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Remus D. Ravenfield (689668)"Give up on the world before I'm giving up on you..."

Last Active: 2024/09/15 08:55
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Game Age3,560
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Game LocationDead City
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Collectibles35 (+5%) See All
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Battle Record59,347/68,272/103
Win %47%
Last KilledThe Weylin Twi ...
Last Killed ByLiam Angelino
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Coven Title (Rank)Drifter (93)
Coven VirtueBurn Out (14)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 10mil+



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Married to Mirabella Ravenfield (509400) for 1014 days

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Love seems to come from the most unlikely places and when you`ve given up on it, but now that you are in my life I would give up on the world before I`d give up on you:
My precious jewel, My Mirabella

"A wild longing for strong emotions and sensations seethes in me,
a rage against this toneless, flat, normal, and sterile life."

- Hermann Hesse, `Steppenwolf`.

-- @ --

Designed by Syndel Fuego (739771)



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Remus D. Ravenfield's average rating out of 15 rates is 8.73/10


Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-02-14 00:17:55

[c=hotpink]my cupid,
my sweet, sweet valentine,
my love[/]

[i]happy valentine's day!

i know i said i wanted to do something really special for you today, but i still didn't figure anything out... and before you say 'don't apologize.' i'm not going to, my silly wolf. this is why i'm spilling my heart out to you here, why everyone in dead city is going to witness just how [b]deep[/b] my love for you really goes. which - if i'm being honest, i don't think i'd even be able to accomplish that much either. because...

not only are you the love of my life, you are the air that i breathe, you are blood coursing through my veins, you are everything that makes my world go 'round. how you managed to wrap yourself so completely and irrevocably around my heart is beyond me, but i would never want you to let go. not only had you sank your teeth into my heart, but you have my soul also. and i thought that was the hardest thing for a demon to give up, let alone[/i] share[i]. but i know it's in safe claws, i know you would cherish it just like you would cherish my body.

i can't believe just how lucky i am, everyday i get to bask in your love. no woman is as lucky, or as happy as you have made me, my dearest husband. but i think i've gushed enough... at least for now, that is. i'm nowhere near done, however. this was just the tip of the iceberg, dearest. but with that said, thank you for helping me remember what it's like to love again. i didn't think i'd ever get the chance again.

[c=hotpink]i love you so much, remus.

to the moon and beyond,
your wife,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-09 23:28:58

[c=crimson]my alpha, my mate, my king[/]

[i]happy one-month anniversary!

what does a woman give to the man who has stolen her heart? yes - you are a thief, but i don't want it back. i held my heart out to you and you happily took it. you have ruined me for anyone else - in more ways than one, my wolf. [c=crimson]-knowing smirk-[/] but, enough of that… no one needs to know about your mischievousness like i do.

ahem… anyways… [c=crimson]-blushes-[/]

i truly wish we had met sooner, remus. so i can love you longer. one month just doesn't amount to how much i absolutely adore, admire and cherish you. nor can it put into words the respect i have for you. you gave this demon a chance to know what true love really is, even though i am undeserving of such devotion from a man such as yourself. but - don't you dare get any crazy ideas. you are mine and i don't plan on letting you go any time soon. so, you're stuck with this cheeky little imp of yours.

with that being said, my amazing husband: here's to us. to many more blissful months together, to the ups and downs we will surely have, to the many memories we will make. i will love you until the sun burns out and the stars all die. even then, my husband, my love for you will continue until i breathe my last breath.

i seem to have prattled on, haven't i? [/i]

[c=crimson]forever your devoted queen, who will never ever be letting you go because she is needy for your love,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2021-12-14 22:22:21

[c=crimson]my loving husband,[/]

[i]i just wanted to stop by and show you some much needed love. [c=crimson]-blows a kiss-[/] you deserve all of my love, and i don't care who disapproves. you are mine as much as i am yours.[/i]

[c=crimson]your little succubus,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2021-12-11 02:23:59

[c=crimson]my dearest wolf,[/]

[i]i never expected us to end up like this: together. but you have made me the happiest woman in all of dead city. i could never ask for anyone who could cherish my heart and soul like you do. because there is no one. i love you.[/i]

[c=crimson]forever yours,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-03-24 16:15:03

[c=crimson]my one and only,
my alpha, my mate,
my happily ever after,[/]

[i]i know i am late in saying this, but:

happy 100 days!

here's to 100 more and then an infinity after. i love you with every fiber of my being. i have waited a long time for you to enter my life and now that you are mine, i'm never letting you go.

you belong to me, just as much as i belong to you. just how it's meant to be. ♡

i love you, forevermore.[/i]

