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Grim Reaper (692094)

Last Active: 2024/07/31 04:52
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Ryland. Ryland is the son of Renae and the adopted son of Death.. He is a Lycan. He goes by "Ry" for short. He is mostly shy, but is extremely protective of his mother and grandparents, two daughters, Anna and Skye, his fiancé, and the rest of his family from Death`s side. He is currently in a relationship with his fiancé, Lucas. Renae: Renae is a Lycan, the adopted daughter of Damien and Jasmine. She is extremely protective of her family and would do anything for them. Damion: He is a Vampire. He is very cautious around other people, especially females, since they`ve hurt him emotionally in the past. He is gentle and would do anything to keep his family and friends safe from harm. He is 32 in human form and 376 in vampire form. He cares a lot about his wife, Jasmine and daughter Renae. Kaylen: Kaylen is emo, and wears two snake bites in his lower lip. He`s really shy. He`s 15 years old. His parents died in a car crash a couple months ago, and his deceased older brother`s best friend, Colin, took him under his wing. Kaylen`s a Vampire. He was recently turned when he was in the car crash. Losing a lot of blood, the only way to save him was to turn him into a Vampire.  photo 766300_zpsfba625c9.jpg Colin: He`s 28, and is the older brother of Kaylen. Colin took Kaylen under his wing when Kaylen`s parents were killed in a car accident. He`s extremely protective of Kaylen. Colin is a Lycan. Born, not made. He comes off as very cold at first, but once he warms up to you, he`ll stand by your side no matter what. Medusa, who was deadly and cold-hearted after the Goddess Athena cursed her by transforming her hair into live snakes and making everything that Medusa look at turn to stone, had her heart soften by falling in love with the God Janus. She wishes to go to Athena once more to ask her to undo the curse of turning things into stone when she looks at them. She wants to keep that gift still but use it for good and not evil, as well as keeping her hair of snakes, which she became rather attached to after all these centuries. This is Aysa, a wood fairy. She is kind in nature, standing 4 feet. Always seen barefoot, her favorite places are the woods, considering she was born there. Her diet consists of fruits, nuts and berries. (Will add more later) Michael is an Archangel with light brown angel wings that turn a dark chocolate brown during Fall and Winter. His character is gentle, protective, loving and kind. He is married to Alaska, and has one son named Ezekial and a daughter that he and Alaska are expecting. When he had to return to Heaven, he had to leave his wife and unborn son on Earth. It broke his heart when he left, but returned to his wife who gave birth to Ezekial, asking God to take his wings so that he could stay with his family forever. Kieran has long blonde hair and greyish-blue eyes. She is sixteen years old. As her planet and people are dying from an unknown sickness, she, along with her older brother Koran, are on the search for the cure. Their parents, both scientists, were both arrested because they were trying to save their planet without invasion. The siblings crash-landed on Earth due to a severe malfunction with their ship.Kieran and Koran are on the search for the cure and to get back home before their planet deceases for good. Powers: Technology Manipulation, Telepathy, ability to read auras. Koron has blonde hair and grey eyes. He`s eighteen years old. Powers: Density Control, Molecular Manipulation. (Will add more) Pre-teen Picture of Aveline: Young Pic of Aveline: Teen/Adult Picture of Aveline: Aveline Marist-daughter of Death and Renae. Loving, gentle, kind, caring. She is extremely close to her parents and would do anything for them. This is Sylas Winchester, who is a witch, also known as a `Caster`. She`s extremely sarcastic and hardly smiles except when she`s in one of her `moods`. She isn`t rude, but is well known in her family as being very snide. When she gets irritated, the sky above turns dark and sometimes glass explodes. Being only 17 years old, she`s very mature but has her moments where she`s a bitch towards anyone who pisses her off. Powers and Abilities- The primary ability of witches is to manipulate magic as an inborn attribute. They access or use magic in a variety of ways to achieve a number of fantastic feats. ◾Channeling: The act of drawing or summoning other forms of energy, by focusing on the magic of another witch. ◾Spell Casting: The act of changing and controlling events by magical influence. Spells are the most common method exerted by witches to focus their magic. Spells can range from simple commands to a series of words. ◾Elemental Control: The act of controlling or manipulating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, and weather. Though not proven false or accurate, witches are believed to possess an unique affinity to particular elements which grants them greater mastery and control when performing ◾Telekinesis: The act of controlling and manipulating the movements of objects and persons. ◾Potion Making: The act of brewing and concocting magical elixirs and potions that contain mystical properties. While a witch`s individual magic is strong and strengthens with training and practice, the collective magic formed by circles is shown to be extremely powerful. A witch`s magical powers may also be stripped, rendering them mortal. Dawn Chamberlain and Charles Meade are currently searching for ways to re-establish their power, implying that possibly the power itself isn`t "stripped", but merely their ability to access it or it`s simply neutralized. Magic has also been seen to transfer over to other people, even those not inherently magical, such as Lee`s Voodoo ritual used to transfer a portion of Faye Chamberlain`s power to revive his ill-striken Eva. This method also works for various objects as well, which many witches use to steal the power from other witches. Weaknesses- ◾Ashwood: Can prevent a Witch from using magic when inside a circle composed of this. ◾Iron Sulphate: Substance used to suppress the magic of witches. ◾Colocasia Powder: Powder that prevents the use of Dark Magic. ◾ Witch Cruids: magically enchanted bottles. When a bit of the witch`s blood, a personal item, and some mandrake root are placed within and lit on fire, the witch will die instantly. ◾ Sways: magical objects used to transfer a witch`s powers to another person, whether another witch or a mortal, willingly or otherwise, ◾ Dark Witch Killing Ritual: a ritual usable by mortals(namingy witch hunters)that kills a dark witch. ◾ Malleus Maleficarum: a sigil that renders a witch, whether normal or dark, powerless so long as they remain within it. Tools- ◾Books of Shadows: Journals used primarily by witches that have documented various spells, information, potions, etc. These journals can be passed along different bloodlines for generations increasing the magical knowledge contained within. ◾Candles: Commonly seen tools used to focus a witch`s spell and/or ritual. ◾Crystals: Crystals are natural materials which can be used to magnify an individual witch`s magic. Crystals particularly serve useful for those bound in a circle to access their own individual magic or disempowered witches such as Dawn Chamberlain and Charles Meade to utilize the inherent power contained within the crystals. ◾Herbs and Roots: Various herbs and roots possess inherent mystical properties effective for magical practice commonly used in brewing elixirs or potions. Lethe root was the primary ingredient in the elixir used by Cassie Blake and Adam Conant which caused them to erase their feelings for each other. Circles- Witches are organized into groups known as circles. While commonly circles are comprised of six members, the numbers can be much larger or smaller. Witches form circles in order to enhance their power and obtain greater knowledge of their Craft. Occasionally, witches may choose to bind their circles, which is a ceremonial ritual of mystically linking the members` bloodline together. While this link limits their individual power, their true strength lies in their collective power. In 1692, eighteen families of witches escaped from Salem and formed three separate circles consisting of six families. While two of these circles stayed East, the Chance Harbor Circle, consisting of the Blake, Conant, Glaser, Chamberlain, Meade, and Armstrong families, went West.



