Apollyon Vespera is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Apollyon Vespera (684195)"She Pointed And He Would Destroy Without Mercy."

Last Active: 2021/11/20 05:16
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,685
Karma+/Verve+-2 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles4 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S73/2/21
Battle Record20,603/46,508/157
Win %31%
Last KilledKatherine Warc ...
Last Killed ByKaos Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent5
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Coven Title (Rank)Death of Jodas (80)
Coven VirtueWeedie (3)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+



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VIP Member .The A l p h a Sainte.

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Apollyon Vespera 's average rating out of 25 rates is 7.36/10


.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2020-05-10 18:44:22

Checking in on you. Hope all is well.
Jodas Dominor (60366)

2019-11-07 00:20:09

Still waiting for that death ;)
AmayaVespera (727666)

2019-08-29 18:57:41

I miss you too my darling pppqqqppp
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2019-08-07 23:28:20

AmayaVespera (727666)

2019-06-20 16:23:30

I love you my darling husband!
AmayaVespera (727666)

2019-05-17 19:16:00

Just wanted to stop by and say hi to my handsome hubby.
AmayaVespera (727666)

2019-05-03 18:25:17

I love you so much my darling husband. [3]
AmayaVespera (727666)

2019-04-18 02:25:46

I am so happy you chose me as your wife! I love you lots!!!
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2019-03-19 18:57:18

My K N I G H T [3]
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2019-02-06 07:36:24

[i]A low gutteral growl resonated from the shadows, echoing throughout the Hall. Her arrival was a slow manifestation from the Darkness to the males right[/i] Remove yourself or I will do it for you.
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2019-01-10 23:12:59

Same here but I check in on my breaks tho lol
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2019-01-03 21:43:17

Youve been missed.
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2019-01-03 07:32:27

[3] C h e c k [3]
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-09-20 15:52:38

Maaaybe I will
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-07-27 14:46:17

"Not jealous, possession." [i]She told him bluntly. He claimed she wouldn't lose him to another, but that didn't change the fact that they would try. Her hand slid away from his own, her fingers flexed slightly at the mention of what they were meant to do. A hiss came from behind her teeth as she looked away from him.[/i] "You can thank your King and Aubrey for this time of peace. I called for war, a war against Him and here we are forced to deal with the drabble of Dead City while Divinus starts to get restless. I am very much the Queen of Darkness you crave but now is not my time to reign. Even you, a weapon, has to be sheathed from time to time, its what allows you to have such things as a wife and children."
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-07-21 10:13:21

[i]A brow rose slowly to as she stopped behind a chair, her claws curling inward to tear into the fabric only slightly, obviously annoyed by the very idea of him abandoning her. He hadn't said it directly but she didn't like the thought of it.[/i] "While you may be loyal to me and the Divinus it doesn't change the fact that others may try to change that. If it happens again, I will call a Hunt." [i]Her hands rose from the chair to continue her track around the chamber.[/i] "This is not the first time another has sought your company to try to sway you from us. You take in the broken, just as Landeril does. Women flock to you, would be queens, slaves, pets...because you let them in. I am not saying you should close yourself off but if you wish some of them to survive. You will pick more carefully."
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-07-05 16:41:08

[i]Discordia looked back to the taller male that turned to face her. Her head tilt to one side.[/i] "Just as I always do." [i]The demoness was often a negative voice in others moment happiness. It wasn't that she didnt want them to have happiness in their life,but rather someone who didn't lie. Her fingers drummed upon her bicep as she listened to him speak, her words spoken lowly with a stern note to it.[/i] "Landeril is far from perfect not in the sense of the word. His flaw is almost the same as yours. You trust too easily and wear your heart on your sleeve." [i]She stepped from him, her arms dropped to her sides, taking in the chamber he was in. Her claws moving along the backs of chairs before she looked back to him, narrowing her gaze.[/i] "The shadows whisper that another dares to call herself your queen...deal with it."
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-07-04 21:36:14

[i]The Queen of Divinus looked her Knight over slowly, a twisted mirth alight in her eyes as if to mirror his own.[/i] "It wouldnt be you who suffers my bite." [i]Her head turned away once more to peer around, her tone low as she spoke.[/i] "No one has remained permanent yet, Check, so we shall see how this all plays out." [i]Eyes of vermillion seemed to narrow in thought, petite nostrils flared slightly to gather the scents within the chamber.[/i]
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-07-02 18:10:30

[i]Her head shook again, long black tendrils swayed with the movement.[/i] "Your temper is often what summons me from the Night Vale. I doubt Id enjoy her company. I keep only the company of my trusted, their spouses..children..pets are nothing but food for me in the end because they are usually..temporary. You lot are welcome to your lovers but I will doubtibly befriend them." [i] She explained in a casual yet stern tone.[/i]
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2018-07-02 17:33:55

"I fear you will become bored guarding me. None dare to challenge me anymore. Our lack of presense in the last two years has made us urban legends they are too scared to whisper in fear it may summon myself or Landeril." [i]A brow rose slowly. Her head shook. [/i] "Actually I know nothing of this new wife. I imagine she was part of the flock that sought you." [i]It was true, she knew not the womans name or anything about her other than her mother threatened her Knight and that was unacceptable.[/i]

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