[c=crimson]your still lovestruck and enamourous wife,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-03-08 21:30:16

[c=darkgreen]my beloved husband,[/]

[i]i just wanted to stop by and say i love you!

your profile needs a little lady luck gracing it, [c=darkgreen]your[/] lady luck. ;) although, i'm sad to say that this is going to be a short message. i'm sure my words are just a powerful nonetheless.

again, my dearest wolf, i love you to the moon and beyond.[/i]

[c=darkgreen]your one and only,
your lucky succubus,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-02-17 14:33:54

[c=lightpink]for my one and only,
the light that guides me home,
my husband and reason for living,[/]

[i]it goes without saying who truly is the most loved here. you really are a poet, there's no denying, and every word i've felt deep in my soul. to hold there and cherish forevermore.

there may be many wonders, but nothing compares to you. for nothing is as wonderful as walking hand-in-hand with you. and i only burn brightly because you lift me above the sun. the heavens will know of our love and weep for it because it is the most beautiful and pure.

i truly have no words for how beautiful you really make me feel, my love. nor can i find the words to tell you how much i love you. it might take me eternities just to figure that out, but in the meantime, i will just have to settle for these measly little words that i hope have the power to ascend time and distance to reach you:

[c=lightpink]you are my everything.[/i]

your adoring wife, who is just as speechless as the day we met,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-02-10 00:13:57

[c=crimson]my forever and eternity,
the love of my entire life,
my husband and mate forevermore,[/]

[i]most would give up way before their second month, even the first month, but i could never give you up. you truly have no idea what meeting you has done for me. my life has brightened with each passing day you grace it with your love and smile.

you are mine forever and always. and i will make sure the entire world knows it. i will climb the highest mountain and scream to the heavens my love for you. everyone else waits for valentine's day to shower their partner with love and affection, but not your little succubus. i will proudly announce my devotion to you every day. even when you tire of hearing it. which, you have proven to me that won't ever happen. [3]

i actually intended this to be short and simple, but it seems the dams broke and i just couldn't help myself but gush.

here's to many more months together. here's to us once more.

and - just because i wanted to publicly make it known, i waited to ask the burning question of the month: will you be my beloved valentine?[/i]

[c=crimson]your overly lovey-dovey wife,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-02-05 23:07:19

[c=crimson]my own personal cupid,[/]

[i]and what happened to not having enough for anymore love? i am going to warn you fairly, my husband: [c=crimson]i am one greedy wife.[/] so, be careful, i might ask for more. and more... so much more. always. it also makes me wish i had more to offer you, because you deserve so much more than what i have given.

that's really all i wanted to say, i just wanted to tease you. although, now that i am here, i don't want to leave without telling you how much i adore you. and how happy i am that i will be spending valentine's day with you, my one truest soul mate.[/i]

[c=crimson]with hearts in my eyes,
and love in my heart,
your mira[/]
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-02-03 21:55:11

[c=crimson]to my only gift,
the only man special enough to steal my heart twice,[/]

[i]truth be told, neither did i until recently. i knew right then and there i had to take the chance. you are mine, completely. now and forever.

and - of course, i welcome your affections with open arms. you should know that i am greedy for everything you give me. but - just so you know, my husband: i give back tenfold. if you think my love is as hot as and as bright as the sun [c=crimson]now[/], sunglasses won't save you later. ;)[/i]

[c=crimson]your solar flare of a wife,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-02-01 06:19:20

[c=crimson]my artistic husband,[/]

[i]i was just wandering the halls whilst you are away and couldn't help but stumble upon your shrine of a lovely succubus. does this mean i am your muse? if so, i am flattered. you spoil me and have made me blush like a lovestruck little girl. which, in all honesty, is rather an easy feat for you.

but - this also means that i must make my own shrine to show the world just how much i love my wolf. i will have to make it good and worthy of you. that means i will have to pull out all the stops. [c=crimson]-innocent smile-[/] but, i doubt i can capture the raw intensity of my feelings for you so easily.

we will just have to see, won't we?[/i]

[c=crimson]your just as equally artistic wife
and muse,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-29 00:21:47

[c=crimson]my dearest mate,
my one and only,
my happily ever after,[/]

[i]happy 50 days!

i know it's not as special as that first month of bliss, but just like the first day, 50 days feels like the very moment i met you.

i just wanted to spoil you with some much needed love. you know you deserve every ounce i have to offer you. if i could, you know i would not hesitate to scream to the heavens how much i love you. i'm actually sure that those behind the golden gates would be jealous of our undying love. just like i imagine everyone here in dead city is. [c=crimson]-giggles-[/]

i also wanted to say that you are the most amazing man in my life. you are my reason for waking up in the morning, the reason i can smile, the reason my nightmares have turned to dreams. my reason for living. the day i became your wife, i became whole. and i have no intentions of giving you up.

