Aeson D. Silesius is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Aeson D. Silesius (686355)"Kill them all. For the Lord knows those that are His own."

Last Active: 2017-10-03 20:00:25
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,639
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles12 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S145/2/0
Battle Record73,930/111,716/858
Win %40%
Last KilledCramchokeus
Last Killed ByAlexia Ravenor
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent2
Coven Title (Rank)Hermit Philosopher (50)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 3mil+

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Married to Liam (631696) for 3476 days

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Aeson D. Silesius's average rating out of 25 rates is 9.16/10


Liam (631696)

2019-02-16 22:27:48

Liam (631696)

2017-03-11 01:29:09

Liam (631696)

2017-03-05 20:25:08

Dammit, for a split second there it showed you as online and now you're not. I missed you by minutes I guess.
Liam (631696)

2017-03-05 20:22:40

Liam (631696)

2017-02-13 12:04:18

[hm] I still don't know where you are. Where o' where has my Aeson gone? Oh where o' where can he be? I looked high in the trees and mountain tops. I looked low in the underground tunnels, beneath the shrubs and down the rabbit hole. I'm starting to think you are that one last Easter egg that no one can find and I, the stubborn kid who keeps looking. I will find you and when I do I'm going to eat you up. I know you are that special yummy delicious chocolate egg. I will play with you first, let you melt between my fingers then lick you off of them. After that, I will stuff the remainder in my mouth, roll it around my tongue so I can taste every bit of you...i mean the chocolate egg of course. Dammit i need to find you...that chocolate egg. [hehe][3]
Liam (631696)

2017-01-29 23:40:04

Dammit I miss you Aeson.
Liam (631696)

2017-01-21 02:38:32

Every time I come to your profile I have to stay and reload several times. Which happens every day that I come on. That 2016-10-21 would be glaring at me with an evil grin if it had a face. Instead it chooses to sit there unchanged and those damn red letters next to it. Ahh hell Aeson! This has to be your way of paying me back for doing the same to you. Remember when we were talking about that one thing, and you said it was not even an option? Well now its time for me to say the same thing. It's not an option. I guess for now I will just close my eyes, listen to the music and dance with myself tonight.
Liam (631696)

2016-11-26 03:35:28

Liam (631696)

2016-08-06 23:50:54

I came home to find no one home, cobwebs had filled the doorway even. Wine bottle in hand to celebrate a summer of hell done and over with. Cramming that many classes into one summer semester was not easy. Exams every day sometimes 2 or more. I am surprised I did not become an alcoholic. *looks down at the bottle in hand* this is just a coincidence I swear. *Slips a quarter in the jukebox, flips through its selections until finding the song he was looking for.* That's it right there. Every time I hear this song I think of you. No matter where I am or what I am doing. *Pops in more quarters, selecting the same song several times. Walks through the empty house sitting the bottle down on some table top. Making his way to his and his husband's bed room. It was quiet dark as usual but sadly empty and he could tell it has been for quite sometime. He lays on the bed listening to the music. He closes his eyes, not to fall asleep but to get wrapped up in the song. I will see you soon dear Aeson.
Liam (631696)

2016-06-02 22:47:06

Liam (631696)

2016-05-28 18:30:18

Oh what do my eyes see? Some hot bod laying out in the rain? I may just have to join him. :q
Liam (631696)

2016-05-27 23:50:40

I am but I do need to keep my cool because things may not turn out the way I want them to. You know how time changes things? Well it could have changed a lot with us and us not being together or talking for so long you know. I'm trying to cool it down. :D
Liam (631696)

2016-05-27 23:35:16

:D I know there is more to it but I was trying to be funny [woo] and and and and [hehe] but things ended with us a bit abruptly. it was kinda like [hm] not sure how to explain it. he went home to help with his mom who had cancer and he ended up staying when she passed away. We never said the break up words even though I knew it happened. Everything just stopped, including communication. but he called me the other day and at first I thought it was my mom she calls me all the time. Then I saw some numbers that threw me off and I swear I almost dropped the phone when I realized who it was. It was tumbling in my hands trying not to drop it. :D I was so nervous. I think my heart skipped a few beats, my hands were all shaky. [lmfao]
Liam (631696)

2016-05-27 23:16:51

oh it's going good. Got a call from the ex who moved back home. He is talking about flying in for a visit. So what it all winds down to is, he is flying across the world for a booty call. [lmfao]
Liam (631696)

2016-05-27 23:10:29

Oh there you are [hehe] I have missed you. [kiss]
Liam (631696)

2016-05-27 23:04:33

and now I dont :D:D
Liam (631696)

2016-05-27 22:52:29

I see my babe qq
Liam (631696)

2016-05-15 16:19:50

Oh and let's not forget I got a letter from my Internet provider. They will no longer be unlimited unless we have satellite or cable as well. This starts on thee 23rd I believe. I don't do cable or satellite. Don't watch TV, i got Internet for that. Dammit!!
Liam (631696)

2016-05-15 16:14:44

I used to have unlimited but verizon stopped that. :D verizon kinda sucks.
Liam (631696)

2016-05-15 15:59:12

I hope you have unlimited data. :Do I don't I only have 3 gigs a month on my phone which works fine I'm always connected to wifi and when I'm no where wifi is I turn off data. I'm on a budget lol I can't afford data overages. [roll]

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