Dragon_ Lykaia is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dragon_ Lykaia (615025)

Last Active: 2022/12/22 04:32
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,301
Karma+/Verve+2,075 / 1,500
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles24 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S316/5/28
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record467,270/131,523/1,225
Win %79%
Last KilledLacey ~Vykos S ...
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent122
Coven Title (Rank)Tribal Council Elder (40)
Coven VirtueChief Council Tribe Co-Leader (19)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 107mil+



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Married to Alphalfa (731610) for 1232 days

16 Family Members

Vitality 1205    Charm 176
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VIP Member Alphalfa

Dragon_ Lykaia has 25 friends View All Friends


I was born into an old family as a pure blood vampire. We were part of a large clan, but our family was a small one. But it was also a close family. I had loving parents, and grew up happy. Dad taught me the ways of a warrior, and how to survive in this harsh world. I learned quickly, and I learned well. I became quite strong, and was a very good fighter. At the age of 17, I was 6`3"tall, and weighed 210 lbs.

But I started to feel like I wasn`t proving myself well enough. I longed for combat, and to make my father proud of me. I wanted to be a great warrior, and to have the respect and admiration of everyone who saw me. Yes, it was more ego than anything else, but such is the way of youths. They make mistakes. Mine was leaving my home, and my family, to head out into the parched earth to make a name for myself

It wasn`t long before I found out the idea of battle was much better than the reality of it. .I found that combat in training was much different than combat for survival. Oh, I managed to become stronger, and faster. My fighting skills greatly improved. But I made some terrible mistakes on the way. Some mistakes almost took my life. Other mistakes made me wish they had. I carried scars on my body, and on my heart. Maybe even on my soul itself. I started to think of the home I left behind, and wondered what I could have been thinking about. I didn`t even know if I would be accepted back any more, but I had to try

It was a long journey back to my home, but I finally got there. My wonderful parents accepted me back with open arms, and I started to take up the life I had left behind. I was happy for a while like this, but I started to feel the pangs of loneliness. I found I didn`t want to walk alone any more. I wanted a girl to love me, and for me to give my love to. To spend my life with as my parents had found. Then, one day, the unthinkable happened. My parents divorced

It shook me a lot harder than I admitted to anyone. I wondered how anything could last, if they couldn`t stay together. My whole idea of the world had changed. I wondered if love even existed out here. So I buried myself in my training. I got stronger, and took quick trips into the outback again, fighting whatever I could find out there. I got stronger, but my life was still completely empty. Until I met Josephine

We started as friends at first. We would have long talks, but nothing more than friendship came up at first. But we got to feel more comfortable with each other. Then came a night when we realized we cared for each other. As we started to share our passion, we realized we cared more than we had realized. We realized we loved each other. Our nights became alive with passion and pleasure. We made each other forget any pains our pasts had brought us. We made each other the center of our worlds. Then we finally realized we couldn`t live without each other, and we joined our lives together in marriage

We still train for combat, and we still try to better ourselves. But now we stand together against anything that comes at us. We are united in our lives together, and nothing can ever come between us

Until the day finally came, and she got tired of me. I was heartbroken, and made some mistakes to try to kill the pain. I almost left the world, giving up on life and love. Then I found Bloody Tears, and everything turned around. She brought light to my life, and love to my heart. She is a true treasure, and I could never live without her. She has my loyalty, and all of my love



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Dragon_ Lykaia's average rating out of 156 rates is 8.88/10


Alphalfa (731610)

2024-05-05 00:26:06

[c=gold]Happy Anniversary, Love![/] [c=lightblue]It's been 3 years now. Time flies.[/][cheers]
Alphalfa (731610)

2024-01-30 00:22:40

Today marks 1000 days of wedded bliss! [cheers]

Alphalfa (731610)

2023-10-22 00:16:19

Happy 900 days, Love! [cheers]
Alphalfa (731610)

2023-05-05 04:24:16

Happy Anniversary, Darling! [cheers]
Alphalfa (731610)

2023-03-02 05:52:04

You're missing the best day!

Married to Bloody Tears (731610) for 666 days!

Happy 666th day of our bliss-filled marriage!

Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2023-01-04 02:12:03

Hope you are Ok qq
Bangs the ten [dance)
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-12-25 01:33:23

I miss you...I love you [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-12-12 16:16:15

Enjoy your weekend, Love. I'll be right by your side enjoying it with you. [hug]

I love you so much! [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-11-21 17:06:29

[c=blue]Happy 2 years and 5.5 months today. I hope I get to see you tonight.[/] [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-11-20 03:44:08

[c=gold]Happy Tuesday, Love.[/] [hug]

[c=purple]I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.[/] [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-11-11 06:30:41

[c=purple]Happy 555 days, Love! I know we'll have many more celebrations. I enjoyed my present, thank you so much. I love you.[/] [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-11-10 18:05:48

I'll be counting down too, Love. I hope your day is filled with smiles and happy times. I'm so happy for you that you still have two more days off, too. I know we'll make use of that time quite well. [love] [hug]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-10-18 15:50:29

Happy Friday, Love! 😘😍 I hope your night flies by and that we have an excellent weekend together. [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-10-11 18:26:44

Happy Friday, Sweetheart! [love]

I can't wait to see you tonight. I hope you're ready to pile up bodies. [bite]

I love you so much! [hug] I wish we had more time. The clock hates us for sure. I

t's a C-O-N-spiracy! :d
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-09-18 18:24:30

[c=purple]Happy Tuesday, Sweetheart! I'm so happy you're liking this job so much. Not many people can say they are looking forward to going to work.[/]

[c=gold]I hope today kicks off a whole week of good days for you.[/] (hearts)
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-09-13 18:14:51

Happy Friday, Love! [rockon]

I can't wait to see you tonight. [hug]

I miss you already [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-08-22 18:27:48

[c=red]It's Tongueday, Sweetheart. *blushes* It's my favorite day because tomorrow is your favorite day, Friday![/][yay] [hug]

I'm looking forward to spending time with you this weekend. [love]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-07-19 14:40:46

[c=purple]Happy Friday, Sweetheart![/] [love]

[c=yellow]I can't wait to see you tonight.[/][3]
Alphalfa (731610)

2022-07-11 07:27:26

[c=gold]Dragon_ Lykaia (615025) completed ALL THE METAL MAN QUESTS![/]

I am so proud of you, Sweetheart! You did an amazing job! [hug]

I'm so happy for you! [3]
Tanasi (732384)

2022-07-11 07:16:41

All the Metal Man quests! Congratulations!

Thinking of you from Bloody Tears (731610)
Happy Anniversary from Bloody Tears (731610) - Our 3rd year together, I`m so happy.
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - You make every day feel like Christmas morning. I think you are amazing
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - Your love means more to me than words can express. I`ll love you forever, Sweetheart
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - You make my days worth waking up for. You are my sunshine in the morning.
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - I hope your BBQ is the best you`ve ever tasted. I love you so much!
Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) sent a giant Pimpkon peanut butter milkshake.
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - Don`t ler Hurrican Ian win the battle, I`m just happy you`re safe
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - You are the energy that keeps me going. Thank you for so many things
I Love you from Dragon`s Bloody Tears (731610) - You`ll get through this weekend. I believe in you. You have my heart, always

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