Leona W. Danno™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Leona W. Danno™ (670768)"Nevermind.....back to the shadows I go...."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 05:43
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,878
Karma+/Verve+140 / 60
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles50 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S250/6/29
StatusDead (28779437 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779437 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record249,170/86,791/321
Win %75%
Last KilledNeptune Fidela ...
Last Killed By<::Violet:: ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent65
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Irish Rose (30)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 206k+



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Rank 250+

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5k+ Power

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21 Family Members

Vitality 790    Charm 41
RP Posts 2    Coven RP Posts 0
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VIP Member Cae Stryker
Captain Franck Desh

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Leona W. Danno™'s average rating out of 608 rates is 9.11/10


Syndel Fuego (739771)

2024-08-14 03:51:27

You have given Leona W. Danno™ a rating of 10.

I've been slacking on giving my only sister attention. I apologize profusely for my negligence!

You are beautiful inside and out! [3]
Cae Stryker (257958)

2024-08-07 11:15:27

SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!! [3][3][3]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2024-05-22 13:15:32

[i][c=#ff9999]You have given Leona W. Danno™ +1 Karma.

For the most hardworking woman that I know.
A token of karma as my symbol of thoughtfulness and affection for you.
A reminder that you are never forgotten, near or far.
I hope it brings a tiny smile to your day.

Love you, Mama!

With Love, [3]
Dahlia LeFleur [/][/i]
Alyona Vasiliev™ (475381)

2024-08-27 21:18:04

Thank you so much! And I am, this last week or so has just been utter chaos but well worth it chaos!
Raina Marie Adaleiz (605849)

2024-08-17 14:18:43

I am doing great, I hope you are as well. It's been a whirlwind of a month. We moved and things are much better than they have ever been in a long time. I miss him too.[3][3][3]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2024-08-17 05:47:36

[i][c=#ff9999]You have given Leona W. Danno™ +5 Karma.

My Beloved and Constant Mama,
My Dearest Mama Leo. [3]

Should you head into the Dark Shadows, I shall trail after you with fairy lights, fluffy plush cushions and a galore of Freshly Baked French Pastries.

You'll always have me.
Your warmest of heart and most beautiful of soul, will always have a daughter in me.

You are loved. Always.

In Kind and With Love,
Dahlia LeFleur [/][/i] [3]
Syndel Fuego (739771)

2024-08-06 16:19:45

I see you, Sister! [hug]
Liam Angelino

2024-07-20 12:10:28


I have missed you. I hope you are well and in good health. You are looking as radiant as usual.

You have given Leona W. Danno™ a rating of 10.

-Love, Liam
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2024-07-09 05:06:48

You have given Leona W. Danno™ a rating of 10 [3]
Maeve Celosia (737442)

2024-06-13 07:00:36

Oh good! I’m glad you have a few days offqq
Maeve Celosia (737442)

2024-06-10 07:36:36

I apologize for my a sense! I'll be back around after tomorrow qq work has been crazy. How are you dear?[3]
Maeve Celosia (737442)

2024-05-28 02:04:21

A ten for a beautiful profile and an equally as beautiful lady qq [3]
Raina Marie Adaleiz (605849)

2024-04-24 13:48:35

love and miss you too![3]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2024-04-20 12:10:00

[i][c=#ff9999]You have given Leona W. Danno™ +1 Karma.

Dear Mama,
A small token of positive karma from me, to start your day lovely. 💛
And hopefully, with a tiny smile!
Always know that you are never forgotten and love can always be found in the smallest of circles.

Oh! And don't forget to take pauses in between work for those light stretches and to hydrate! Drink more water.

With Love,
Dahlia [/][/i] [3]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-04-18 12:59:46

Welcome back :)
Lee Hawke (542437)

2024-02-16 08:23:01

Hello :) just swinging by letting you know i'm still alive here lol
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2024-01-25 16:29:04

Your welcome love!! ❤️❤️
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2024-01-25 16:27:11

Happy Birthday dear!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-01-25 06:11:03

🎂🎉🎈Happiest Day of the Year! It’s your~~~BIRTHDAY! [hug]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-01-25 04:12:52

Happy Birthday [cheers]

Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent red roses.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent A Bouquet of Daisies and Sunflowers.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent red roses.
Dahlia Keia Lynch (444089) sent red roses.
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285) sent Roses.
Happy Birthday from Raina Marie Adaleiz (605849) - Hope you have a wonderful day!!! loves you!

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