Skelliot is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!


Last Active: 2024/02/10 19:45
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,905
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationVadenhill
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles26 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S259/1/0
Battle Record56,473/111,351/361
Win %34%
Last KilledThe One Who Es ...
Last Killed ByErra Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent54



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VIP Member Sirus the Stray
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Skelliot's average rating out of 13 rates is 8.85/10


Sirus the Stray (266460)

2024-02-09 22:16:10

S-skin for—? I suppose, so long as you’re happy… Just be careful in the werewolf arena. You know how dogs are about their bones. Wouldn't want you to get slobbered on. Or chomped into dust.
Sirus the Stray (266460)

2024-02-09 20:46:51

Oh god, when you cast life on me you didn't give up your own life, did you? Suddenly you're so... so... [i]*searches for a nice way to say boney*[/i] ...You've lost a lot of weight and I'm concerned about you.
Sirus the Stray (266460)

2024-02-08 21:44:16

Just stop having a real life! that should be easy right? It's not like you need a living wage to survive or anything.
Sirus the Stray (266460)

2024-02-06 22:27:09

It looks like you managed to get your account credentials in order. I'm happy for you!
Sirus the Stray (266460)

2016-01-12 01:19:35

Rosalie (184345)

2015-12-01 16:09:13

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2015! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Sirus the Stray (266460)

2015-11-12 11:16:58

*stretches lazily, then hears that insane song and dons an extremely grumpy face* You're insane. And yet that stupid song is somehow addictive. I hate you.
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2015-10-16 01:54:19

:D It is safe to assume that Syl will be cozy in her rustic abode with Lil' Porky -- her pet piglet!

I'll be looking forward to the upcoming RP, Merc! qq
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2015-10-15 12:27:54

He-Man's quite the enchanter! :D

Sure! A BL RP, it tis! :) I can't wait to see... "what's going on!" :D
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2015-10-14 21:01:30

Oh, don't get me wrong; it struck me with fear, indeed! I mean, a vampire willing to embrace and expose some masculinity of a buffed-up, eyebrow-raisin' master of the universe is something that would strike the fears of human beings everywhere (or cause them to laugh so hard that they're turning red in the face. :D)

To me, I just don't want my profile to be silent. So I've scrolled down on the amazing realm of YouTube and found an entire post-rock album that I loved; and shrugging my shoulders, I put the entire album into my profile. So stricken with pride, I occasionally log into this site to not only wait for battles and such, but to also listen to the entire album via my profile. It's kind of sad, isn't it?

:o You would? [i]*Rushes towards her rustic abode in Greenwood and opens the fridge, the kitchen counters, and her backpack's main compartment; revealing a colorful array of bottled waters inside.*[/i] I must get the caffeine! [roll]
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2015-10-14 20:41:12

I could see the art student in you, Merc. :) I [i]do[/i] like your art; and that was half of the reason why I've gave you a ten in the first place (and the fact that you've put up such a handsome beast, AKA. He-Man, made me feel hypnotized to stay for a little bit longer! :D)

If you want, I'll be happy to start an RP with Merc and Syl! Two curious beings, both socially awkward, a vampire and a water-colored human...

I mean, really? What could [i]possibly[/i] go wrong with that? :D

Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2015-10-14 20:05:02

I haven't watched the series, either; but it feels like I need to jot that down on my human bucket list! :D I believe He-Man wasn't in Netflix when I've purchased a sub'scription, but yet since I've cancelled it due to my iffy internet it could be in there before I know it. Netflix is quite sneaky that way.

Oh! So [i]that[/i] means you had stayed around on my profile? What an honor! There's always surprises for those who wait -- and normally people would just click on my profile, scroll down, and leave with or without a rating in a matter of seconds. I think I have more beauty that deserves to be gazed upon! -k- (Especially since I'm human... Vampire fodder, right?)

Herm is quite a cutie in progress! But when he comes to completion, you could feel free to trade all your sporks for a shiny emerald or two! :P
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2015-10-14 19:23:18

You have given Mercury Vaurus a rating of 10. -- He-Man won me over. :D
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-04 20:58:11

Yup, I'm sure they shall. ^.^ [roll]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-04 20:55:43

That sounds like an epic idea. :d My character ish a pyro. [hehe]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-04 02:29:08

She'd probably get excited about the cake and set it ablaze. Then sit there, nomming on it while the box burns around her. :d Actually, that would be a great idea. [hm] She'd fall asleep watching the fire, after all. So, it would have a residual effect. @.@ :d
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-03 20:39:34

I'm not that bad-ass for her not to harass me. Dx [roll]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-03 01:57:09

Yup, she is. ^-^ Lethean, my main character, was the first RP character I ever made and put put quite a bit of myself into her. So, I'm pretty sure that's why she's she's able to bug me 24/7 if she wished. ^.^ -k- :d
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-03 01:43:33

That fourth wall must be awesome. @.@ I think I could get away from all my characters, save for my main one. [hm] She'd be the one I couldn't fight off. :d
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2015-10-03 01:16:47

Yay! I'm glad for that. [dance] Thank you very much. I'll be happy to do that sometime soon. ^-^/ Ah, kays. ^-^ I've been neglecting updating mine. o~o My characters shall one day beat me to death due to it. :d

Sirus the Stray (266460) sent Super glue, so you stop falling to pieces..

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