Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)"Sippin' Capri Sun like it's Dom Pérignon."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 02:35
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VIP/VIP+ Days39 / 37
Game Age3,453
Karma+/Verve+-642 / 60
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles49 (+9%) See All
Missions R/P/S615/25/51
Battle Record468,311/96,452/696
Win %83%
Last KilledRaven Dawn Che ...
Last Killed ByPrincess PhD V ...
Wins/Blood Today68/74,213
Avg. Blood1091
WP Spent172
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Hummingbird (50)
Coven VirtueDrake (5)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 22mil+



List 8

Rank 1k+

100k+ Wins

25k+ Power

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Married to Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) for 41 days

1 Family Member

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Special thanks to Linium (543928) for creating this magnificent profile.



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Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix's average rating out of 241 rates is 7.67/10


Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-08-31 14:05:21

💚 Minez! 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-08-27 03:16:49

In the quiet stillness of morning, when the world awakens with light I can never touch, I find my solace not in the rising sun, but in you... my heart's only dawn. I love you, Sylvie. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-08-04 09:25:16

Good morning, Lil Syl. I trust this message finds you in good spirits and brings a smile to your face, much like if it was a refreshing sip of Dr. Pepper for the soul.
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-19 02:47:58

Love is the strength that lifts us, the fire that fuels us, and the bond that makes us unstoppable. To love and be loved is to hold the world in your hands, unshaken and proud. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-18 03:14:59

If love bore another name, it would surely be Sylvette... a whispered melody on the lips, a feeling so deep that it transcends mere words. Sylvette, a name that captures the very essence of passion, tenderness, and the quiet beauty of two souls intertwined. It is the embodiment of love's every breath, every heartbeat, as if the name itself carries the weight of eternity. 💚
Kit Blackthorne (744006)

2024-09-18 02:57:46

You have given Sylvette 'Syl' Devoncroix a rating of 10.
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-17 03:43:26

🃏🃏½ 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-16 12:12:17

Good morning, Sylvie.

Though I have no need for air, every time my eyes fall upon you, you steal the very breath from my lungs. Your beauty defies my immortality, leaving me powerless, enchanted, and yearning for the sweetness of your presence. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-15 03:03:45

I’d rather face the sun than live a single day without you. 💚
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2024-09-14 19:54:20

You have given Sylvette 'Syl' Devoncroix a rating of 10.

This is gorgeous! as are you [3]
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-14 03:44:36

I have you. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-12 02:47:58

We don't miss. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-11 03:47:06

How is it possible that I love you more with every passing day? I don't know, yet somehow, I do. Thank you for being uniquely you, for the love and kindness you show me every single day. I will never take any of it for granted. You're my one, my heart, my hummingbird. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-10 03:35:00

Aye, lil’ Syl, you my queen, straight up. You out here flexin’ like a cold Dr. P and a bag of them chips, fo'rizzle, you snackin’ heavy, on god on god.

Dang, shawty, you the only thing that got me ready to break my grind, fr fr. You lookin' straight up fire, got me hungry out here!

No cap!

My only special tool is right here, in my mouth, ya feel me? I'm rollin' up fully equipped, girl!

Respectfully! 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-09 02:26:33

Je vais t'aimer pour toujours et toute une vie. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-08 00:11:38

Happy one month, Sylvie. It’s been an incredible privilege to share these past 720 hours with you, where each second has been priceless. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-06 15:25:22

Girrrrrl. you already know you look like a whole snack, no cap! Straight fire, frfr. I might just have to sink my teeth into you, respectfully! 😏🔥💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-06 04:09:26

My love for you grows with each passing day, my lighthouse and delicate hummingbird. You are the dawn of my heart, the sunlight that I may never see, yet you bring warmth and light into my life. 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-05 04:43:39

Oh yeah, listen up, baby! You’re my lady, the chocolate to my cookie, the Kit to my Kat, the Dr. to my Pepper, and the flip to my flapper! You’re the ultimate, the cream of the crop, and together we’re unstoppable! Dig it! 🕶️🤙 💚
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-09-04 03:46:27

You have given Sylvette 'Syl' Devoncroix a rating of 10 billion.

Okay, okay... I do not have the option to do that, but if I did... I would rate you a googleplex. 💚

Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) sent A Hummingbird Feeder.
I Love you from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - I`ve got you.
Happy Anniversary from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - The best 30 days of my entire life. All 399 years of it. I love you, Sylvette, my darling wife.
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) sent Lifetime Supply of Dr. Pepper.
I Love you from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - How I love you, Sylvette. More and more each and everyday.
Happy Anniversary from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - Happy One Month Of Knowing Each Other. I love you, Sylvie.
Thinking of you from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - You`re my nugget with Friez!
I Love you from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - No Liez!
Thinking of you from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - You Finez!
I Love you from Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) - Minez!

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