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†Star† (62767)"thinking some people deserve to be strung up by their scrotums and hung till their flesh rots."

Last Active: 2024/02/26 04:31
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Game Age5,978
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles6 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record18,442/40,898/47
Win %32%
Last KilledXixilma
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Married to Jayden Nightsong Rayne (58815) for 5548 days

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VIP Member DarkAsh
leone Cuore d`Oro

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†Star†`s Profile Grew up alone. Learned to live off the land. She wandered up to the northland forests up near the foot of a mountain. She raised herself and even at a young age was always responsible. She loved animals. Swimming was her favorite activity, swimming with the salmon, as she liked to say. She was born of a demon and an angel, they made love I n the mountains and she was their spawn. Her mother left here at the early age of three called back to duty. Star was supposed to be dead but being no human, she hid under the water and made her life there. She was born with the ability to breathe underwater. She lived underwater, her entire home stayed safe and secret from the world. She loved it. She did not feel wet either, she had that choice. She could do anything she wanted with water. Bend it, if you will. And she was beginning to learn how to pull water from the air and pull it into her hands. She never grew tired or week and weary when touching water, it was her healer. If anyone else was touching water while she did, they would heal to. Being the spawn of a demon she could also withstand flames no matter how hot. She had lived in the lake for almost 75 years. Her face was ageless. She was merely in her early twenties. Twenty-three to be exact. She early on was working at a bar a few miles out from the mountain. She loved to visit with people. Listen to their conversations and talk with them. She despised yet somehow pitied the drunken perverts that came in a regular basis. In her spare time she took up a hobby, she took up blacksmith. Her employer`s uncle taught her the basics and let her his shop. He was gone most the time and any metal she found she turned into some sort of blade or armour. This profile was edited with. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood CustomizerPhotobucket I AIN`T FUCKIN EMO! Photobucket Photobucket



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†Star†'s average rating out of 51 rates is 8.24/10


LadyBlood (81728)

2012-07-30 00:30:05

I was wondering why I hadn't seen your beautiful face in awhile! Glad to hear your well though
LadyBlood (81728)

2012-07-30 00:28:15

Long time no see :) Hope your well , LB <3
Jayden Nightsong Rayne (58815)

2012-05-16 23:22:43

I love you.
Kïñg_Zåmörê_Lövêñêšš (228017)

2010-08-20 03:30:11

I would love if you would come and join my coven
Cervante (255143)

2010-08-06 23:52:23

Greetings and welcome to the realm of the Reign of Blood. As a guide of sorts, I Cervante would like to extend a hand to you to join the family Orior Supra. A coven of like minded kindred, it would be a pleasure including you amongst our ranks should you so desire. Never-the-less I'd like to wish you well while online and should you need anything, feel free to drop a line!
Berlin and her Rifle (268134)

2010-07-27 07:09:24

aww man, finally i cannot kill you anymore You have surpassed my abilities

2010-07-22 01:40:59

Smiles when you attack me
leone Cuore d`Oro (277318)

2010-07-12 23:14:14

that's because i'd never dare to attack you
leone Cuore d`Oro (277318)

2010-07-12 23:08:51

ah, i like the way you insult me *laughs and hugs tightly* but it breaks my heart to hurt you! *throws myself in a pose*
Jayden Nightsong Rayne (58815)

2010-07-12 17:46:32

Happy one-year, babes. <3
Genetic Syn (335919)

2010-07-10 01:28:43

We have not officially met. But I seem to keep you appetite satisfied. <serrated grin> I figured it was time we were properly introduced. Have a lovely evening!
Genetic Syn (335919)

2010-07-09 12:55:04

I was beginning to think you didn't love me anymore <serrated grin> Are you sure you don't want to join a coven...<wink>
leone Cuore d`Oro (277318)

2010-07-09 06:26:44

it's well hidden! i can't just show it to everyone!

2010-07-08 21:37:52

Figured that is why ya killed me.

2010-07-08 21:13:28

Oh..did I take your parking spot, love? lol
FleshWound (375163)

2010-07-04 06:40:22

ty yet again.
FleshWound (375163)

2010-07-04 06:32:22

Appreciate it ! Happy 4th btw.
Ysolde De Bouchier (286453)

2010-07-04 05:42:29

I likes your profile and the hat you is wearing in the rl pic... I have one simliar but it has purple and black stripes... but it sadl;y has disappeared on me... hmm, oh well... anywas a rating of 10 my dear

2010-07-03 17:16:17

Just curius

2010-07-03 11:54:23

Like me blood eh?

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