Kalamity Onyx Maharet is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)"Roghnaigh mé thú i ngach saol Tá mé beannaithe a bheith i do chónaí ... is tusa i gcónaí"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 13:57
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VIP/VIP+ Days16 / 16
Game Age3,422
Karma+/Verve+45 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationIreland
Collectibles16 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S184/7/19
StatusDead (28779757 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779757 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record47,396/89,636/94
Win %35%
Last KilledDiluvian
Last Killed ByMeona Draecei
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent3
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)Fresh Meat (1)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 155k+



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Married to Payne Maharet™ (694447) for 157 days
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VIP Member Payne Maharet™

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Kalamity Onyx Maharet 's average rating out of 92 rates is 9.02/10


Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-09-05 03:49:20

As he felt her hands find his hips he smiled warmly at the sensations her touches brought on. That shift of her features allowing his lips a chance to touch her cheek with the pressure of a kiss. They would have stayed glued together like that as his accent slipped through his softened tone quieted for only her ears even though they were likely alone. "Thy Lord hath sent me an angel even though she is more in tune with the darkness of thy world so shall she be my Doll and I her Beast forever and always in this life and all others." With that the wind blew caressing her silken strands of pure white which tickled his face causing a softened chuckle to slip out. He was beyond happy with her near him and that's why he slowly lifted her into his arms cradling her against his chest. "Let's go to our home." He whispered as he carried her off.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-09-05 03:29:25

The male strolled up behind her with quiet steps even though his scent would likely give him away to her. That gentle brush of his fingertips running along her neck and across her jaw as he stepped up into her backside pressing close to his little Doll. The pressure of his other hand gliding around her waist and settling against the hem of her pants pulling her til they were flush. A thick accent of Greek heritage slipping through next to her ear as he brushed his lips there on the pointed edge. "Doll you are my most beautiful of treasures and I thank the Lord for giving us our meeting place. I thank you even more for being mine though."
Meona Draecei (745071)

2024-09-05 02:53:08

Welcome to 404!
Acid Sainte (744883)

2024-09-05 01:47:48

Welcome aboard!
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-09-02 09:01:22

*He smiled as she brought his hand to feel the wee kicks of their little one and as the little foot pressed to his hand through her momma's stomach. He smiled warmly and chuckled softly just rubbing the small spot with his thumb. He was ecstatic to be in this life starting this new chapter of their lives together and he couldn't wait to meet their child. The flowers were gently set beside her pillow for her to enjoy the sweet scent of them. Then he gently pressed his arm further around her bringing her in to cuddle close together.* "My love I will always be so attentive and sweet to you. You are the dream I've been waiting for and though it's been a long time coming this is right where I always wish to be here with you. I love you so dearly and deeply and I always will with such passion. Forever and always my sweet sweet Emi, my wife, my vixen." *With that he gently lifted his lips to hers sweetly kissing her softly.*
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-09-02 08:36:43

He smiled as he quietly slipped back into their room leaning in over her as his touch reached for her stomach he'd have playfully brushed the flowers against it through her night wear. The softness of his tone slipping through against her ear as he kissed her there. 'for you my sweetest wifey, my one and only, my everything.' with that he'd have slipped in next to her presenting the favored lilies from her homeland.
Aiden R Fidela (309260)

2024-09-02 07:09:19

You have given Emilee F.D.O. a rating of 10.

For you, Ogha
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-08-22 21:13:36

My beautiful beautiful wife I love you so much!
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-08-11 23:24:10

He smiled and stepped up quietly behind her gently reaching out to wrap his arms around his beautiful wife and hugging her from behind. '100 plus days and still there's so many more to come. I love you always and forever my beautiful vixen.' with that he magically presented her some of her favorite flowers from her homeland.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-07-25 05:00:59

He smiled as she rested their hands on her stomach that gentle brush of his touch caressing her there.* That's understandable love you have a reason for being so tired. *With that he gently kissed her forehead and brought his arms around her protectively.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-07-25 04:55:12

Seeing her in his recliner he gently shifted to scoop her carefully up and carried her off to bed. The gentle brush of his touch lingering on her cheek as he tucked her in and then climbed in next to her. 'sleepy my love?' he asked if she had woken from the movement.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-07-11 00:15:47

*He snuck up behind his wife poking her playfully in the sides before grabbing her hips and twirling her in the air playfully.*
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-07-08 07:42:12

I love you my dearest Emilee... I have loved you since the moment I first opened up to you and I have desired you from the moment our eyes met in your garden... I will forever and always be yours my goddess of the night and my queen of the Mafia.

Always yours,
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-06-04 03:53:54

You are the light that guides my heart through the darkest of days and you have always come back to me. Be it hell or heaven or anything between standing in our way we always have one another to our deepest roots. You my lovely Vixen are the dew of morning and the stars of the night drawing me in like a wolf on the hunt and forever and always I am and will be yours no matter what.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-05-31 21:53:44

Emilee Raewyn O'Doyle you have me in this life and all the others too. May our spirits always sore together like our love of one another.

Forever yours
Draegon [3]
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-04-20 05:11:19

*he saw her playful pout and couldn't help but chuckle softly in amusement at her antics despite seemingly scolding her for them by calling them not nice. When she put her hand on his chest his own lifted to it holding onto her hand against his chest as he coiled his tail tighter around her in a hug* well if that was your intention my dear Emi I suppose I could forgive it. *He smiled playfully as he leaned in pressing a kiss to her soft lips* not that there was anything to forgive.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-04-20 04:58:37

*the dragon shifted as she touched his side a hand instantly coiling around her waist and lifting her against him as wings coiled around them both.* Heh wasn't nice to cover everything in glitter either my darling wife.
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-04-20 04:08:03

*the maw of the dragon parted and his wings snapped as he nudged her gently bringing the glitter she left to rain down against them both getting her back in his playfulness.*
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-04-15 17:52:04

My dear Emi [3] You have given Emilee Raewyn O’Doyle a rating of 10.
•Maverik•F•Shìffyr• (715642)

2024-04-15 12:30:36

I think I'm always funny. I try to be. 🤣

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