The Black Sheep is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

The Black Sheep (67031)"TBS, not to be mistaken by it's rival B.S.!"

Last Active: 2021/04/03 16:27
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,922
Karma+/Verve+20 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationChristmas Island
Collectibles9 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S71/1/0
StatusDead (28779887 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779887 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record30,069/170,338/582
Win %16%
Last KilledShadow
Last Killed ByRuby Vykos Sin ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenNemesis Inc.
Coven Title (Rank)Nemesis Prime (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 5mil+

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This is your wake up call, wake up now before it`s too late!

F#$& your family!

It`s sad that most people have to deal with REAL LIFE family drama; don`t let your Reign of Blood (ROB) family also ruin your gaming experience and get out now!

If your experiencing mind games, disrespect, shame, unhealthy parenting, unrealistic expectations, ridicule, social dysfunction, denial, apathy, bitterness, hypocrisy, unforgiving, judgmental, criticism, absentee parent, "mixed messages", unfulfilled projects, gender prejudice, family politics, unpredictable emotional state, scapegoating, "tunnel vision", excessive authority, "know-it-all", nature vs. nurture, "Kids as pawns", rule by fear and conditional love, violence (physical, emotionally, or sexually), perfectionist, dogmatic, inequitable parenting, deprivation, abandonment, appeasement, loyalty manipulation, "helicopter parenting", "the deceivers", "public image manager", "the paranoid parent", role reversal, ultra-egalitarianism, "my baby forever", "the cheerleader", "along for the ride", "the politician", identified patient, münchausen syndrome by proxy etc.

If you`ve said yes to at least 1 above, it might be a dysfunctional family (either real life, or in game)! Get out now!!

Requirements: Understand the early warning signs of distress. Don`t let yourself get sucked into it, and don`t become a victim.



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











The Black Sheep's average rating out of 79 rates is 7.13/10


Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2018-09-14 09:50:15

My dude, you have been AFK for an extremely long time! I sincerely hope all is well with the real life. But THIS SHIT is absolutely ridiculous, how am I to be a good IG wife to you, if you ARE NEVER HERE?! Lmao. Nah I seriously do not care, and you know this man. But I do honestly hope all is well with you and yours. PS we're getting divorced. But I WILL kill Ash, like in a bad, bad way, if I find out there is an achievement for being married for like 2000 days, AFTER I divorce you. Hmm. I should check first huh? But that's not usually my style. ~ Shakes head and shrugs~ Any way, hit me up when you do get back, let's catch up man, miss chatting!.. K, bye bye then.
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2016-10-21 04:33:59

A 1,000 days went by fast... Maybe that's cause you're so chill. :-) <3
Thera Regina (566604)

2016-02-18 10:40:03

I'm gonna put a bounty on you, it's nothing personal just for a quest :) [3]
Peter Hale (432904)

2016-01-12 07:11:59

if you do not heal b4 hitting me, i sometimes miracle shot[hugme]
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2016-01-01 23:29:20

I agree, and thanks! I had a great time last night! :)
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2016-01-01 02:47:11

Happy New Year! have fun, be safe!
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-09-13 22:25:21

<~~~ always on some kind of mission ;)
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-09-12 07:47:51

Happy almost 600 days! .. I hope to be around for it!.. haha check your gifts/inventory. I'm so corny, I know.
Thank you for all your awesome gifts! They always make me smile or laugh! :) :) <3
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-08-18 07:42:21

Lurking, I am.. ;p
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-08-05 19:27:37

Thank you for all the gifts, even when I'm not here! :) <3
Ligeia (648620)

2015-07-25 17:01:07

You have given The Black Sheep a rating of 10. Thanks for the rating :) a 10 back at you.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2015-07-24 13:28:29

Yes we, Great Team Work !!! qq
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2015-07-20 07:22:31

Go Team Red [devil] *Bang 10 on the way out*
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-07-01 15:08:23

Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-06-30 19:05:41

Hey hunni, just dropping by. Gave ya a 10 as usual. ;)
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2015-01-15 23:13:28

Lol, happy new year... 2 weeks later! Better late then never?! Hope this year is better for us both!!
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2014-11-15 20:48:37

Likewise :)
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2014-11-15 16:35:00

You have given The Black Sheep a rating of 10. Every month lol like clock work ;p & I can't believe you've made it almost 300 days with my crazy ass haha
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2014-10-18 02:54:47

I like it cause it's real.
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2014-10-17 16:10:12

Rated you a 10, as always. Your profile always makes me laugh ;)

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