Vera Deathspirit Pachua is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Vera Deathspirit Pachua (692526)"Savor the lights in the sky, forever fluctuating and pulsing. It may aid you in healing your soul. Tis a wonderful sight, northern lights....."

Last Active: 2024/03/19 08:49
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,477
Karma+/Verve+-99 / 265
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles60 (+4%) See All
Missions R/P/S306/63/25
Battle Record97,451/56,753/1,126
Win %64%
Last KilledMythrí Celosia ...
Last Killed By†Kirito†Quinn† ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent106
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum`s Excitable Wolf (75)
Coven VirtueRed Dragon (10)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 21mil+



List 0.5

Rank 500+

50k+ Wins

10k+ Power

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8 Family Members

Vitality 1065    Charm 22
RP Posts 7    Coven RP Posts 9
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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Theo DeathSpirit
Iza R.Targaryen Pachua

Vera Deathspirit Pachua has 42 friends View All Friends




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Vera Deathspirit Pachua's average rating out of 64 rates is 9.11/10


Theo DeathSpirit (96705)

2022-01-06 01:51:44

Happy new year kiddo
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-01-31 05:10:37

You have given Vera Deathspirit Pachua a rating of 10.[3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-10-01 21:24:37

You have given Vera Deathspirit Pachua a rating of 10.[3] I multitask a little [hehe] when making profiles. When I need a break from one I tend to visit another.

This day I have enjoyed reading your many pack quotes and images. So steadfast and loyal, you are a beautiful soul. [peck]
vhlad (743771)

2023-10-01 01:41:49

im glad it made you smile
Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

2023-09-27 17:21:06

You have given Vera Deathspirit Pachua a rating of 10.
simply Gorgeous Profile
I'm so glad a momentary weakness of mine lead to finding Your home it is truly stunning
Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

2023-09-27 17:18:28

we all have our days...
I'm glad it was an enjoyable surprise for You truly
once I make it back up i'll stop by for a drink. ;)
and Thank You
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-09-26 10:29:13

[clap] You have given Vera Deathspirit Pachua a rating of 10.[3]
It’s our Vera! [dance]
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2023-09-26 01:55:42

You're welcome and I've returned the favor. You have given Vera Deathspirit Pachua a rating of 10.
Bux (8544)

2023-04-11 08:28:33

get u sum :)
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-04-11 04:46:24

Happy Owl (dreamowl)
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2023-04-11 03:38:10

Thank chu cousin so happy qq

*purrs as I'm pawed around the ears and nuzzles as I'm pulled into a embrace*
Helpful kitten can be more helpful now qq[3]
You have given Vera Deathspirit Pachua a rating of 10. Always a 10 for my pawsome cousin
Taija (739378)

2022-07-03 05:31:15

It seems I've missed you. I do hope all is well. [3] [hug]
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2022-06-13 09:19:57

*lies in the grass having gotten back home and waits for cousin's return*
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2022-06-04 01:19:01

*wonders and sniffs about looking for my cousin* I is missing my awesome cousin hope chu is okay and that chu come back soon [hug]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-05-18 06:50:45

Leaves lovings...[hug][3]
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2022-04-24 03:44:52

*meows going over her happily* thank chu cousin qq
*purrs happily as my fur is groomed by my awesome cousin*
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2022-04-03 21:13:34

*meows playfully and paws my cousin gently* chu got me cousin qq
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2022-03-31 14:23:55

[c=indigo] Enters her granddaughter's room & leaves a basket of wolf treats & a few chew toys for her... In the basket sits a note, [i] Just remember I love you... [/i] With a quick glance around the room, Angelina sighs, then turning on her heel, she vanishes into the misty darkness... [/]
The Veil (741300)

2022-03-27 20:59:11

I discovered what the profile rating was all about and thought I'd give you the first 10. [c=pink] *Strokes the side of her head.* [/]
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2022-03-27 17:03:43

*meows playfully as I'm pounced on and licks her cheek* hiya cousin :)
Thank chu qq
I is doing well thanks what about chu cousin? Missing chu too [hug]

Starrk & Lilynette sent Raw venison rump.
The Dice Man (736230) sent A Medal for Vigilant Tenacity.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent Mermaid Rush body mist.
The Veil (741300) sent Scandinavian Wolf Totem.
Ryo de Pointe du Lac (731415) sent Basket of juicy human hearts.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent VS Wild n Breezy body mist.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent red roses.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent a star.
Sunshine Birch (353331) sent Best Profile 2021 Christmas.

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