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Captain Drake Nightroad (64030)

Last Active: 2024/09/19 22:53
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Last Killed ByAelia Scarlet ...
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Coven Title (Rank)Sugar Baby (99)
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Name: Father Abel Nightroad

Age: Estimated to be over 900 years

Bio: On the surface, Abel appears to be a clumsy, absent-minded Catholic priest who has bad luck with money and is always hungry. In reality, he is a Crusnik, a vampire with extraordinary powers that can feed on other vampires. Nearly a millennium in age, Abel was created in 2088 A.D. as one of four test tube babies whose bodies were infused with Crusnik nanomachines by the Mars human colonists. Abel once had a hatred for humanity and joined the Methuselah in the war against humans after the Armageddon. During the war between the humans and Methuselah, Abel Nightroad killed seven million humans. Lilith`s death during the war caused him to abandon his hatred. He spent 900 years weeping and mourning in Lilith`s crypt at the Vatican, until a young Caterina Sforza fled there to escape Methuselah assassins. Abel, realizing that it was his task to continue Lilith`s work and defend the humans, saved the young Caterina and chose to live on. He joined the AX at its foundation in May, 3055 A.D.

In penance for his earlier sins, Abel now adheres to a strict principle of pacifism and has taken a vow not to kill unless he absolutely must. Though accepting of his Crusnik form, he will generally only use it as a last resort. After meeting Esther, he is reluctant to use his Crusnik form in a battle for fear of her seeing it, and after she does see it for the first time, Abel is extremely distraught and screams in agony. Later he tells her it is the mark of his sins. He seems to be oblivious to Esther`s romantic feelings for him, and possibly to his own feelings for her. Asthe seems to have noticed, though, and calls him a dunce for not being bothered by Ion`s affections for Esther.While he mostly responds to her with fatherly affection, when he thought she had been killed, he lost control of himself and went into Crusnik form, seeming to delight in killing the Methuselah Radu who he thought had killed Esther. It is Esther that helps him return to normal.

Abel eventually learns that Lilith`s killer and his brother, Cain, is still alive and swears to find and kill him, once and for all.After Abel finds and confronts him, Cain defeats Abel and sends him into a near death state. While Esther mourns at Abel`s grave, Cardinal Caterina retrieves the nanomachines from Lilith`s body and sends Father Tres to take them to Abel in order to revive him. Tres delivers them to Abel`s grave, both reviving him and allowing him to achieve 100% Crusnik fusion without the insanity that manifested in Cain. Immediately afterwards, Cain arrives and Abel battles him again, but the fight ends in a draw and Abel must continue his quest to destroy his brother, now joined by Ion Fortuna.

In his human form, Abel fights with a gun loaded with silver bullets. With 40% of his Crusnik nanomachines activated, his eyes become red, his lips turn dark blue, his teeth become fangs, and a gigantic red scythe composed of crystallized blood materializes in his hands. At 80% activation, his nails turn into claws, grows black wings and he can generate massive amounts of electricity. He can only achieve this form, or higher, if he has fed on a vampire, otherwise there is a risk the nanomachines will refuse the command and cause him to collapse.At 100% activation, he turns into a humanoid creature with dark skin, black bat-like wings, and blue markings that cover his entire body. He also generates more electricity than his 80% form and a second blade forms on he other end of his blood scythe. While in Crusnik form, the blood of Methuselah is drawn to him and goes directly into his body without using his fangs.

Name: Captain Drake

Age: Has existed over 4000 years

Bio: Drake was born like any other child, except his race did not have the concept of a loving family. Upon birth he was thrust into the fires of combat. Training in cruel conditions, rising to the top of his group. After gaining enough recognition from his superiors, he departed to join the battles his kind had begun year before. For centuries Drake fought in countless bloody wars, sometimes by himself or badly injured. It was much like life in ancient Sparta, only a more violent. After one particularly gruesome battle, Drake was severely injured. Unable to reach his comrades, he was forced to take the form of a human and seek shelter in a near by village. Most of the residents turned him away, but soon he met a beautiful girl, far more stunning than anything his warrior eyes had ever seen. Her name was Maya and she sheltered him and doctored his wounds with gentle hands. Months past and his injuries healed, but he refused to leave, he was fascinated by the woman. Drake soon learn that emotion he was feeling was love for this human. They spent all their time together and soon Maya was with child.

Unfortunately for the two lovers, fate did not offer happiness for their future. Late in the night, shrouded by darkness they came, hundreds of demons. Their master had learned of the forbidden bond between Drake and Maya, and wished to destroy it. The demonic forces burned the village and slaughtered all its occupants, not even the livestock was spared. Finally they reached Drake`s home and dragged them both out, burning the home. Drake was held down and forced to watch as his beloved wife was tied to a stake and set a blaze in black fire. Drake`s screams could be heard for miles, and they lasted for days. The rain fell heavily on the day the screams ceased, it drowned the flames and washed away the blood dried on the streets.

