129 days left & has had 6150 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

Demetreusą D`Spartan˛ (612013)"Molon labe"

Last Active: 2017-01-27 12:01:19
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,315
Karma+/Verve+900 / 0
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles35 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S358/54/0
StatusDead (28779705 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779705 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record722,590/187,805/906
Win %80%
Last KilledIllawarra`s Ma ...
Last Killed ByLexie
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent332



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Demetreusą D`Spartan˛'s average rating out of 364 rates is 5.32/10



2021-10-14 06:40:03

Get me a gta black aceintegre

2021-10-14 06:16:44

Ided yourjob
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2020-09-02 13:39:39

You're wolfy prey now, shithead.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2019-07-07 04:36:09

We know. Those he hurt, lied to, abused told their truths and offered up proof.

That’s that. Don’t shed any tears over Deme.
Cmen Demon Alvah (724482)

2018-09-03 13:45:42

Oh shit,... How do y'all know he's a pedo? :o
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2018-02-20 17:54:19

When Sunsh8ne started a Jailhouse SMACKDOWN thread your name came to mind [lmfao] long life in infamy jerkoff !!!
You have given Demetreusą D'Spartan˛ a rating of 1 [die]
Mrs Muz (706996)

2017-01-29 05:10:29

ok so what the hell happened? i have so missed all the action
Misha Birch (208044)

2016-12-09 01:10:21

Man, I've never wished I could rate comments before, but all 10's!!! I need say nothing more. :D
Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2016-12-05 17:38:05

You have given Demetreusą D'Spartan˛ a rating of 1. -k-
Omen Armageddon ™ (594019)

2016-11-22 00:24:09

Wow! All it took was a simple analysis. [hm] All of the characteristics were there even all of the red flags, which is why I never trusted Deme. I always knew in my gut, I just never had the proof. I can't help but despise predators. Glad the truth is out now.
Quoth the Raven Nevermore (316837)

2016-11-21 04:30:38

I only spoke to you once but after reading all that stuff...just wow. I would say something like "You're a POS" but honestly enough people said it already. You don't even deserve my hate, that's reserved for people who are better. I'm not going to sit here and say you're this or that either though, you already know exactly what you are.
Blood Shard (230245)

2016-11-17 04:23:23

What the hell ........:O .... i get out of jail and you go in ~shakes her head, looks at him through the bars ~ love it sucks in Jail , dont bend over in the shower love and i will send cookies to your new boyfriend for you :d ...~ leave cookies for Dem~ <3 [peck]
Graham Blacksoul (65182)

2016-11-12 22:54:29

hahahahaha Christmas as has come early, just goes to how what kind of fucked up coven buds truly is that they would raise a pedophile up into a position off power he no doubt happily used and abused to his disgusting advantage.
Blair LaVey (686346)

2016-11-10 06:02:33

How does it feel now Deme to be one of the most HATED people on RoB? Sucks doesn't it? Well you had it coming for you. You are a sick, twisted man. Fuck you for all the times you made me believe I could trust you. I hope you cannot sleep at night you filthy piece of shit. How dare you think you could guilt trip people. I had thought better of you but now I realize that I was wrong about you since the day I met you. I hope you have a fun time in prison. Cause that is where you will most likely be spending the rest of you life... Fucking perverted pedophile.
† Mystery † (351990)

2016-11-10 04:56:52

I totally despise you..You are and will forever be a Pedophile..There is no hope for will continue on..pretending that everything is okay..with 'you'...that nothing is wrong..with 'you'...You will continue to lie and trick people..laying a guilt trip on them...making them believe... it was their own fault...You're a fucken piece of shit and I hate you.
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2016-11-09 04:45:23

I'm sure at some point you will read these Comments because if my instincts about you are right, you won't be able to resist making another account. I can only pray that they manage to block your IP. I told you a few months back what a piece of shit you were but I had NO idea that you were a freaking Sexual PREDATOR who was preying on young girls as well as unsuspecting females. You make me sick. I'm so glad I didn't totally fall for all of your lies and bullshit. Hope they keep Hell hot for you you spineless prick.
Ravana Stone (700624)

2016-11-09 03:48:05

You threw a tomato at Demetreusą D'Spartan˛ and have been charged $200. Actually, I threw about 10 at your pedophile ass!!! FUCKYOU I'm glad I was smart and didn't let you contact me you sack of shit. Rot in Tarturous! I can't believe I ever felt sorry for you....Thank God I have a voice and I can speak the truth.
Blair LaVey (686346)

2016-11-09 00:43:50

You disgust me. I cannot believe I trusted you. I hope you burn in hell for what you have done to me and the other girls. People like you should be put on death roll. But any punishment is too good for you. You lying sack of shit. Fuck you. I hate your guts
Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2016-11-08 17:26:22

You threw a tomato at Demetreusą D'Spartan˛ and have been charged $200.

~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2016-11-08 08:04:28

You deserve to rot in hell you motherfucker, i said you would get a new asshole ripped.

Eat Crap from Grinchmas (667743) - Can beat you now scumbag.
Eat Crap from Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

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