Elena DeathSpirit is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Elena DeathSpirit (638257)"We could be immortals, just not for long"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 20:51
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Game Age4,148
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationCanada
Collectibles12 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S23/1/1
Battle Record3,123/19,109/125
Win %15%
Last KilledSammiSinner
Last Killed ByBloodlust
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Married to Jesse DeathSpirit (152002) for 2725 days
6 Family Members

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Alucard Phoenix Hellsing
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Jesse DeathSpirit
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2019-07-22 08:56:55

Hey sis Kizu here. Reignofblood deleted my account so I no longer have access to all our memories :c

2019-05-19 12:21:49

Hey twinny. Hope you are having a fantastic year!
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2019-02-14 21:01:17

Happy Valentines Day my love. I still cant believe how lucky I am to be the one you gave your heart to. You are amazing and perfect in every way. And I will always be the lucky one in our relationship. I love you.
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2019-01-11 01:10:59

Happy New Years my love. I look forward to many more years to come. Greeting each new year together and counting down the seconds to midnight, as we look forward to everyday the year about to come has in store for us.
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2018-12-30 17:29:21

Merry Christmas baby. Love and miss you every second of everyday. [3] [kiss]

2018-12-23 07:08:59

1. Happy Late Birthday sis. I'm going through a hard time where my girlfriend is giving her heart to her friend because her friend is sick so thats why I didn't say it earlier. rn2. The pictures put me a little to tears and i loved it all. It was a beautiful story!!
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2018-10-28 22:59:50

I have missed you too my love. I am sorry to be gone for so long. Honestly, most days it's hard to figure out where my head is at. But my thoughts are of you, and when I do log in I always hope you are on.

2018-10-21 06:17:04

How have you been twinny? :3

2018-10-08 09:17:17

I'll keep trying to message you till we can talk like old times. I turned 19 recently and i know your birthday is coming up in mid december.

2018-10-06 08:23:16

I now realize you put "Kizu and I before we turned" what did you mean turned?? I didn't turn on you. Please message me
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2018-08-17 23:24:42

Happy 500 days my love. The first 500 of endless more to come.
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2018-07-05 21:18:57

*pounce tackles wife and covers in kisses* [3] [kiss]
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2018-04-04 20:21:57

Happy 1 year anniversary my love. *pulls you in close, stealing a long drawn out kiss from your lips*
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-11-01 08:11:03

*looks surprised as she jumps out in front of him in a mask* You certainly startled me. But I do like your natural face better. *lifts her mask up and places a long deep kiss upon her lips* Happy Halloween love. [3] [kiss]
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-10-21 01:09:57

200 days of pure bliss. How did I get so lucky to have you as my wife? [3] [kiss]
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-10-14 16:30:47

I will be your dork till the end of time itself. And I like to think my dorkiness is part of my charm, and part of the reason you fell for me *giving an Eskimo kiss as I whisper those words causing our lips to brush one another's. My own love reflecting back as I slowly lean back in to steal a longer, more passionate kiss*
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-10-10 21:52:27

*pulls you in to steal a long kiss, to help be reassuring* If you feel bad still then think about it like this. We have the rest of our lives together to make up for it. *smiling at my own overly romantic dorkiness. But endless love reflected in my eyes as I look back deep into your own*
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-10-10 14:22:59

You know I would wait as long as it takes, if it means you will be in my arms. *softly strokes your cheek with my thumb and steals another small tender kiss. Happily opening the gift you got me*
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-10-10 00:46:13

Happy Thanksgiving love. Sorry I haven't been on much lately. Work has been demanding, but not a moment went by that I wasn't thinking on you and holding you in my heart.
Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)

2017-10-05 17:59:54

*comes home from work with a present in hand. Upon seeing you I smile, and go over. Leaning in to give you a deep and loving kiss before offering the present* Happy 6 month anniversary my love.

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