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Lady Skye (691818)"AkU NAk DarAH"

Last Active: 2015-03-08 22:04:02
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,499
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Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationMalaysia
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S52/0/0
Battle Record3,441/30,124/112
Win %11%
Last KilledRashena Vali
Last Killed By† Calix Caine ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Coven Title (Rank)Lady Skye (51)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 128k+




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Lady Skye's average rating out of 1 rates is 5.00/10


Aoife of the Shadows (256190)

2015-02-21 08:11:00

Not a problem! :)
Aoife of the Shadows (256190)

2015-02-21 08:08:20

Hello. Sorry I missed you in chat earlier. Anyway, I'm not sure how much you check forums--I'm guilty of not doing that--so I just wanted to tell you that I've replied to your questions about daily activities. Welcome to RoB and to Night Reign. :)
Kiren Aranami (252462)

2015-02-21 03:45:46

Well, it's up to you really. You could alternate if that's easier; spend some time just killing and then some time just training. There isn't really any ideal of rank to power, it's up to the player to determine that. Ranking up is just easier when you have lots of targets who are higher level than you.

Doing quests is definitely worth your while; they give QP. A QP can give +2 to speed, strength or toughness depending on which you choose to spend it on. You [i]can[/i] spend it on life max, but it's better to spend QP only on stats, and use AP on life max instead. Better value. Each completed mission gives 1 QP as well, so you should do those where you can. Pets are a great source of QP if you can be bothered doing the work; battling in Mount Tilia can get very tedious but the rewards are good. Most aspects of the game can be beneficial to you in some way, it's just a matter of how much you can be bothered doing, haha.
Kiren Aranami (252462)

2015-02-21 03:28:39

Hmm... at this stage it may be better to focus on training. You should do both, but it's good to be powerful. As you may know, you get much more blood from killing players that are ranked higher than you.
Kiren Aranami (252462)

2015-02-21 00:16:00

You're very welcome. If you need help again, feel free to ask me. :)
Kiren Aranami (252462)

2015-02-21 00:08:33

1. Covens can give you a boost in strength and toughness, lend you equipment and money; there are special coven quests you can do every day, and covens also war with each other often. It's a good idea to be in one. Houses... hm, I guess they are like covens but with far less features. They only really have a forum and chat, and nothing else.
2. There are several ways to make money here; the best one in my opinion is by battling other players. When you win a battle, you get money which is your rank times 3. For example, if you are rank 5 then you get $15 for each win. If you are rank 20, you get $60. As you rank higher you can quickly start to make more money. You can also find money by searching in Greenwood.
3. You increase your power by training in the gym, and by spending AP (points you get from leveling up) and QP (points you get from doing most quests and in some other ways). You should spend AP on life, and QP on your other stats. Speed is the most important stat.
4. Kill, train, do the daily quests in the quest hall if you can.
5. There is a lot to learn. :P I can't mention everything, you'll have to discover some things for yourself.
6. No, there's nothing like that.
7. Motivation gives you a chance to gain a little more from the turns you use when training. Your minion fights alongside you in some battles, doing extra damage to the opponent. You need to feed your minion every so often, otherwise it can't fight. It gains experience in battle just like you do, and when it levels up it too gets AP which you can spend on making it stronger or tougher. Now, pets... If you go to Mount Tilia and get a pet, you can battle other players pets with it. When you get certain amounts of wins and reach certain levels with your pet, you build up rewards you can claim. At the end of the month, these rewards turn into QP which you can claim.

Hopefully that shed some light on things...
Kiren Aranami (252462)

2015-02-20 23:48:38

Hmm, perhaps joining this house would be useful to you:

It should have a lot of information to help you out. Do you have any particular questions I could answer? What are you confused about?
Kiren Aranami (252462)

2015-02-20 23:27:07

Welcome to the game, Red. Are you finding your way about alright?

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