Melione Lethe Tulay is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Melione Lethe Tulay (693914)"If You See My Ghost Make Sure You Kill It Too"

Last Active: 2023/04/25 19:38
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,434
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S51/1/3
StatusDead (28780014 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780014 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record8,233/22,856/145
Win %27%
Last KilledAlgirdas Randa ...
Last Killed ByPiper Kitten R ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent3
Coven Crimson Arcana
Coven Title (Rank)Changeling (5)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 130k+



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Rank 100+

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Character Details

  • -Name: Melione Lethe Tulay
  • -Alias: Hunny Bunny
  • -Gender: Female
  • -Age: Infinite
  • -Bloodline: Unknown
  • -Species: Hybrid
  • -Sexuality: Demi/Ace
  • -Relationship: Unknown

  • Familiar

  • -Name: Soter
  • -Gender: Male
  • -Age: Infinite
  • -Species: Dragon
  • -Scales: Dark ashen with hints of red.
  • -Eyes: Beautiful bright blue
  • -Size: Huge
  • -Powers: Ice and Fire

  • Role-Play Details

  • -Absolutely no e-rp
  • -Limited text talk
  • -Prefer detailed rp
  • -Third person only

  • Current Song

  • Moonsong - Adrian von Ziegler
  • Character




    Get To Know Me

    Hey everyone, my name is...let`s just go with Ghostie. I`m super shy but friendly and kind once you get past the shyness and awkwardness. I enjoy various video games. Main favorite though is probably Spyro. He`s my special dragon child. Along with video games I enjoy reading, movies, music, art, and different shows. I`m pretty much always down to talk. But you gotta message me first.


    Images: Found Online | Table Layout: 714847 | Profile: 693914



       Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











    Melione Lethe Tulay's average rating out of 32 rates is 9.63/10


    Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

    2022-08-02 01:08:38

    You have given Hunny Bunny a rating of 10. .. Beautiful!
    Aalis Celosia (210419)

    2022-08-01 18:57:13

    Welcome to CA! qq (mir)
    scærlet (621812)

    2020-06-15 18:21:27

    [b]You have given Miliani a rating of 10.[/b]

    Very unique and good looking profile! [clap] Well done! [3]
    Dewb~SLeighin (719401)

    2018-09-16 18:30:18

    Yes,Just took a Little Bite of yas ;) :d
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-10 09:20:53

    You're welcome. :) [hug] [3]
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 21:34:49

    haha gimme a few kk?
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 21:23:42

    Oh the details on your profile? Hey, I've got a code that gives readers the basic details of your character. It's a little more organised and such and you can also put up a pic or general info and such. xD Want me to give it to you? ^^
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 21:19:16

    haha of course, no one's rushing you! xD I'm just excited to see what you have in mind! [dance] Text? What text? xD
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 21:05:04

    Hmm, I see. [hm] Well brown and the likes might be good 'cause it's somewhere in between but it's up to you, ofc. ^^
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 20:57:23

    For this character? Is your character more to the darker side or the brighter side? I mean that'd be a good start right? Aw, that's so sweet of him. [hug] Yeah they are expensive, that's true. x_x Hope you'll meet him soon. [3]
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 20:49:59

    What colours are you leaning on? ^^ For example, I'm thinking about red or black for my own but who knows? xD Oh right, I hope you get to meet him soon then! [3] Haaa, young love. [hehe] <3
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 20:41:24

    haha Ohh I've seen enough Victorian styled profiles around. xD Heck even my own is like that. :D What colour? [hm] Take your time, I know it'll turn out to be wonderful as always! <3 I'm also thinking about changing the profile, maybe write a new character but I don't know yet. xD
    Aww, I'm happy for you, love! [hug] I wish you both the best! <3 Is he from another country or something? If you don't mind me asking ofc. ^^'
    Thank you, sweetie. [3]
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-09 08:03:30

    [hug] [3] [3] Hope it's nothing too serious. Take care of yourself, ok? [3] [3] I'm ok, thank you. xD Just a little bit of rob drama but that's ok now, fortunately. :d I really like your profile, btw. [hehe] [i]Slaps a 10.[/i] :P
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-08-07 19:03:05

    :d Thank you so much hun! [hug] [3] Been so long since I've last seen you! <3 Hope you're well! [hug] [3] [3] [3] I've missed you. ^^
    Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

    2018-06-06 23:44:09

    Welcome to the Coven! If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask! qq
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-05-18 21:59:45

    [c=003333]You have given Majora Elique Malkavian a rating of 10.[/]
    Long time no see, my friend.[3] Hope you're doing well. :)
    Cae Stryker (257958)

    2018-04-18 18:54:23

    You have given Majora Elique Malkavian a rating of 10.
    Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

    2018-04-18 05:55:02

    I was your visitor on your map [hehe]
    scærlet (621812)

    2018-03-04 00:50:05

    [c=gree]You have given Majora Elique Malkavian a rating of 10.[/] [wave]
    Demetrice Maella (488480)

    2017-12-30 04:12:12

    Welcome to MA dear. If you have any questions, please BL me! qq

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