Payne Maharet™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Payne Maharet™ (694447)"Níl aon rud níos milse ná blas díot ar mo bheola, mo Bhanríon thug mé grá duit i ngach saol agus leanfaidh mé ar aghaidh ag déanamh amhlaidh...."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 13:40
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VIP/VIP+ Days45 / 16
Game Age3,415
Karma+/Verve+34 / 0
Game LocationDead City
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Collectibles37 (+4%) See All
Missions R/P/S191/25/14
Battle Record35,305/65,995/289
Win %35%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByLacey ~Vykos S ...
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WP Spent4
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)Fresh Meat (69)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 169k+



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Married to Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224) for 157 days
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VIP Member Kalamity Onyx Maharet

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Payne Maharet™'s average rating out of 91 rates is 9.77/10


Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-07-08 07:46:53

My beloved Alkaline, for as long as I can remember I have always loved you. That doesn’t change through time or anything. Our garden also holds a special place in my heart, even though I didn’t see you, I saw you deeper than anyone I had ever before. You know no matter what I am fully yours and you are my King, My God, my world, my heart and soul. Our love transcends everything.
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-06-04 03:50:16

Today makes 50 days married but we have been together if not physically, mentally. You have had my heart for all the years we have spent together. From the time you pushed me on my swing in my flower garden. To you making my favorite snack…through ups, down, and fights we always come back to each other. That is something that will never falter, I will seek you in each and every life. Our souls are twined together and forever bound to each other.
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-04-17 00:23:10

I can’t believe after all these years, you would still want me my beloved. We have known each other so long and have gone through so much and to finally be yours makes my heart feel like its beating out of my chest…I love my familiar and now husband. Forever and a day is not enough time with you!
Bjorn Sainte (689324)

2024-09-09 12:22:25

Brother [3]
Kaos Sainte (750391)

2024-09-06 09:51:02

You're welcome 😊
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-09-05 03:36:42

She knew from the way his footsteps fell upon the ground, silent to almost everyone but her. She smiled feeling his fingertips as they ran along her neck and jaw, she inhaled his scent and smiled. She let her hands fall and move behind her to find his hips. Feeling his body pressed against her back she leaned back. Her hands finding their place upon his hips, she then feels his other hands as it moved along the waist of her leather pants pulling her flush to him. She smiles and tilts her head just enough to catch a glimpse of his rugged yet handsome face. “I thank your Lord too my Beast, never before had I been so happy for that rainstorm that night. Now here we are, together as it feels like it was always supposed to be this way.”
Meona Draecei (745071)

2024-09-05 01:29:25

Welcome to the coven Nephew!
Kaos Sainte (750391)

2024-09-04 22:00:09

Welcome to the Coven 😁, disregard my BL I guess 😅🤣
Erra Sainte (747818)

2024-09-04 21:33:21

Welcome to 404!
Acid Sainte (744883)

2024-09-04 21:32:11

Welcome aboard!
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-09-02 08:45:15

*the undeniable aroma of the sweet lillies wafting through the air brings her from her slumber, she felt them brush against her ever growing stomach, she slowly opens her eyes feeling his warm breath on her ear and neck she shudders, hearing his sweet soft words she smiles, in a softened voice she softly* “my beloved you are always surprising me with my favorite lillies, I bet they are even in my favorite color too. You are always so sweet and attentive to me and our child” *her hand moves to rest on her stomach as she hears his footsteps as they move around the bed and as he slipped into bed next to her, she giggled softly and grasped his hand placed it on her stomach* “do you feel that? That is the wee babe starting to kick. I love our little life and what we are making of it.”
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-08-22 21:41:51

My beloved husband I love you very much!
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-08-13 20:26:18

My beloved, just wanted to slip in leave hearts all over to let you know I love you! Always and forever, it will be you and me and our wee one growing bigger and stronger every day.
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-08-11 23:32:05

She felt those familiar arms wrapping around her, she would smile as she felt his body pressing to hers. She leans against his body, her hands moving up to rest against the top of his, she sighs contently. She whispers to him softly “Mhm 100 plus of the most amazing days. I can’t believe that I get to actually see your face every day. I love you forever and always my amazing husband.” She could smell the aroma of her beloved lilies and smiled again. “Thank you for the flowers, you always know what ones to bring.”
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-07-25 05:03:58

“I gues I do don’t i?” *she said mid yawn, she snuggled even closer to him closing her eyes as she drifted off to blissful sleep with his arms protectively around her she always felt safe and loved when he held her like this, she began to softly snore falling into a peaceful dream*
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-07-25 04:58:26

*she felt him picking her up, her arms wrapped around his neck as she was semi awake now, she nuzzled into is neck, as he laid her in the bed, she moved to get comfortable feeling him climb in next to her, she moves closer to him, she reached for his hand and smiled, as she placed both their hands on her stomach* “mm yes I am more tired hen usual my love”
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-07-25 04:51:45

*she quietly pads into his comments, she looks around not seeing him, she walks over to his recliner where she would take a seat, she draped her legs over the arm, and turn to get comfortable, her hand resting gently on her stomach she drifts off to sleep waiting for her beloved husband to come home and take her to bed*
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-07-11 01:51:55

*she giggles softly feeling his arms wrapping around her form, as he spun her around her arms slipped around his neck, gazing into his amber hues she smiles warmly at him* ah you almost scared me my love…
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-07-10 01:19:04

My amazing King, I adore you and love you with all my heart. What you do for me is amazing, to think that we could have had this long ago makes me want to kick your shin. *she would softly giggle* what matters now is we are bonded together forever. There will be no one or nothing to ever come between us.
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2024-06-29 05:18:53

Just wanted to slip in and say I love you Alkaline…for ever and always. In this life time and our next, I will always seek you out.

I Love you from Ahvianna Duval (728664) - always and forever, til the world implodes my love. [3]
Happy Anniversary from Syn Kokiri (739771) - Happy One Month, My Wolf [3]
I Love you from Claire Elizabeth Hexbane (709874)
Catrianna Eiselekova (276753) sent Intricately engraved Long sword.
†Uta† (662469) sent Basket full of juicy eyeballs.

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