you are mine forevermore, my love, just as i am yours. we will be eternal.[/i]

[c=crimson]aeternum tuum,
eternally yours,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-28 02:04:56

[c=crimson]to the only man who ever loved me for who i am,[/]

[i]i did see that, and it made me so happy to see more of you around these otherwise empty halls. you have no idea how much i've actually missed seeing you as often as before. every time i see you, it brings the biggest, silliest smile to my face.

my love, you have no idea how much i absolutely adore you. and each day it grows and grows. i don't ever want to be without you, you are mine. always and forever. no one can ever take you from me. and if anyone tries... well, we'll just see them in hell, won't we?

i'm sure you're exhausted, my dearest wolf. and i do hope you dream of me, because i have been dreaming of you. i will be waiting in your dreams, so sleep well, my love.

i love you.[/i]

[c=crimson]your one and only,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-24 03:09:19

[c=crimson]to the love of my life,[/]

[i]i cannot wait to have you back in my arms. i have so much love to give you, so hurry back to me, my wolf.

although, i do hope you have lots of fun. you can tell me all about your trip when i see you and when you have more time.[/i]

[c=crimson]your slightly anxious, slightly lonely, but always loving wife,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-19 22:04:57

[c=crimson]to the light of my darkness,
the man who brings so much joy to my otherwise bleak existence,[/]

[i]you know, i love it. it's perfect in my eyes, just as you are. no matter what you do or say, you always find a way to melt my heart.

also - thank you for letting me know. knowing me, i would most likely fret over if you are well or not if i don't hear from you. i'd be hysterical, if i am being honest here. to be without you, my love, is to return to the darkness. and, i really don't want to go back there. not after knowing you are my light.

[c=crimson]-clears throat-[/] with that being said, my husband, i hope you are safe and have fun in whatever you do.[/i]

[c=crimson]your possibly obsessed little demon, who does not care what others think of us,
your mira[/]
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-16 02:49:33

[c=crimson]to my sexy beast,[/]

[i]as much as i am all over your profile already, i seem to wish for more. i'm a glutton for attention. your attention. and the more i get of it, the more i crave for more. ever more.

i could never tire of your love or affection. i will only ever crave more of it, so i hope you have an endless amount of love and affection for your wife. [c=crimson]-giggles-[/]

because i have an infinite well of it for you, my husband.

i love you, so much. forevermore.[/i]

[c=crimson]your affectionate little demon, your so-called 'temptress',
but most importantly, your wife,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-12 14:04:42

[c=crimson]my reason for living,
my remus[/]

[i]oh yes, my wolf has some pretty strong arms. :p i could fall into them and revel in the strength that you wield. you make me feel safe and warm, unlike anyone before. which is very few, if i might add.

so far, the year is rather tame. i am admittedly a little wary for what may come in the future because of said tameness, but now that i have you, my heart, i will be more ready for what the year throws at me.

i hope the year is finding you well also. just remember, i will always be by your side.[/i]

[c=crimson]your mira[/]
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-05 16:13:34

[c=crimson]to the love of my life, my soulmate,
my wolfen heart,
my remus[/]

time really does fly! it has almost been a month since you became mine, and i - yours. there truly are no words to describe just how i feel and i'm usually good with words. but, 'tis alright, i will think of something to convey what is in my heart of hearts. you deserve the absolute best from your wife, and i will strive to do just that.

[c=crimson]your tongue-tied and lovestruck bride,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-02 00:02:58

[c=crimson]my one and only,[/]

[c=white][i]i just wanted to stop by and ask how your new years was when i noticed you had indeed done some redecorating in here. it looks amazing, i will admit that i'm a little jealous of how good it looks. but, 'tis alright, i am hopefully going to do a little more work on mine in the near future.

i also wanted to say thank you for gracing my otherwise lonely world with your love, you don't know how much it means to me. i don't care if i have another bleak year, as long as i have you that won't matter.[/][/i]

[c=crimson]forever your demon,
Mirabella Ravenfield (509400)

2022-01-01 00:43:08

[c=crimson]my light, my love, my everything[/]

[i]happy new year!

i have said this before and will probably say it more times than i can count: i am so happy that you're in my life. to be bringing in the new year with you by my side, is a blessing. and, all thankd to you, this little demon feels like she's in heaven. [c=crimson]-snickers-[/] how ironic, don't you think?

anyways - i hope you have an amazing new year. and remember that your wife will wait for your return with open arms and all her love just for you, my husband.[/i]

[c=crimson]your adoring wife,

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