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Grim Reaper's average rating out of 17 rates is 6.59/10


Saul Goodman (739977)

2024-06-13 01:52:25

Hey, how ya been?
Saul Goodman (739977)

2024-01-24 00:04:17

Hey, how's its going, man?
Blissful (703651)

2023-01-31 03:18:41

Lol Tag, yourself! [poke]
Blissful (703651)

2023-01-03 03:11:13

Lol [poke] You're turn! :d
Blissful (703651)

2022-12-20 03:46:02

[dance] [dance][woo][wave]
Blissful (703651)

2022-12-20 03:42:55

[tag] You're it!
Saul Goodman (739977)

2022-10-18 14:02:57

hey, how ya been?
Saul Goodman (739977)

2022-09-28 10:44:38

Hi there!
Blissful (703651)

2022-08-25 03:57:54

I messaged it and sent a request, so you know it's me.
Blissful (703651)

2022-08-25 03:55:26

Blissful (703651)

2022-08-25 03:54:08

Black dog? [hm]
Blissful (703651)

2022-08-25 03:50:50

I'll need the state, etc. [hm]
Blissful (703651)

2022-08-25 03:17:29

Sure, but it might be easier to add you from my end.
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2022-08-22 19:02:54

No worries hun. I have had alot going on here too and RL too
Blissful (703651)

2022-08-22 16:05:01

Yes. I have a Facebook account. [nod]
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2022-08-22 06:02:34

Blissful (703651)

2022-05-06 15:34:41

Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2022-04-30 04:58:22

Blissful (703651)

2021-10-19 04:07:14

Welcome to the Writer's Coven. [dance]
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2021-10-14 18:03:31


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