Tiger raksha kinkaid I is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Tiger raksha kinkaid I (617273)"Banned from chat for 48 days. The numbers just keeps getting higher."

Last Active: 2014-11-03 02:58:05
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,294
Karma+/Verve+14 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780024 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780024 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record5,736/37,018/73
Win %14%
Last KilledLord_Neferiacr ...
Last Killed ByDavid_Bugsy
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Tiger (62)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 0+



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Tiger raksha kinkaid I's average rating out of 15 rates is 6.07/10


scærlet (621812)

2016-07-15 10:15:13

Still missing you, babybro.[hug] [3] [3] [3]
scærlet (621812)

2015-09-21 00:14:45

[c=gree]You have given Tiger raksha kinkaid I a rating of 10.[/]
Hey, my sweet little brother.[3][3][3][3] I miss you, terribly.<3333333 I hope you're ok and you're having a wonderful life, out there.^^ [peck] I love you and please, drop by, sometime.^^ [3]
scærlet (621812)

2015-02-13 19:01:11

Happy Valentine's Day, my baby broski!<333 I wish you the best and I miss you, terribly!<3 I love you!<3333[3][3]<3333 [peck]
scærlet (621812)

2014-08-06 15:38:07

Hey, broski![hugme] Hope all is well and you're having a wonderful day!<33 Missing ya![3][peck][3]
scærlet (621812)

2014-07-11 13:02:09

Even though, I'm late, congrats on your marriage, broski!<333 I wish you the best and a marriage filled with love and happiness!<3[3] P.S: I expect nieces or nephews from you.:p
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-17 08:22:53

Goodmorning, hun!<3 What about bls?^^
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 21:33:49

Ok, broski![hugme] Goodnight and sweet dreams!<3 I love you, too![3]<3
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 20:31:11

Okie dokie.qq
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 20:28:37

True, but still, don't overtire yourself, hun.<3 Health is more important than anything else.qq
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 20:23:23

Whaaaa?O.o Ok, I wish you luck![hugme] And I hope you're not anxious at all and remember to take breaks, once in a while,kk?
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 20:14:56

I see. What subject?
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 19:55:47

lol I know.:q Tomorrow, you're having any tests?
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 19:50:59

:D Sure thing, if you pay me well enough!:p But I'd be able to have an autograph from a famous artist.:p
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 19:44:59

lol You could say that. We need to learn ancient greek, because some of the texts we need to read have not been translated in modern greek and you know, just to show off, some times.^^ As for the history, I think it's quite obvious, why it is needed.^^ You can't become a lawyer without knowing the history of your country with details. But the most important part are the laws, obviously and the rights of the humans, since I'm being that kind of lawyer.^^ I mean, my speciality is to defend innoncent humans, but also those who are found guilty and get them out of the mess.^^ You know the usual route.^^
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 19:34:10

Not really. There is however another section of lawyers that deals with economical cases, mainly for lawyers, who are going to defend businesses in the court, but generally in my field, it's not necessary.^^ We do have to study the philological subjects, though, like ancient greek, a more detailed history and many more.^^
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 19:20:03

lol I'm not even taking maths.^^ My profession has nothing to do with maths, hun.:) But from what I remember from high school.^^
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 13:50:48

I see.^^ But how can you enjoy maths? I'm having nightmares from it!O.O:p
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 12:29:38

:D Easy there, hun.:p Here is hot, too and I truly hate it.^^ I see.^^ Are you good at maths?qq
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 11:04:37

I know, I know.^^ Especially on hot days.^^ Any plans for today?
scærlet (621812)

2014-06-16 10:56:50

It's ok, dummy.^^ I'm just glad you're ok!:)[hugme] I'm ok, thank you.^^ I just turned back from my exams.^^ Three more days and I'm finished.^^ What about you? How's your day?qq

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