Vladimir Wolfsblood is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Vladimir Wolfsblood (65751)"back online after an extened absence"

Last Active: 2021/02/09 02:32
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Game Age5,938
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record2,750/42,811/3,485
Win %7%
Last KilledRainne Jade
Last Killed ByChris
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[Name] - Vlad Wolfsblood

[Mortal Age]- 18

[Actual Age] - 411

[Powers]- I am a shape shifter by birth and can change into and animal that I wish to change into that I see.

[Appearance] -I am 6 foot 3 inches tall 215 pounds. I am very muscular broad crested with very large arms and legs. I have Jet black hair that is usually cut short. My eye color changes depending upon my mood and on what I am doing when you talk to me.

[Nature] - I am gentle with the ones I am close to but if you are on the receiving end of my anger then you are in trouble because I am not merciful most off the time.

[Demeanor] - I am a fun loving person. I like to have fun. I enjoy writing poetry and other stories. I am a prankster by nature and I enjoy making other laugh.

[History] -My past is filled with mysteries but one thing I know is true that Lokistana found me when I was a new born and brought me to toreador and protected me until I could do it myself. I am originally form Romania but now move between Canada and the US. my story is one of grief and sorrow. I was born in a time where there were no such things as cars, guns and computers. I was born in the early 16th century and grew into a fine young man. Untold to me I was changing it came clear to me one day while I way on the battle field fighting off invaders who sought to conquer my father’s land. I was struck in the chest by a bolt from a crossbow then run through with a spear, And yet I stood up and continued to fight. A fellow soldier noticed what had happened and he quickly tried to drag me from the field of battle. Instead I fought against him and returned to the fight. The fight ended a few hours later and then when I returned the doctors had been told of my condition and they were eager to get a chance to look at me. I refused saying that I was fine and required no medical attention from them. That’s when all my trouble started one of the other men claimed that he had seen me be wounded and fall during the battle and when he last saw me I was not as I looked now. I was thrown out of my village for being what I was. I was hated and feared at the same time because I had become a child of the night. I was only 16 at the time, and luckily I was found by my new mother Loki and she brought what was then a ragged tattered boy to the coven Toreador and has now grown to be a very fierce fighter for the love of his family and his coven. That boy became me. I am Vlad Wolfsblood adopted son of Lokistana. I serve my queen or her replacement until she would return to rule the coven and lead us again. I am a soldier of my coven though we are peaceful I train for battle and for the final conflict to end the war between us and the humans. I don’t know who shall win in the end but if I fall I will not fall alone I will take those who are my enemies with me. I move a lot and in my travels I visit other covens and in a since they become my family as well and id do everything in my power to protect them. My Heart leads me in my travels some time it gets me in trouble but I know that it will find a way to get me home safely. To my family I leave this note for the words hold true now more than ever in this time of new beginnings.

Evinco Est Vivo

While the wicked stand confounded, call me with thy saints surrounded. Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of god. And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. When I raise my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold in judgment, I will take vengeance upon my enemies and I shall repay those who have hazed me. Oh Lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

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Your soul

Your soul is not a soul, but a bottomless pit of dark desires. what you want is what happens. you have the power and fear of people around you. you let new guys know that. if they don`t believe you then you damn well show them! you don`t give a damn about anyone but yourself. if your family gets hurt then you go kill the guy, but it is for your own enjoyment and not for revenge. people talk about you behind your back and you know it. then you go seek them out. some of this may not be true about you. after all. everyone is different. you just fit in the dark soul category.
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Low there do I see my father Low there do I see my mother and my sister and my brothers Low there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning and now they do call to me they bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever.

Lo det ser jeg faren min. Lo det ser jeg min mor og mine søstre, og mine brødre. Lo det ser jeg på linje med mitt folk tilbake til begynnelsen. LO de ringe til meg de bud meg ta min plass blant dem i Halls of Valhalla, hvor den modige kan leve evig.

Lo þarna sé ég föður minn. Lo þarna sé ég móður mína og systur mína og bræður mínir. Lo þarna sé ég línu þjóðar minnar aftur á byrjun. Lo þeir kalla til mín Þeir bjóða mér að taka sæti mitt á meðal þeirra í sölum Valhalla, þar sem hugrakkir geta lifað að eilífu

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Vladimir Wolfsblood's average rating out of 13 rates is 7.62/10


Jack of Avalon (390929)

2015-11-03 04:09:49

Welcome to DAS let us know if you have need. I am Rand Al'thor De Avalon:)
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2015-02-16 19:46:46

I haven't stopped by in a long time, but... I was thinking about you and thought it might be nice to come by and say hello. You're missed always. Hope that you are doing well.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2015-01-16 05:08:31

Welcome to the Coven. If you need anything just Blood Letter me and I'll do what I can to help. Look in the Coven's Forum for many informative threads and things to do. Most important...have FUN
Anna-Omen (125040)

2012-01-23 18:21:06

hi hun.. i'm good thanks. how are you?
SweetBlood Sais (319645)

2011-08-09 21:22:42

Heya welcome to the Asylum, home of the crazies. Be sure to take medications and any other questions of diagnosis please visit the coven Nurse. Play safe! -Veil
DarkPrincess (242927)

2011-08-09 14:49:06

Welcome home Dear. Feel free to join us in xat and meet your coven mates I look forward to having you and I have a strait jacket with your name on it Welcome to The Asylum I have sent you some starter equipment to help you if you don't need them then please donate them back.
Callen Panthora (519059)

2011-07-20 14:43:11

Welcome to the Coven!Enjoy!
Sir Caine Kestrel (437343)

2011-07-20 04:50:50

Welcome to the coven, Enjoy your stay :)
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2011-07-19 22:14:20

I'm sorry to hear that dear
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2011-07-19 21:49:31

Why alone dear?
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2011-07-19 21:29:12

Good good, and you?
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2011-04-24 09:21:34

Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2011-04-18 08:45:03

*peeks in and poke pokes*
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2011-04-05 03:03:28

Yeah that should b aale o gt published*nods* that's gonna make a cool cover, mkst defiently.
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2011-04-05 03:00:31

It should be able,depending on how many pages it has*nods an smiles be it'll be goood!
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2011-04-05 02:58:21

Yeah,that would b great. I can't wait to see it when it done
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2011-04-05 02:56:22

Me and hanah aren't...on good terms. My daughter nata wasbeten by hanna,hannas her old mother. She lef nata nd now she come back to get nata bak. She doesn't want to go. And she's afraid. Today hannH made natas neck bleed. I'm so mad at her. She says she loves her then does that.
Luce R. Moon (492516)

2011-04-05 02:53:17

Thank you! Yeah,I'm gonna finush the atory,piece by piece. I love gour bio and pics

2011-03-12 18:28:00

Haha. Talk about a way to take a girl by surprise ;P

2011-02-26 19:05:42

I am doing well. Sorry that I have not replied before today. I have been unable to get on the internet before now.

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