When the rain stopped, Drake gained his senses and with great determination he swore that he would grow strong, strong enough to take vengeance on those who destroyed all he knew. He traveled the world, helping those in need, and seeking power. 300 years after that horrid massacre, he came upon a temple, deep in a mountain range. It was the ancient training grounds for the Reapers, the order of those who guided the souls of the dead to the world beyond the veil. Drake spent a century training, honing his skills of combat. Soon he had mastered every known form of martial arts, and the use of many weapons. The elders of the temple bestowed on him the legendary weapon only wielded by the greatest of the Reapers, The Death Scythe, but his demonic aura altered the weapon and changed its nature. In his hands it was capable of changing to every weapon Drake had mastered in his training.

Drake left the temple and continued to roam, taking odd jobs as bodyguard or mercenary to feed himself. During one grueling job in a small town being attacked by creatures from another plane of reality, Drake became allied with a clumsy priest. After fighting beside this traveling holy man, Drake came to realize that they we similar in many ways, for the priest too had lost the woman he loved, spending his life repenting for his sins and searching for the murderer. Sadly the priest sustained massive injuries which he couldn`t recover from. With his dying breath the man told Drake that he was a being known as a Crusnik, one who feeds on the blood of vampires. Nanomachines within his body were the source of his power and could not be used by normal humans,but he knew Drake was no human. The holy man entrusted Drake with the Crusnik nanomachines before he died, in the ultimate sign of trust. With this new power, Drake was now one step closer to his goal, and he would never forget the priest who sacrificed much for the well being of strangers. Drake has finally come to terms with the reality that his revenge will never come.He still roams, but he does so in the cold expanses of the universe, as a pirate and as Captain of his and Tatianna`s dreadnought, the Bad Wolf, and her all female crew, who keep Drake on alert and never give him a day of boredom. He spends his days happily stealing precious objects from people who can`t appreciate their true value, building weapons and gadgets for his ship and crew, practically spoiling them.

Name: Matthew

Age: 915

Bio: He was born nameless to the Hashshashin people in 1102 as the bastard son of vile crusader and the young woman he assaulted. Outcast, the child was taken in by Hassan, Grandmaster of the Order, who believed that the child could prove useful for infiltrating crusader camps and other areas where dark skin would stand out. The boy was taught english, and how to read both languages necessary to his new duties as an assassin. The years passed as the boy grew, learning the art of stealth and training to use a variety of weapons, his skills surpassing those of his brethren. When he could learn no more and reached the age of 18, Hassan sent him out into the world. He also gave him a white man`s name to aid in his mission, that name was Matthew.

He spent the next 3 years fulfilling contracts for the Order, killing political officials or military targets for the good of many. When news of Hassan`s death reached him, Matthew raced to the fortress of Alamut to say goodbye to the man who took him in when no one else would, and to pay respect to the new leader of the Order.

After leaving Alamut, Matthew continued his work and expanded his knowledge, learning to forge his own weapons, blend medicine, and to speak and read other languages. His journey eventually led him to Rome. While on assignment to eliminate a target, Matthew was attacked, by what he later learned was a vampire, sustaining severe injury. He awoke several days later in an unknown land, his wounds healed, and new strength coursing through his body.

Matthew spent the centuries exploring what he had discovered to be the Dead City, learning new abilities and honing his enhanced skills. He taught himself how to use a wider range of weapons throughout his years, becoming stronger, more agile, and deadlier. He finally found a home at the Citadel, befriending the leader and becoming her most trusted advisor and friend.



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Captain Drake Nightroad's average rating out of 189 rates is 8.83/10


Bex Corleone (283954)

2024-09-11 13:46:27

I've been really good, how have you been Drake? And hey, you can have all the rum you like [3]
Bex Corleone (283954)

2024-09-09 10:16:47

Drake!!!! So good to see you [3] You can have all the rum!
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2021-03-23 01:05:24

Oi vey, old man! Where you been? -k-
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2020-09-06 21:42:43

You have given Captain Drake Nightroad a rating of 10.
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2020-08-08 05:15:45

Your Lil spawn does dare to summon Oz -k-
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2020-06-26 00:47:12

Drake-Daddy... you had better not left me orphaned [cry]
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2019-07-17 20:19:11

pppqqqppp Miss you, old friend.
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2019-05-12 04:16:06

-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-12-13 04:34:05

Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2018-07-16 07:58:59

You have given Captain Drake Nightroad a rating of 10. [peck]
Jocelyn Lizeth Priti (586647)

2018-04-05 05:42:58

Peek at you! qq
Bex Corleone (283954)

2018-03-21 22:33:05

Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2018-03-07 17:03:37

Im still alive so I guess not all bad.
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2018-03-07 07:28:27

Drake-Daddy <3
Bex Corleone (283954)

2018-01-27 14:46:05

Damn, I'm sorry :( You know where to find me if you need me tho. Yay!!! well that's something at least, puppies make everything better. qq You'll have to show me pictures!
Bex Corleone (283954)

2018-01-27 14:30:47

Missed you too! Where have you been?!
Bex Corleone (283954)

2018-01-27 14:28:05

Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2018-01-17 10:09:18

[hm] I suppose so [3]
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2018-01-13 12:58:03

Drake-Daddy! [3]
I put the name back, so now you can spoil me again qq
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2017-12-30 04:40:16

Drakeydoe! <3 <3 <3

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